

  • Zinka61
    Zinka61 Posts: 563 Member
    YannieJannie, sorry to hear about the death of the horse. At least your DD will know someone was with the horse and doing all they could for him/her. I was on Fosomax, too, but had to go off for the same reason after a year. My stomach problems are improving now, so I may soon go back on. I'm afraid not to...

    Cityjane, I think I'm finally remembering what "eat less" really means. I don't know how or when I fell into the bad habits I had, but now that I'm back to eating lightly and for maximum nutrition (well, I didn't do so well in that today, but...), I'm feeling so much better I don't ever want to stop--aches and pains, tiredness, brainfog gone. I could start to sound downright obnoxious I'm so pleased by how much better I feel.

    Lestan48, I just eat plain ground flax, but I confess I mix 2 T of it with 1 T of maple syrup. My one real dessert of the day.

    Crazydoglady, I should be making broth for my pack. I should remember to make it for us humans, as well.

    Pipcd34, beautiful dogs and cat. Sadly, none of the dogs in my avatar photo are still living, only in my heart. Someday I'll get a photo of the current pack with me.

    Twhitehead7, are you a newby like me? I'm trying to take off the 30 I put on in the last 31/2 years. Sadly, it's the same 30 lbs I took off when I was 18. It stayed gone without special effort for all these years and then here it was.

    I'm enjoying this site so much. I've lost 7 lbs in 19 days and have stopped feeling hopeless and panicked. I don't expect weight to keep coming off this quickly, but just losing this much has made me feel so much more in control, and it really isn't so hard to do, more like a project we're all working on together.

    Susan in Iowa, US

  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,817 Member
    Good afternoon ladies. Well going to be another nice day and I am inside at work till 6. Yesterday was my day off and for the most part I did nothing but play games on the computer and eat. I did get the house vacuumed and dusted. This morning was weigh in and up a pound. Just glad that is all I am up. I have to get back on track and not let things build up and stress me out. We did go over Sunday evening and meet our new great grandson, Hunter. He is so cute. I went and got a baby book this morning and will drop off on way home after work. I have my BIG meeting with my manager this afternoon. Guess I will find out what the plan is for my deptment.

    Beth--I sure hope your foot is better soon. Sorry no one showed up. The important thing is not to give up. Seems lately I have more bad days then good, but keep on trying and not giving up.

    Terri--Glad you are feeling better, hope DH is soon also.

    pipcd34--Happy Birthday Yogi, looks like he got himself into a problem with the fence. So cute.

    Michelle--Great NSV for you and the icing. My cousin's children are 13, 10 & 7.

    Sylvia--Hope you are having a great time with your friend. I know what you mean about falling apart family. My dad had three families and a nasty divorce from the first two. So I try and keep in touch with my brothers and sisters and I know if I did not make the effort they wouldn't. I find that so sadd. That is one thing I do love about FB is I can keep in touch with family and friends that I do not see or live far away.

    Janet--Thank you for the smile. I can see someone doing that. You would not believe some of the calls we get at the hospital where I work. I do think some people have no common sense.

    Allison--Congrates on the job at the bird place. Hope it works out for you.

    Diana--Let me know what you find for the flabby arms. Mine are bad, two of my DGD's think it is fun to play with them.

    Carol--love the picture of the cat at the door. Glad she is getting settled in.

    yanniejannie--So sorry to hear about the horse. Hugs for DD.

    One Day at a Time.
    Blessings, Vicki GI NE
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,224 Member
    Happy Tuesday evening. Nothing much happened today except we switched from Verizon to usCellular and we picked up the phones and activated our service today. I was booked solid all day at work so really got nothing done. Hate these days.

    Sylvia: I can’t believe the Joplin tornado was five years ago! Hubby and I were down there after a couple of days and one of the pictures I took of St Johns is in the nursing book I work on that’s being published in February. All his main family live just across the border and some right in Joplin.

    Janet; oh, no….I’ve seen Orangejello (say it with a French accent, one word), Simian Joe, Pepsi, and Cottonbally. No kidding.

    Barbie: are you glad the Seahawks won? That was quite the game.

    Alison congrats on the job!

    Janet: ok I’m getting old…I didn’t get that what you wrote was a joke. OMG

    Carol: wonderful pic but no advice from me; all our cats have been strictly indoors so I have no experience in that arena.

