

  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,959 Member
    I can't believe how far behind I am! I missed the last 10 pages of January and now February is at 7 pages already! The stats on my January goals:
    January Goals (50% met - not so good):
    1. Fix TN house and sell (on the market!)
    2. Taxes (Filed taxes and receiving refund for federal but have to pay in state.)
    3. Exercise 20 times this month (only logged 10)
    4. Lose 5 pounds (Only .8 pounds)

    February Goals:

    1. Pay off at least 1 bill
    2. Finish MIS
    3. Exercise 20 times this month (already at 4)
    4. Lose 5 pounds (by eating 4 veggies, 2 fruits, and record every day)
    All to get to my year end goals of Financial stability and lose 50 pounds.

    Rita from Snowy CT
  • 7elizamae
    7elizamae Posts: 758 Member
    Can I join this group? I'm not 50 yet (46) but certainly dealing with middle-age weight and hormone crud. And you all seem much nicer than the rest of the MFP folks. :)

    I love reading all of your goals and words of encouragement!

  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    Just a quick note to mark my place. Off to play bridge all day. Wondering how to get my steps in today. Maybe a DVD when I get home!
    SueBDew - TX
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,715 Member
    7elizamae wrote: »
    Can I join this group? I'm not 50 yet (46) but certainly dealing with middle-age weight and hormone crud. And you all seem much nicer than the rest of the MFP folks. :)

    I love reading all of your goals and words of encouragement!

    yes, you can join, there is no law saying you can't... lololol.. we were all 46 before..... welcome

    k2boxlady - the other writer is right, you could be putting yourself into starvation mode if you eat too few calories.. look at what kind of calories you are putting into yourself. because you have a heart issue, I would see a nutritionist or dietician to see if they can review what you are eating and modify it if necessary. I would also ask a personal trainer (let them know about your heart issue and you running out of breath easily) what exercises he can suggest.

    what ever you do, DON'T STOP, DON'T GIVE UP!
  • Anamika703
    Anamika703 Posts: 202 Member
    Girls relax, stressing holds on to weight. If we are doing all the right things weight will come off. Eating too little stresses the body to hold on to weight.
    Breathe deep and attend to all thats calling out to u!
    Drink plenty of warm water, go over the positive affirmations. Put today behind you and start afresh :smile:
    Anamika from Mumbai
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    edited February 2015
    7elizamae, Welcome! I think we have a few on board who are slightly less than 50, and they have been well behaved. The thing I like about this thread is that everybody is really nice. nobody is rude or snarky like in most of the other threads. Where are you from? I'm guessing your name is Eliza?

    Red, I weigh myself EVERY morning, completely naked, after going to the bathroom. Twice. I've read where they say to do it once a week, but I really need to know where I am every day. I can do a lot of damage to myself in a week. I understand about fluctuations and can deal with that. Daily works for me.

    Diana, so sorry about the speeding ticket! Ouch! My poor hubby had not had one ticket in his entire life, then in the space of a few weeks he got three, in three different jurisdictions. We found out that for a little extra money every one of those police departments would turn a speeding ticket into a "parking ticket" (they called it a deferral or something) so it wouldn't go on his insurance. That sounds like extortion to me, but it kept our rates from going up, so we did it.

    Heather, I'm really enjoying your tales from Sri Lanka. I hope you are having as much fun as we are.

    Terri, I hope you find Downton Abbey. It's a lot of fun. I love the costumes. And the fact that the main characters (and the dog) never age but the children grow up from one episode to the next.

    Caddi, I'm hoping for the best with your hubby's hand. Let us know what you find out.

    Last night was the first night of the kids clay class at my studio. Oh my gosh, is was agony! I'm a very quiet person and those 12 kids sounded like they were tearing the place apart. There was clay and muddy water everywhere! They guy teaching the class didn't seem bothered by any of it. I tried to hide in my office or the back studio, but was pulled out from time to time to find tools for them and things like that. There were a bunch of parents who stayed, so my gallery was full of parents talking to each other. I was never so glad for anything to be over in my life. It really didn't take very long to clean it all up, so it looked worse than it was.

    I bought a couple of bags of cookies and had water bottles on a little table by the refrigerator. One of the little boys (10 years old) insisted that he wanted coffee instead, with cream and lots of sugar. His mom just beamed proudly at her little monster. The mom is easily 350 pounds and the little boy isn't far behind. I don't know why that bothered me so much, but it did. I felt really sorry for them both, remembering how I felt at 300 pounds, till I found out the kid was such a challenge. He kept getting in my face (or actually my belly button) talking non-stop about playing Minecraft, which I told him I don't like. He should have been in the back with the others, but he was out front with the parents and in the back studio with me. I tried ignoring him and talking to the other parents, but he just would talk louder. Something is wrong with that kid. He is home schooled too, so I don't think he knows how to act with other kids.

