

  • Zinka61
    Zinka61 Posts: 563 Member
    Happy birthday to adorable Yogi!
  • Lestan48
    Lestan48 Posts: 489 Member
    edited January 2015
    Had a wonderful Sunday drive yesterday. Mildred beagle really loves the walk at Ulverstone along the river. Very cold and windy so would not let her paddle.
    Came home and made the Sheherd's Pie. Had a long soak in bath before bed and only woke once. Stan came in with a cup of tea at 7.30am this morning.
    Monday and done my weigh/tape/BF. After following Brian's advise in 5 weeks I have LOST 3.75 inches, 1.13 Kgs, 1.4% body fat, 1.95 Kgs fat and GAINED 2% muscle and 0.66 Kgs muscles. He said it would happen and then body will be in a hurry to shed fat.
    Have cut sugar and Stevia from my tea and coffee now and it is OK. Doctor said I MUST cut down on sugar. Drinking more water and herb teas now.

    This morning I walked 2 miles and about to do Bob Harper's Ripped core DVD. ~407 (if I only do 30 mins Bob)
    Food = 1727 cals

    Beagle training. You have to be patient and they WILL perform. However they have GREAT sense of smell and go off in search. I keep Mildred on lead if walking our country lanes as wallabies, possums and rabbits abound lol

    Lesley in Tasmania
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,984 Member
    :D We recorded the Seattle-Green Bay game so we could watch it on our own schedule, take a break for dog walking, and fast forward through the commercials and half time. It was a very exciting game for us because we love the Seahawks and could hardly believe that they won and are going to the Super Bowl again. The game kept me away from the computer. I rode the exercise bike and knitted quite a lot on my Seahawks colors hat.

    <3 Barbiesmiley-happy110.gif

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,392 Member
    Did 45 minutes of the "30 Day Butt Lift" DVD. Tomorrow's plan is to do a few segments of the "Fit in a Flash" DVD, hold my plank, and then take the extremepump class.

    I picked up the donations for the soup kitchen from the church yesterday so I need to deliver them to the soup kitchen after the extremepump class. They used to open earlier so I could go before the class, but not any more

    - did you take out a second mortgage on your home to pay for that shirt.....lol? I love bargains

    Got the Christmas tree down today. Now just a few more things have to go out to the garage. So sad :(

    - that's neat that you wrote that poem. I very rarely correct anyone. I figure "who cares if they spell my name with two l's, at least they're writing to me.

    Mary - what's done is done. All you can do is not make a habit of this and go on.

    - I don't like putting appliances on the counter top, either. Fortunately, I do have enough room in my cabinets

    Made chicken this morning. I didn't realize that it needed to marinate, so I marinated it last night and baked it this morning. That's something that I can do while Vince is still sleeping.

    - welcome and congrats on the loss. Come in often and tell us about yourself. So sorry about your dog. A friend of ours "fostered" a kitten. The first thing Vince said was "how long do you think it'll be until they adopt it?"

    Have this tree skirt that I need to latch hook for next Christmas. Got it started last night. I'll probably take it to FL with me when we go down there and work on it there and then some

    Margaret - that is so nice that you try to pronounce a person's name. How many times I had teachers call me "Michele" and then they didn't say a word because they couldn't pronounce my last name. At this point, I get lots of different spellings of my last name, but none so bad that people won't even attempt to say it.

    - I really believe that we are getting used to less and less salt. I know that I used to go to Olive Garden and didn't have a problem with their soup. The last time I went, it was SOOO salty to me.

    katla - you can't think of anyone who puts away their coffee pot. Well, I do. That's mainly because I'm not a coffee drinker....lol Now the tea pot...that's out all the time.

    - welcome. Congrats on the loss and for joining a gym. I'm on maintenance and at this point, I'm happy just to be feeling good.

    Vicki - So sorry about your cousin. How old are his children?n Welcome Hunter Collin! You know that you have one special grandmother, don't you? I really want to be careful not to volunteer too much with the Newcomers. We had one gal who volunteered for everything, and at times it seemed like she was running the group. I don't want that to be the way I'm perceived.

    Yea for me. I know this isn't a big thing for most of you. But I'd made the cake (the one with the avacado), Vince has been really eating it. There just a little piece left. I put that piece on a smaller plate to put under the glass dome on the cake dish and I was afraid that I'd have some of the icing that was on the plate since I have this thing about hating to waste food. Well, I felt good about myself. I put the extra icing on his piece of cake. So I wasn't wasting it. I know, I know, that's not much for others but for me it was a big thing

    Alison - I have to say "thank you" for telling me about those Fresh Stacks (graham crackers). Just now I had some with the Green Mountain cream cheese/greek yogurt like you suggested. What a good sweet ending. Thank you again.

    - welcome! Keep trying and you'll get there.

    yanniejannie - oh, I do hope things went well for your daughter. Sounds like a REAL nice day they had for you. Glad you're home safe and sound. I'll keep my fingers crossed for your daughter

    - did Yogi get a birthday cake???? Give him a birthday hug from me.

