

  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,094 Member
    Good Morning,

    Joyce and Janet sounds like both of you have found ways to cope with the unpredictable nature of your illnesses. NO easy feat.

    The woman who wrote Ambiguous Loss wrote this as a result of her work with families suffering because of 9/11. We live in a culture that expects us to quickly get over what is troubling us and do it in a prescribed fashion. In doing so we add another layer making it difficult for a person going through loss. The idea behind Ambiguous Loss is to give it a voice in such a way that it helps you to live in the NOW rather than to be stuck in ways that can no longer serve you. The author is also married to Dudley Riggs who is a major contributor to finding comedic talent.

    Beth prayers for your family. Being a caregiver is exhausting. Take care.

    :heart: MNMargaret
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Margaret: A support group for ambiguous loss seems like a wonderful idea. So many people have complicated family situations and there are many kinds of loss. I think of the various health related losses that come with chronic illnesses, and even job loss.

    Yanniejannie: I’m so sorry for the loss of the horse. What a heartbreaking struggle for your daughter and for the horse’s owner. I’m sure that tears have been shed and there may be more.

    Vicki: I am an only child. I have cousins and the family I created. My cousins are very important to me, likely much more important to me than the reverse. I do my best to keep in touch.

    Meg from Omaha: DH is making progress. The physical therapists he’s been working with have been amazingly helpful. We have to drive a long way to get to them, but they are well worth the effort.

    Barbie: How did Jake hurt his neck? I hope he feels better soon and the swelling goes down quickly.

    Garnetann: Welcome. You’ll find lots of support here. Motivation comes from within. In my case, I got really mad when I realized that I was too heavy to do something I REALLY wanted to do. That formed the core of my motivation and these wonderful ladies help me stay on track by teaching me good strategies and new ways to think about things.

    Janet in Myrtle Beach: We just got our Christmas boxes back into the attic, too! What a wonderful accomplishment. Congratulations!

    Joyce: Sending good thoughts for Charlie getting off he medicine that prevents a colonoscopy.

    DH is awake and I want to spend a little time with him before I head to the gym for yoga and core strength class. Sending good thougts for a good day.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    January Goals:
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
    5. Eliminate alcohol.
    6. Monitor sleep.


  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,657 Member
    Hi all,
    So sometimes I worry about things and they are little things but they take up more space in my brain then they deserve... one happened here, so I am choosing to talk about it on the public space, it is regarding our forum and how we "sign off" some of us choose to use our real names, some a nick name or login handle, some a specific location, some no location at all... in these days with a need for privacy for a myriad of reasons, I like that we can sign off as we please, in a way that keeps us feeling comfortable and safe, and want that to continue to be respected. That is how Barbie our darling leader has lead this forum in the 11 months I have been here and I think as individual contributors we should follow her lead.

    Just my 2 cents...

    Linda – (((((((hugs)))))))))))) wishing you peace

    Alison – money troubles are so hard, and so stressful… Please see if there is a way to lower your stress; it can not be good for your kidney situation… maybe use the bird store money first to pay the card off… You need to have things in your own name without Tom, just in case.

    Beth – sorry to hear about your son’s car…. But glad to hear Ashley is taking baby steps to a recovery

    January goals:
    Walk every day
    Log all bites everyday
    Do a fun thing every week.

    Kim from N. California
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    edited January 2015
    Kim: you pretty much took the words right out of my mouth. For many reasons I choose for myself what I put on the internet. I am with you that I like the way this group functions and appreciate the acceptance we try to practice for each other.

    Thinking of those with unexpected expenses! :(

    Yanniejannie: there are several types of colic. If the horse was operated on, she probably had the "worst" kind. I'm so sorry for the people who will have to miss her.

    Allison: I'm sure you will do the right thing(s) if you follow your heart.

    I just had the luxury of a nap but woke up so cold I'm shivering. At least it's motivating me to go to the gym and get warm!

    Hope we all have a good day. :flowerforyou:

    P.S. Jailhouse Meg...lol!
  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Good morning!

    Beth - I am so sorry about your van woes. A 2006 seems awfully "young" to be towed to the junkyard, but better safe than sorry with it. I'm sure the specialized vehicles are prohibitively expensive!

    Yanniejannie - I'm sorry about the horse. I'm sure it will be very hard for your daughter!

    Thanks for all of the compliments for Spot and my view. BTW, her full name is Inkspot, but I just like being contrary so that people question my name for her. :grin: I've though about a leash, but I don't know how well she'd do with it. Spot is over seven years old, but I don't know by how much. She wandered up to my back door in March of 2008 looking very lean and unkempt. Her hair was "tufty" and had an orange cast to it. She has turned into a beauty!