    My son has bought a juice extractor and has decided to do a 60 day "cleanse". I don't know what all it involves except buying a lot of expensive fruit and vegetables and making juice out of it and drinking only that three times a day. No meat or bread or solid food or anything else. I can't see how that is healthy but he said his doctor has OK'd it. We will see how long this lasts. He thinks he will lose weight and it will help his breathing.

    Well, I need to get busy. I hope you all are having a fantastic day!

    In Kansas where we are expecting snow today.

  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    They sent me two jokes today:


    They were amazed by almost everything they saw, but especially by two shiny, silver walls that could move apart and then slide back together again.

    The boy asked, "What is this, Father?" The father (never having seen an elevator) responded, "Son, I have never seen anything like this in my life, I don't know what it is."

    While the boy and his father were watching with amazement, a fat old lady in a wheel chair moved up to the moving walls and pressed a button.

    The walls opened, and the lady rolled between them into a small room. The walls closed and the boy and his father watched the small numbers above the walls light up sequentially. They continued to watch until it reached the last number, and then the numbers began to light in the reverse order.

    Finally the walls opened up again and a gorgeous 24-year-old blonde stepped out. The father, not taking his eyes off the young woman, said quietly to his son.....

    "Go get your Mother."


    A man was stopped by the police around 2 a.m. The officer asked him where he was going at that time of night.

    The man replied, "I'm on my way to a lecture about alcohol abuse and the effects it has on the human body, as well as smoking and staying out late."

    The officer then asked, "Really? Who's giving that lecture at this time of night?"

    The man replied, "That would be my wife."

  • Socialwacker
    Socialwacker Posts: 30 Member
    Well it has been an interesting week and we have been snowed in for most of it! Got about 5" monday, another 3 yesterday and I would say 6-8 more today! Schools were closed Monday, open yesterday and closed again today. Good day for doing some of those jobs you just never seem to get around to - like organizing the storage area in the basement! I am down there anyway doing the cardio and the dreaded core! Might as well make the best of it.
    Hope you all have a wonderful Wednesday and that you all have a "feel great" moment somewhere along the way to make it all worthwhile. Today mine came early when I got to retire a pair of yoga pants that were just too big! I smiled all the way to the recycle bag in the garage!
    Have a good one!
  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding.

    *Margaretk, we are happy to have you with us. I started out great and had a real slow down in January also. The thing is, I didn’t gain all my weight in just a few months so can’t expect to get rid of it that fast. I also tend to believe that the slower we lose, the more time our bodies have to adjust to the loss; thus less loose skin. That is me convincing myself that it’s better to lose slowly. 

    *joyce, I’m sitting here LOL because as I read your description of the strainer, I was thinking that this was TMI. (too much information). But it is interesting to learn. We too now remember our departed parents with the good times as the sadness, thankfully fades.

    *Sharon, my heart goes out to you. I suffer from acid reflux and pretty much keep it controlled with meds, but it is awful to try to sleep when its acting up. Thinking of you with good thoughts.

    *Allison, I am sending good thoughts your way to get your eating under control. I’m not sure what all they are, but maybe some of the ladies here can suggest some of the foods that actually digest slower and stay with us longer. That would be something to eat at dinner. Also you might want to be sure to drink plenty of water late in the day so as not to feel as hungry. I know you hate the weight you gained and you know we support you in reversing that trend.

    , I wish your DH a speedy recovery and hope it wasn’t cancer. Did they do a biopsy to be sure they got it all, whatever it was? Fantastic job on your weight loss.

    *Heather, I love reading about your adventures! Keep having a blast.

    *boxlady, I know (from experience) that it is very frustrating to do the right things and see no results. I have experienced weeks with no loss, but keep seeing my clothes get looser. Go figure?? Hang in there and hopefully you will start seeing pounds fall off.

    *Diana, so sorry about your s*@&y day but congrats on the loss. I try to tell myself that days like that are what make me cherish the normal days. Hang in there.

    *Terri, glad you made it home in one piece. I wouldn’t go out in that again either, for any kind of sale. Stay safe.

    *eliza and maryt, welcome. We take youngsters, eliza so everyone is welcome.:) This is a great place for support and information.

    I’m off for a dentist appointment, wearing a really pretty sweater set that I had outgrown a few years ago. It is actually a bit loose on me now and makes me feel great. Talk about “motivation”.  :p

    Welcome to any Newbies that I missed. Come often and join in the chat. This thing works!!
    Everyone have a healthy and happy day.

    My word #1 is savor. I have to slow down and savor every bite.
    #2 is opportunity. Each day offers new opportunities for good health and happiness if we just look for them and choose them.

    Janet in Myrtle Beach, SC
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Rita: Hi! Good to see you.
    Sylvia: I think you're right; sounds like that kid only focuses on adults.

    Just hung out some more stuff for the birds (suet cakes with fruit and insects in it, and suet balls with seed in them).