    Michele in NC
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,717 Member
    exermom- no i didn't get him a cake, but he got a toy w/treats in it to keep him busy! a new collar and lots of love!
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,657 Member
    I work on Sunday's at a Embroidery shop so did that today and then it was so beautiful out that I worked in the front yard, weeding, trimming, cleaning out leaves.. Levi was tied up out front with me... he loves to lay on all the cleaned up area -smooshing the new plant shoots... grrrr

    Sharon – good for you to take your DGD – time apart is good for all.

    Mary – NO not freak out, it was a lot of calories but Cheers for logging and just get back on the trail for the next meal and it will work out.

    Heather - great research! And a crate of bottled water is a wonderful idea.

    Sprepej – welcome! Visit us for lots of support!

    Viv – I have a latte machine and it is always on the counter, as is the Kitchen aid mixer!

    Diane – I would say this is for most of us a life long journey and so .5 to 1 pound a week means you are really learning new habits.

    Vicki – how sad about your cousin’s son…. So quick! A new DGGS (darling great grand son) is wonderful

    Patty – welcome, I live in CA also – in the East bay area.

    Pip – cute cute picture!!!

    January goals:
    Walk every day
    Log all bites everyday
    Do a fun thing every week.

    Kim from N. California
  • edraper70
    edraper70 Posts: 211 Member
    Happy Sunday,

    I have read all the posts giving mental cheers, hugs, and prayers. So many good things, and some sad too.

    My printer died this weekend. I have to have one since I print a lot of things for school (especially from Pinterest!). So we went and bought one today after church. I really am proud of myself for getting it set up to print, scan, copy, AND fax. I'm not very tech savvy. In fact, just the opposite :# . But then I tried to put it in the computer cabinet and it won't fit! It's about 1/2 inch too wide! Grrrrrrr. It's in the living room so I really would like it behind doors that close. Guess I'll look around for a good deal on a new cabinet and try to sell the one I have (and really like).

    Blessings on your week!
    Eileen near San Diego
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Good night everyone! I'm exhausted.

  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Thanks for the encouragement everyone! My husband bought me 3 lbs of chocolates from Widmans if you like Chippers they are great! But not when I'm trying to lose!

    Sometimes I think he is trying to sabotage my efforts. I stayed the course though and did have a couple of pieces and logged them. I still stayed close to 1200 calories

    Now I have to give a lot of chocolate away
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    marywetterlund, I feel the same way about my husband not being supportive enough. We eat out most evenings and many times my husband really ask to go to a pizza place, Steak and Shake and places like that. I have multiple sclerosis and he likes my handicap placard because the parking space is larger and it protects his precious car more. So he wants to park in a handicap space all the time. Here I am, lost 60 pounds and have so much more energy and would prefer to park as far away as I can. MEN!

    Sylvia, good night

    Viv, we have a small pantry our kitchen. It does have a right and left side to it but we have the trash can on the right side and there is one shelf above this empty area and that is where I keep all my cleaning stuff. The other side was all shelves. But the area between the two sides was empty. So my daughter, her now ex and myself took a weekend, took all the shelves out, painted it a pretty color, then installed shelves on sliders so I could see what was on the shelf since there is no light. Then we put a shelf on the back wall of the pantry. That shelf is for all my electrical things, like George Foreman, mini chopper, etc. I also installed one of the garage organizer thingys that you put rakes, etc on. It holds my broom, swiffer and things like that. Made for a much more organized panty. About your coffe cups, ever consider, putting those coffee cups in something and mashing them and making a mosaic. It lets out a lot of aggression.

    Beth, did the pastor's Sunday School class know he was going to be gone?

    Allison, I saw that recipe on face book for the apple fritter cake. It looked so good. How did it turn out.?

    Yannie, 50 applicants out of 252! That's only 20% getting in. We wish her and you luck.

    Eileen, I bought one of those 4 in 1 printers one year because I thought I would want the convenience of a fax at home. Little did I know that for it really to work well I needed a dedicated phone line. So I just unplugged the fax from the phone line alltogether.

    Good day at church. We have a small choir anyway, about 15 - 19 but with several members out with the flu, the numbers have been down. Today there were 4 men, one has alzheimers but can still sing, he just has no idea where on the page or what book to sing from, 3 sopranos and 4 altos.

    Football games didn't turn out the way my daughter wanted them to. So I don't know if she will watch the Super Bowl at our house or not. We don't watch football anyway, we do keep up with the Colts since it is here in our state but they lost today. well, lost wasn't the word. They barely showed up.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Talking of the decluttering....I finally put my 2013 taxes in a manilla envelope today!
  • dreamwriter
    dreamwriter Posts: 610 Member
    I need to be a better friend. I have friends scattered all over. One just had back surgery and I didn't even know. One is having a hard time because her son's birthday is tomorrow. I have only talked to her on facebook and in texts. Losing Lonny was so hard. I watched him grow up and always kept track of what he was up to. Such an amazing young man. He was the same age as my daughter and her first love even if he just loved her like a sister. I can't seem to pick up the phone and call her because as soon as I think of losing Lonny, the tears begin to flow. What is wrong with me? He has been gone for 2 yrs. in August.
    Having Harmony over night was fun. This morning she got up and snuggled with me. We played puzzles, babies and did flash cards.
    Need to get back to having a salad every day and doing more food prep ahead of time.
    You guys made me laugh with all the funny names. Placenta Rose, now that would be easy to remember.