    I probably shouldn't tell this, but my best male friend called last night and asked for a favor. It seems that he gave himself a haircut (too cheap to pay for one) and, since he'd received at least three comments on the "quality" it, wanted me to look at it to see if he'd gapped it somewhere. I had to laugh when he walked in the door: He had missed the entire crown of his head!! He didn't believe me until I clipped it off and showed it to him! I think I'm going to offer to cut his hair for him so that he will quit with the buzz cutting because it is definitely not a flattering look for him!

    Alison - I don't know how to respond to you, either. In many ways, your DH sounds like my ex--controlling. I think you ought to look for a job that makes you happy. If working with older folks is something you like, have you considered applying for a job at a nursing home? You might need a few classes, but if it will help your income and provide stability longterm, maybe it would be worth it? It seems that you truly enjoy helping people and folks like you are hard to come by for some service type areas.

    I am not sleeping well and it is telling on me. I'm not sure what is so different about the past few days, but I can barely keep my eyes open today. :disappointed: I am, however, managing to keep my eating under control and reach my 11,000 step goal. :smile:

    I suppose I ought to get some work done. Again, I've read and commiserated and/or smiled with each of you, but I'm too foggy this morning to remember much.

    Carol in NC

  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Carol in GA - I had to come back in and respond to your comment about Warfarin. Warfarin does not mean having to cut out greens. However, one has to be consistent with the regularity of eating leafy green things. When I was taking it a number of years ago (I had a pulmonary embolism), I decided that I would eat my cruciferous greens three times per week. I had to stick to it, though, to keep my levels steady. It's really the vitamin E that is the culprit. I really wish I could get my parents to get this; my dad eats whatever, whenever with no thought to the medications he is on. Not meaning this as a lecture, just a clarification because no one should have to live without broccoli or awesome spinach salads! :smile:
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,807 Member
    good late morning again ladies~
    well my DFIL was on a roll this morning.. every 2 seconds get out of here,leave me alone.. told him sorry , and shoveled a small amount of scrambled eggs,and cream of wheat into him finished his juice a good amount of a glass of milk , and got his meds into him... ,from there I went to the kidney dr, still skating by at low stage 3, go bake in 5 months, then onto the credit union, got the car loan all set, and IRA all set,but I have to talk with Tom about credit card.. he is going to flip out on me, so more stress.. gee like I need that.. there is no way at what I make will they give me my own credit card.. sooo right now my credit is great, but we shall see..
    with stress comes stuffing my face which I just did.. darn it...
    working until 6, then home and to bed, and back at it again tomorrow
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,358 Member
    Hi all!

    Margaret - What a great idea to run a group like that. :flowerforyou: When my ex and I separated I had 4 long years of awful grief and I was the main initiator! :ohwell: The worst aspect was that no one really understood the devastation of leaving a long marriage (28 yrs) and all the regrets. It was truly awful and I did go in the end for "separation therapy" , which was an enormous help. Good for you for thinking of this.

    Beth - hugs about the van. :sad: Over here there is help from the state for such things, although always a hassle. Are the charities any use for you? Here they can be very helpful in applying for things and giving advice. They can navigate bureaucracy.

    Alison - I well remember money worries keeping me awake at night. :cry: I had horrible visions of living in a cardboard box! ! ! ! ! My brother then said he would never let me do that and that comforted me. :love: I am sure you are loved just as much. I always had one account which was my 'running away' money. Not a lot, but enough for an emergency.

    Well, my shopping expedition was super successful! ! ! ! :bigsmile: It was sooooo good to have someone with me who could organise the changing room experience (different sizes, rejects and keepers) and suggest ideas. I have bought several things I would never have looked at on my own, and a couple in a colour that is new for me, (sort of limey yellow/black mix) so I am very happy! I am normally a very plain dresser and I always stick to black and a very few jewel colours that suit me. Hardly ever patterns. This time I have a couple of patterned things. I also love the loose trousers I bought. I just have spent a bit more than I am comfortable with. :ohwell: Will have to raid a savings account. But I really do have the smallest wardrobe of any one I know so I think I am overdue some summer clothes. :bigsmile:

    Going to post a photo of DGS "burying" DH under a pile of trikes. The waste paper basket in the photo ended up over his head with cushions on top to make it dark inside.! ! ! !

    Heather in colder Hampshire UK

  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Good morning everyone! I read as much as I can, but there is a lot I know I missed. I'm sorry to YannieJannie's daughter for the loss of the horse. That must be devastating for her. So sad.

    Alison, your hubby calling you "chunky" is not trying to help. It's passive aggressive abuse.