    KAtla: glad to hear DH is doing well after his operation. I don’t think we’ve heard about that for a while

    Pipcd: wonderful pic of your babies too. I’m sure Rocky had a wonderful life

    Sprepej: wow broken ribs hurt! I’ve been here almost 3 years. I open a word document and type on it as I read. It seems easier that way plus the posts don’t mysteriously disappear.

    Terri: YES! Of course the River walk, but off the beaten path is a self-guided tour of all the missions. I believe it’s called the Mission trail. MUST see!

    Yannie: colic in horses is awful; I hope the big fur baby gets better soon
    OMG my daughter brought home a “baby” from school and now it’s bawling and the cats are freaking out. I have banished her to the basement for the night. Actually I should say I have banished both of them. DD#2 asked what to do with it (she had already tried to “feed” it and change its diaper) and my answer was “shake it until it stops crying”. OOOPS the baby has a tape recorder that is recording all the time. I’ll probably get a call from child protective services or something after the teacher downloads the recording!!!!!

    This is why I adopted a 9 and a 13 year old!!! Of course DD is upset and I’m laughing, so I probably should go LOL>

    Take care, Meg from Omaha who will probably be in mom jail soon.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,983 Member
    smiley-cool05.gif Jake woke up this morning with a stiff neck and has been miserable all day. I drove him to the chiropractor this afternoon and the chiropractor said there's nothing he can do until the swelling goes down so now Jake has a cervical collar to wear when he's not icing his neck. I'm doing a lot more dog walking and some of Jake's usual chores.

    smiley-happy020.gifCarol, when we moved the last time we decided that Bernie would become an indoor cat....fortunately our new place doesn't have sliding glass doors and we take the dogs out through the laundry room closing the door behind us. Bernie often sits on the window sill and looks out, but I feel so much safer having him indoors all the time.

    smiley-happy110.gifLesley, I gave up coffee about six years ago when I realized that I liked the sweet creamer more than the coffee. I tapered off slowly and haven't missed drinking it. I drink primarily water and sometimes herbal tea.

    smiley-sad015.gifyanniejannie, I'm am so sorry about the horse.

    smiley-greet024.gif Welcome to everyone who is new. We have all been here different lengths of time....the way to get involved is just to join the conversation....it's OK to just reply to one or two comments that interest you in some way. Before long you'll know lots of names and feel like part of the family.

    1056287i3zmwzup2m.gif19,000 steps today-- two hours of dog walking, exercise bike,

    253149qtzkf0ld22.gifBarbie from NW Washington smiley-happy020.gif smiley-happy093.gif

    My quote for 2015 (and the last five years)---The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT.

    My word for 2015 is "now"---I won't wallow in the past or waste time worrying about the future

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,716 Member
    stats for the day:
    on specialized
    Ride hm 2 gym- 12.39min 14amph 3mi
    easy jog- 30.13min, 9.45ap, 6.1-6.5sp, 5k
    ride gym 2 dome- 7.22min 11.5amph 1.4mi
    ride dome 2 hm- 17.32min 9.5amph 2.8mi
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,716 Member
    yannie, sorry to hear about your horse
  • garnetann
    I would like to join your group. I am struggling to find some motivation and get on track. I live in Iowa. Thanks!
  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding.

    *Kim, that’s a bummer about your cast iron Dutch oven. All I know is how to get it “seasoned” and it’s worth a try. After cleaning it the best you can, rub the insides down with oil. I used to use Crisco back in the old days. Put it in the oven at 350 degrees for about an hour then let it cool. After it’s cooled, wipe it out with a paper towel. If that doesn’t do the trick, repeat. Hope that helps.

    *Allison, congrats on your new gig! I’m sure you will enjoy the adventure and it never hurts to have a little extra cash. 

    *Sylvia, that is so sad about your niece. I hope she turns out better than expected. I’ll say a prayer for her.

    *Diana, I love a glass tile backsplash. I want one but probably won’t ever do it. Please post or send me a picture when you are done.

    *Carol, I’m glad Spot has adjusted to her new home. Usually they are happy where ever you are. Also happy for you and that great view.

    *Kim, you have a great outlook on your food and budget. It’s amazing what we can do when it’s needed.

    *sprepej, I feel for your condition. I’ve had back surgery (spinal fusion) and have to be careful with my back, but I’m only limited to exercises that don’t include bent lifting. Oh or twisting. Lol I’d be concerned, too. You take care of yourself. And I’ve only been here since November but feel like I have been friends with some of these ladies for years. Welcome.