    Vicki- I am sorry to hear of your loss. There seem to be so many these days.
    On another note - It's a boy, what a joy! One more to snuggle. Lucky You!!!

    Meg - Chinook (AKA Snow Eater) comes over the mountains to the west and warms up as it drops. Chinook winds can gust in excess of 75 to 80mph. One day we have snowdrifts and the next no one would believe it had snowed. In Lethbridge, the trees lean east.

    Marywetterlund - It sure would be nice to have a supportive husband. As soon as DH. knows I am trying to lose weight, junk food appears in the house
    Thinking of going swimming tomorrow.

    More than tired
    I bid you all adieu
    -Sharon in Lethbridge

  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    Hi all
    Marking my spot for later.

    Slippy going underfoot this morning so will need to set off for work a bit earlier. DS and family came over yesterday evening, now my kitchen looks like a bomb site, and after all my hard work to declutter the day before! - it's my own fault I should have cleared up before bed, but I was so tired ....... now need to spend a few mins on it before work to get it spic and span (ish) again.

    Happy Monday everyone and welcome to newcomers -I'm another dog lover - one of many on this thread.

    By the way we had a short burst of snow yesterday - didn't lay though.

    Viv <3 cold and frosty York UK

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,360 Member
    Hi all!
    Off in a mo for the train to London.
    I got a telling off last night by DS for not asking if my friend could visit in the afternoon and just telling them. Whoops! My bad. In my pathetic defence I had only asked her to pop in for an hour when DGD is having a nap and DDIL is working in her study. It's not that they wouldn't be welcoming, but it's the way I phrased it as if I took it for granted it was OK. My friend has been there before and they have invited her to things before, but I guess I overstepped the boundaries.
    So I accept my telling off. :ohwell:
    As it turns out my friend isn't coming after all. She is too tired after a weekend celebrating her birthday. She often cancels appointments. (She has cancer and does get tired)

    Apart from that I am looking forward to seeing the grandchildren very much. We will not see my son as he is working late. We will grab a "picnic" for the train at the station on the way home.
    Slightly truncated workout today - with the extra walking it will be around 500 cals. Can live with that. :bigsmile:

    Love to all. Heather in sunny Hampshire UK

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,809 Member
    morning ladies~
    well Is feel so very bad, it is really slick outside,icy.. so wont be able to get over to my DFIL I am hoping that someone will be able to get breakfast into him..
    Tom does come on the weekends to see his dad, he gets up at 2;30 every morning and goes in for 4:30 am and doesnt get home until 3:30..
    my DFIL could really put away food, and we know he is slowing wayyyyy down.. he had one pancake and a small spoonful of scrambled eggs,drank his milk and o.j. but didnt really want his coffee..
    If I am there I know he is eating , If I am not there.. cant really tell..Tom knows that his dad is slowing down.. he says he probably has another year or 2, we shall see, I dont think it will be that long..
    Michelle~ nice little treat the graham crackers with that cream cheese huh?not to sweet,but sweet enough..
    Apple fritter bread was ok.. made it and sliced it up and froze it, that will go in Toms lunch for snacks..
  • Zinka61
    Zinka61 Posts: 563 Member
    Had an idea. I don't know if any of you are like me, but I'm really not very good at push ups. The last couple days I decided to do standing push ups, leaning against my kitchen counter, while I heat water in the microwave for coffee/tea. I did 20 this morning, and my arms are hurting. Baby steps....
    Susan in Iowa
  • peachstategal
    peachstategal Posts: 398 Member
    I tried doing push ups off the kitchen counter but it hurt my wrists. If I try to do planks that also hurts my wrists.
  • SwankyTomato
    SwankyTomato Posts: 442 Member
    edited January 2015
    I tried doing push ups off the kitchen counter but it hurt my wrists. If I try to do planks that also hurts my wrists.

    You can plank with your forearm on the ground. I can't do it with my hands either because it hurts my wrists too.

    barbiecat-thanks for the book recommendation. I requested it at my library. :)

    Have a great Monday everyone!

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,717 Member
    I will b back to mark my stat. No bike riding today, got the day off
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,778 Member
    Joyce ... I'm certain most knew the Pastor was out of town. His class is one of four and it's a "beginners" class. So a lot of the people are new... and probably reluctant to hear from someone different.

    Really botched it with my eating this weekend and quite disappointed in myself. Not sure what I did to foot, but it really hurts! No exercise! Getting hit with some unexpected expenses as well. Makes me cranky.

    But it's another day ... so trying again!