    My trip to Springfield went really well yesterday, at least right up till the end. I went to my friend's house which is out in the country on top of a wooded hill. It's a really beautiful setting, but her driveway is like a logging trail and regular cars can't get up it, so I parked at the bottom and she met me halfway up the hill. We had a nice visit and I got to see her new studio space and meet her new kitty. Then we walked back down the hill and drove into a town where we went to a thrift store (fun!) and then went to lunch. She took me to a nice little bakery that serves sandwiches because she thought they should have something I could eat. So I had half a turkey sandwich on 9-grain bread and a side salad. Yummy! They had beautiful desserts, but I didn't have any. Then we went on into the town where the clay store is (south of Springfield) and spent some time there admiring all the new tools and things. I bought 550 pounds of clay and some glaze materials and a few new tools I couldn't live without.

    Then we went to another thrift store. That was a great store! It was done up like a high end boutique or something, with walled off departments and everything organized and displayed well. And their prices were CHEAP! So, I liked that place a lot. I got a bunch of kitchen tools that I can use in the studio. Then, on the way back to her house we stopped in another little town where there were two solid blocks of antique stores and flea markets. It was raining, but it didn't bother us.

    Then we drove along the river and she showed me where there was an eagles nest and a big blue heron rookery. That was fun. Then I dropped her off at her driveway and headed home. (She even gave me two bowls for my Empty Bowls thing and a bucket of glaze.)

    On the way home things went downhill. I was trying to get up to speed on the interstate and got up to about 60, then for some reason the speed started dropping. My foot was all the way down, but it dropped to less than 40 and I was nearly killed by one big truck after another. And it was 16 miles to the next exit! It was really scary and I was shaking by the time I got off that highway. I crawled along on the side roads and it did OK, but never could get back up to speed and I told hubby that I'm not driving it anywhere but around town ever again. My son thinks it might be the head gasket.

    I got to work this morning and unloaded all that clay all by myself. Pretty proud of that. Weight lifting is really paying off! Then I sat down and paid all my bills (my paycheck finally showed up in my account), including the state sales tax that has been hanging over my head, so glad to get that done.

    So, now I'm going to trim some bowls that I already made and throw some more, then try to get a little bit organized for my pot throwing party on Friday night.

    Have a great day everyone!

    (sorry this is so long)
  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Hello ladies,
    I've been enjoying the posts. I wish you all a wonderful day with much happiness and good health.
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
  • peachstategal
    peachstategal Posts: 398 Member
    nccarolb, thanks for the info. From what I've read, the foods that should be avoided are the dark greens because they contain a lot of Vitamin K which raises the potential for blood clotting (which we don't want to happen).

    Got my little de-cluttering done under the kitchen sink. Also, got the kitchen floor cleaned. Love my Shark steam mop. It makes cleaning the floor a breeze. I wanted to put tile in my kitchen but the DH insisted that it would be too heavy since we have a basement. I think that is ridiculous but after 45 yrs I have to pick my battles.

    Sylvia, it looks like you had a really fun day with your friend. Happy bowl making!
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Sylvia: so glad you're OK!
    NC Carol: cats often pick where they want to live...Spot found a good home!

    Got warm at the gym and am now making sauerkraut and mashed potatoes. Nice comfort food. :)
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Hi all,
    Yesterday was not so good. called the doctor and have a new prescription to try to get the depression back under control. Needless to say I am not so good today either. I just sat for a while and let Bodi lick the tears from my face. It's just about as good as a hug and kiss from my mom was when I was a kid. I feel bad for DH because he just really doesn't know how to act around me. I wish I knew what to tell him.

    Sending hugs to those that need them and High fiving those that have had successes and triumphs.

    Robin, Bodi and Ritter,
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy hump day.A snowy day in IL
    hugs jane
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Yanniejannie,sorry about your horse.sending hugs
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Finding things that make me happy. I get to see these two this Saturday. Olivia will be three on Friday and Andelane turned one in September.uo5i9fo6cx75.jpg

    Robin, Bodi and Ritter
  • hlbrennan
    hlbrennan Posts: 39 Member
    Oh my gosh RJADAMS - How adorable! They make me happy just looking at them, my heart feels all melty! How sweet, you're so lucky to have little ones! I'm still waiting for mine, *sigh* :smiley:
  • Twhitehead7
    Twhitehead7 Posts: 41 Member
    Happy new year! I'm a little late on the resolutions, but that's just life getting in the way (lol)
    I hope I can figure out how to converse with people on this site. I'm turning 55 this year( have gained over 20 lbs. since last April) and refuse to reach this milestone with all this excess baggage!
    But, I know I need help!

  • Twhitehead7
    Twhitehead7 Posts: 41 Member
    Still trying to figure out how to be part of a discussion. I have read so many wonderful things from various people, but don't know how to be included?
    Can anyone guide me?