    *Terri, I think it’s great that you take a salad to pass when you go to eat with your Dad or MIL. It is funny how so many people just don’t get it. It’s not like we are trying to force them to eat what we eat.

    *yannie, that is so sad about the beautiful horse.

    *Sally, we rarely have left overs or any food go to waste since our Maggie (lab mix) will eat about anything. When I make a broccoli salad, DH takes all the ends and skin and boils them to add to her dinner. He does that with lots of things that would be thrown out.

    *Margaret, good points about the trucks. I think your class sounds great. My DMIL that I truly loved, had Alzheimer’s and I know what loved ones go through both before and after their death.

    *TWhitehead, good for you to do something about your weight before it gets out of hand, like mine did. I hope to reach my goal and never let it get too far above it ever again. You are turning a great age, enjoy it while you are young. I was turning 55 the other day and first thing I knew I was 67. LOL But life is grand!!!

    *Anne, I can’t sit all day at a conference. I always sit in the back and just stand by my chair for a bit when it gets to be too much. But, yes a little walk around would do the whole group some good. When I was teaching, years ago, if the kids got too antsy, I would have them stand up and do some type of movement for a minute or two, to get the ants out of their pants. 

    *Heather, I hope the shopping trip is a huge success and you have fun with your new friend.

    *Viki, I hope the “new plan” at work is good news for you. Sending good thoughts your way.

    *Meg, please tell me that you didn’t think the joke was me??? And at least thought it was my friend. I’m still laughing over the last names you posted. I really like Cottonbally. LOL

    *garnetann, welcome to the group. We can give you lots of support and some interesting information. Unfortunately you are the one that has to have the motivation. Many of these women have lost the weight that they wanted and have been on maintenance for different lengths of time. They are very inspirational in that they eat right and exercise like crazy. Hopefully you will come in often and find the support you need. You can do this. Just remember, like life, this is a journey without a destination.

    Welcome to any newbies that I missed. We are happy to have you with us. To help us get to know you please tell us a little about yourself and please put the name you go by at the bottom of your post, with your location.

    I finally got all the totes full of Christmas decoration into the attic. The slowdown was getting DH to hand them up to me. We never seem to both have the time and energy at the same time.
    Some of you will be happy to know that I have not had a diet coke in 5 days. I thought I’d try this for a month or so and if I don’t see any difference, I may go back to one once in a while. But for now, my iced tea keeps me drinking between my glasses of water.

    Wishing us all great health and happiness.

    My word for the of the month is savor. I have to slow down and savor every bite.

    Janet in Myrtle Beach, SC
  • tngram2seven
    tngram2seven Posts: 465 Member
    Well hello - Got home from work and there were 67 posts waiting for me! We like to talk!

    Rori - I can just see you and Mars out for a stroll. I don't think my cat Shirley would go along with this. She is strictly an inside cat and a scaredy cat, too.

    Susan - sorry about the loss of you beloved pup. I taught school in a predominantly ESL elementary school. I loved it. Over the 22 years I was there, I saw my school change from a blue collar suburban school to a haven for refugees. You asked about exercise. I do most of my working out in the water because of joint and back problems.

    Barbie - somehow I missed that you were a teacher. I spent 9 years teaching first grade. It was by far the most challenging to teach but the most rewarding. I just retired in '14.

    Vicki - congrats on your loss and the DGGS!

    Michele - avoiding the icing?? You go girl!

    Meg - I live in Nashville - at the very southern edge of the city.

    Yanniejannie - Thinking of your DD and her interview - also the loss of the beautiful horse

    Pip - Darling picture of Yogi. Happy B-day to him!

    Terri - congrats on weight contest progress

    Janet - enjoyed the joke! Congrats on "no cokes"

    Sylvia - Thinking of you and family situation. Your painful past have made you a strong woman.

    Alison - Congrats on the job! I will be working at the Y while you are working at the bird shop

    Heather - Happy shopping!

    Carol - LOVE the picture of Spot and love her name!]

    Margaret - The church program sounds like it would help so many people.

    Dr. Katie and Michele - my previous married name was a duzzy. DH #2 has a very common, simple anglo-saxon name. It helped seal the deal! In fact, it is so common it was in a lot of the stories my students read. They were always amazed that my name was in the story. The first one never would have been there!

    Have a great night, friends
    Toni in Tennessee
    Word for the year - Opportunity
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,392 Member
    Did 1-1/4 hr Gin Millers Simply Interval DVD today. Tomorrow's plan is to go to yoga and then take the deep water class.

    After exercising, had breakfast, then went to take the donations from the church to the soup pantry, went to the post office, finished putting the glaze on my ladybug, got some ideas of things to make, then went to lunch with the nominating committee. We have just about everything filled. Thank G**, it's almost over

    - Vince has his physical tomorrow, too!

    - I'd never heard of eyebrow reconstruction. What happened to yours? I wish you all the best

    Alison - congrats on getting that job! I know you'll be great there

    Carol - when I took the donations to the soup kitchen this morning, I mentioned that I was surprised they were closed yesterday. They told me that they follow the school's calendar, if the school has off they are closed. I'm guessing that's because the volunteers need to be home with their children. Or it might just be that many of the people who go there have children and if the kids don't have school, they'd bring them to the soup kitchen and the soup kitchen wouldn't have room. Who knows? Glad Spot made the adustment OK.

    Welcome everyone new!

    - I believe Tidy Cats has a brand of cat litter that is supposed to be lighter. Never used it.

    sprepej - I have osteoporosis, but I was never told there was any exercise that I *couldn't* do. I do try to avoid high impact exercise and limit how long I'm on the rowing machine. I do try to incorporate weights and some weight bearing exercise most days of the week

    You can add me to the list of people who find it challenging to try to buy food at a reasonable cost and then use it. Thank goodness for the freezer. When something is on sale I will buy a few. I especially like buying something on sale with a coupon

    - OUCH!!!! So very sorry about the horse.

    - lots of different things go into my salad. Usually things that I want to use up!

    - Brian seems to be doing wonders for you. Thank you for sharing all your experiences with him and his good advice.

    Vicki - from personal experience, the kids will bounce back. In a way, I'm glad they're younger.

    Jailhouse Meg - ROTF about Child Protective Services!!!

    barbie - healing thoughts being sent for Jake

    I didn't realize Vince was waiting for me to pack up the boxes of christmas linens. I did that tonight. I needed to put the boxes in plain view. We had them in the livingroom on the floor and I just knew that if it wasn't in view, I wouldn't get to it. Sure enough, I did that tonight.

    Made some brownies but used to avocado instead. Vince has been eating them. Really, I'm not too keen on the texture using the avocado so I don't think I'll use it any more.

    Peeled some apples and have them in the refrig right now like someone on here suggested. I'll probably make an apple pie tomorrow.

    Michele in NC
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Hello everyone,

    I'm still at my MIL, I spent the day nursing her back to health, she has the respiratory flu. Not much time to exercise so trying to stay at 1200 calories instead.

    Yanniejannie - I'm sorry to hear about the horse! At least your daughter can be comforted by knowing she did everything possible.

    Janet - I didn't know that was a joke at first, it still makes me smile when I think of it
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Got cut off again!

    Sylvia - I'm sorry to hear about your family situation. You seem like a very strong lady. My heart goes out to you.

    Margaret - Thanks for the info on the truck blind spot in front of it, i would never have thought about that.

    Have a great night everyone.

    Mary from Minnesota

  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,657 Member
    Scanned all the posts… got to get some shut eye! I am really tired tonight - Made a great veggie/tofu stir fry tonight, I’ll post the recipe tomorrow.. yum! Even my housemate’s teen age son liked it and he is picky! Thanks for all the advice on the cast iron, I’ll get working on it.
    Best wishes to all and to all a good night!

    Twhitehead – visit us for cheering on, log everything, move more and you will be on your way!

    Katla – thanks!!!

    Renaejae – welcome

    Sprepej - I have been here just about 11 months… you do get to know the “regulars” and others come and stay a while and then wander off…

    Terri – good to see you chatty, it means you are really feeling better.

    Yanniejannie – So sad! Sending good thoughts.

    January goals:
    Walk every day
    Log all bites everyday
    Do a fun thing every week.

    Kim from N. California
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Allison congrats on the job and the fact that your husband said you can have that money as your. I am wondering if he is using a little bit of psychology in that though. If he lets you have a very short hours job but you keep the money then you won't go seeking a job with more hours
    Diane I love your term hubs for your husband. It just sounds so loving
    Susan some have been here a long, long time, others not so. I have been here about a year or so now and I still have a lot of trouble remembering names and facts. Some have a separate tab for a word document and others like me take notes. I for the life of me still can't figure out how to keep a tan open for a word document. I think it was you talking about carrying heavy things and osteoporosis. I have an order to get a scone done for my bone density but I haven't done it. Both my Mom and sister lost a lot of inches in their spine due to it. I was 5' 6/4" and am now 5' 4 1/2" but I don't feel like I am having problems.
    terri I do't know how big El Paso is but a lot of big cities have what is called a City Pass. You pay one lump sum and you get a book of which to choose several things. Once you have used up the alloted amount of passes you are done with the book. We used one in Philadelphia and we saved a lot of money.
    yannijanni so sorry about the horse. I know he/she must have been suffering. What is a chair dip for those bat wings
    Sally yes, I have seen the light weight litter but haven't seen it in big containers. We buy BIG containers
    Anne I would be sitting in the very back at a conference so that I could stand up once in a while
    Margaret add multiple sclerosis to that list of illnesses that you lose so much. The minute I was diagnosed, I realized my life would never be the same. There are so many times you grieve things that could have been. But I thank God every day for my MS. It changed my life and for the better. I was so consumed with being a nurse that the rest of who is part of me suffered from it.

    Charlie's physical went well. It seems like between him and the doctor all the right questions were asked. Because of his heart attacks and stents and the medicine you are required to be on for 365 days after a stent, he has not been able to have a colonoscopy. The last time his brother had his they removed 16 polyps. His mother also had polyps. So Charlie really needs one. But for two years in a row he has been on this medicine. February 18th is his last day of it, at least hopefully.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • LinCharpentier
    LinCharpentier Posts: 1,122 Member
    Hi you all Went to the last page just missed to much to take notes on all pages. And further more it's 4:30 am. Hope I get tired soon so I can get back to bed. Need to be up and ready to go lay my friend to rest for 11am. Went to wake last night lots of people.

    Had to replace the tower for my computer yesterday. The other just fried it was getting old and had done it's time so we just replaced it.

    I'm having a tough time with it all but I will get back with it.

    See you all lighter.
    Linda in Northern Ontario.
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,807 Member
    morning ladies~
    sorry I didnt check in last night, didnt get back home until after 6 pm as it was my late night.. just feeling out of sorts...
    DFIL was ornery yesterday told me to leave and dont come back.. told him sorry you'll see me in the morning..
    I asked the DH how his day was and said was good until I got home.. I know he was teasing but it really hurt.he has taken to calling me chunky saying he is trying to spur me to eat right and exercise.. I am trying but not very hard..
    have had alot on my plate lately..but am looking forward to the bird store job
    the money has to go into a savings account, no spending..
    told the DH last night I was thinking of looking for a 3rd shift job that way I wouldnt be here much and there would be extra money.....
    I have a credit card balance of about 3,000 and because we are changing credit unions, I have to change credit cards, well because my name is on the house and car loan ,dont know if I will be able to get my own credit card, they want me to get a co signer, and if DH knows I have that on there he will not sign...
    very very hard to do things when you have 40.00 a week to work with, and I buy my own clothes ,grandaughters clothes etc...20.00 of that 40.00 goes to paying the credit card balance off..
    the rest of my paycheck goes to the joint account to pay bills..now I am not going to be crabby about this because DH is super savvy with money.. he gets the bills paid and he doesnt go spending crazy..
    oh well, got up at 3:15 and got hubby's dinner and lunch ready, and then will hop in the shower and go feed DFIL..from there I go to the Kidney Dr,and then to the credit union.. and then to work
  • peachstategal
    peachstategal Posts: 398 Member
    YannieJannie, so sorry for the loss of the horse. He sounded like a beautiful creature and I know your daughter did all she could to help.

    GrandMallie, I feel for you having to budget your money so carefully. For many, many years our money was so tight; but, at last I have extra to spend or save as I wish. I hope you will love your new job with the birds.

    Got side tracked on the cleaning yesterday. Straightened out 4 shelves in the pantry instead of doing the floor. Today, I will tackle under the sink. I have so much corning ware I don't know what to do with it. So, will probably end up giving it to the Good Will. Then there are the closets and under the bathroom sinks. Our basement and bonus rooms are nightmares. I really like the advice to spend a little time each day and will try that.

    Gained another pound instead of losing. But, it's because I have times when I binge. I really admire all of you who stay within the bounds and don't give in to binging.

  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    Happy Hump Day ! ! !

    Allison, I am confident that you can work through these tough times. It's hard to make a plan and stick to it, just like with dieting, but I'm confident you can handle this, too. My hubby is the cheapest man I have ever met, so we keep our accounts separate still, and it has been almost 15 years.

    Thanks for the suggestions about El Paso. I saw the Mission Tour, and it looked boring, but I have changed my mind and will download it later today. Also, the City Pass sounds like a great idea. I have never seen or heard of it, but will do some research.

    MNMargaret - I also love the idea of your grief group. So many people forget that chronic illness (or pain) requires a grieving process, too. When I had RA symptoms, I kept fighting the symptoms, then I was diagnosed, and I grieved for the loss of my youth. DH and his family just don't understand. Luckily I work in HealthCare, so I am surrounded by people who understand, and keep me "real" about it. What a wonderful gift you are offering !!!

    DD just texted me that her future Father-in-law had most of his colon removed for stage 3 cancer, but they left the cancerour liver. I hope she deals with this better than she did the passing of my Mom a few years ago. She is just so sensitive, and wears her heart on her sleeve.

    I succombed to laziness and ate some of the pizza my DH brought home yesterday, and suspect I will also eat some of the left-overs for supper tonight, since it will be late by the time we get home again.

    Hugs for Everyone ! ! !

    Terri in Milwaukee (where it is snowing again)

  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,777 Member
    edited January 2015
    Hi Ladies!

    I've been reading ... husband told me he had to take the notebook off my face last night ... fell asleep reading your posts! LOL!

    Meg ... I am still laughing at the advice you gave your daughter for the crying "baby" project! They're coming for you!!

    A couple thoughts from what I've been reading ...

    Soda/Diet Soda ... I stay away from it all! Besides the documented science that tells us most of the product is bad for our health, I personally get chest pains when I drink carbonation? Probably excess gas.

    The 12 hour window ... this science makes sense, especially if you read the effects of our sleep/wake cycles and rhythms. It also serves as a kind of "damage control" ... limiting your eating to a certain time frame. There have been several suggestions over the years that give advice like "don't eat after 7:00 pm," etc.

    Jan ... so sorry about the horse and I'm thinking of your daughter's vet school interview. Fingers crossed!

    Alison ... I don't know how to respond to your posts ... you deserve to be wanted ... not looking for different shifts where you're not bothering others.

    Carol ... I have no problem interrupting meetings when food is involved!

    My foot is slowly healing. Wish I could say the same about my eating habits!

    Ashley ... the snowmobile accident victim ... has been removed from the ventilator. Struggling with breathing. In a lot of pain which is no surprise given the extent of her injuries. But she is in a better place today than this time last week!

    My younger son has been migraine free for a few weeks. He's receiving home instruction to get him caught up with school, but should be back in attendance on the 30th for the new semester. Anxiety has been a big part of his migraine problem. We're hoping that he's learned enough techniques to keep the migraines at bay.

    Huge unexpected expense. For lack of a better word, my older son's wheelchair van (which we own) has been "condemned." Uni-body cracked and rotting, structurally unsound and not repairable! Arghh! No money to replace this right now. And it was only a 2006! We were told to have it towed to a junk yard! To take away transportation from a power wheelchair user is like taking the air out of their tires ... they become totally housebound. We're scrambling ... but even the best case scenario is likely to take months before we can get him something. This is a problem because we get him on weekends (he doesn't have any care aides available then). Now we'll need to go back to a manual chair and try transferring him into one of our regular vehicles. Our son is struggling right now with extreme muscle fatigue and spasticity ... this is going to exasperate the problem significantly. **Banging head on wall**

    Always something ...

  • peachstategal
    peachstategal Posts: 398 Member
    Beth, so sorry for the news about the transport. Will pray that an unexpected angel will come to solve the problem.

    Ashley ~ glad to hear the good news that she is doing better.

    Joyce in Indiana ~ My DH had 4 stents after his heart attack and has been on Plavix plus a bunch of other meds for almost 2 yrs. The doctor told him on his last visit that he would be off of Plavix in March. Hoping he won't have to go on Warfarin again as it cuts out anything green.

    Sorry for being so chatty this AM. Guess I need some adult company via the internet.

    Carol ~ GA