    My dog had a toe amputated a year ago and unfortunately he's not one of those dogs who "never know the difference". His foot now sags to the side, which means he walks more on the sides of the toes than on the pads. So he gets abrasions easily, which then don't heal fast since (of course) he keeps walking on them. Tried everything: dog socks, dog shoes/boots, you name it. Finally came across Pawz (I do not work for them or get anything for mentioning them); they're kind of a rubber balloon type thing that fits over the foot. Well, anyone needing them: I can recommend them! They don't come off, the dog can feel where he's walking, and they're waterproof. So happy!

    Having another important meeting about my work future tomorrow. Cross fingers, toes, or whatever you want, everybody!

    Hope we all have a good day.

    Cynthia :flowerforyou:
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,223 Member
    Well I see I am behind again! I seem to be having lots of trouble keeping up! But I do think of you all every day.

    We are having a snow storm and it’s very pretty. Our college is supposed to announce weather-related closings by 6 a.m. because people going to clinical need to be there by 6:45. So at 6:05 with no closings announced I left and drove nearly an hour to get to the nursing home. When I walked in, school was cancelled and it was exactly 7. So all my students were a bit miffed. Glad to have a day off, but angry that they too had driven for quite some time, some getting stuck, etc…only to be sent home. So here I sit.

    I have a dr appointment at 1 but I think I’ll cancel the PT at 4. Everything around here is closed, so I’d rather not be out driving around in rush hour traffic at 5.

    Red: good job on those great decisions. I’m a diabetic, so if I want a little treat I exercise first then eat it and that keeps my blood sugar in check. It’s all about choices.

    Pipcd: congratulations on riding your bike to work every day. That is quite a commitment. Omaha is not a bike friendly town, but we are starting to make improvements to be better. We now have one (yes one) dedicated bike lane downtown! And boy was that controversial! But it’s there now and being used.

    Sylvia: yup that is classic kidney stone! At least it sounds it. Let us know what the dr says

    TNToni: omg I LOVE to color! I hope my grandbaby likes it too because I’d spend all day coloring with her!

    Barbiecat: I too wander around the house to make my step goal. I increased it to 7,000 (paltry by your standards LOL) but didn’t make it once in January. However, each day in Feb I have made that goal!

    Mary: I hope someone answers your question because I can’t do it either. It used to be automatic for the ticker to show up but “they” changed the settings and now I can’t figure it out.

    Heather: I dream about being in your shoes in such a wonderful exotic location!

    Beth: oh my that sounds like quite an ordeal to get your son out and about!

    Robin: I haven’t heard about Bodi in a while. What activity can he do now? I now he just loves being your baby!

    Vicki: glad you are home safely! The roads were terrible this morning and I don’t usually complain about them.

    Brenda: such an excellent accomplishment and nsv! Keep it up!

    Tina: I had forgotten this was the big R year for you! I have a long way to go but when I think about it, it kind of scares me!

    Katla: I’m sure you’ll make the best food choices possible. You are so consistent. But I am jealous of your Zumba! I wish I could do things like that. Maybe that’s why my BP has been high….I’m MAD! LOL

    Janet: tell us all about the cruise you are taking! I love to cruise!!!!!

    Aromaine: we have a home gym with several pieces of equipment plus we are due to get our new recumbent exercise bike delivered next Friday. I do really love the convenience. But the gym is fun too.

    Red: I had a laugh thinking of your neighbors watching you maybe. I agree…their problem! I weigh nakkie on Wednesdays first thing in the morning (after a stop in the bathroom). But I also chase hubby out of the room, then chase both cats out, then chase the dog out, because whatever I am doing they hover around me and stare. OK now that IS weird LOL

    Gail : so grateful you healed from meningitis. That can cause severe deficits especially neurological ones, so it’s wonderful you got through it.

    Sylvia: so glad you feel better. OK Now about the strainer….they didn’t give you one???? OK let’s go with no, they didn’t. Are the numbers similar to sand paper? Bigger numbers, finer strainer? Go with the bigger numbers then, maybe like a 450. Or pee through cloth? Sorry I am laughing. I am picturing you atop the bucket with two strainers (both covered with glaze). And the cranberry juice…you need to drink TONS for any effect, so don’t worry! Just stay better!!!

    CP: in my lack of consistency in posting, I missed the saying you mention. I’m so glad you did. I love it and will remember that. Thanks also to whoever said it to begin with!

    Lisa: sorry you had such a bad month! Staying on track is so difficult especially when we are ill. Most people lose their appetites when sick; not me I eat everything in sight. Just stay on your path and these ups and downs will average out .

    Mary: YOW!!!!! I hope your ankle is not injured badly

    Kim: glad your meet up went well!

    Sharon: I hope you feel better soon. Hubby has the reflux too at times and I know how miserable he is!

    Alison: I’m sorry you have been having such a time. I think you have so much stress in your life it is hard to concentrate on yourself. Please take care. I forgot where you live that you are getting so much snow?

    Caddi: praying for the best news possible for DH; take care of yourself and try to buy some healthy snacks so you have some choice

    K2boxlady: eat more! Your body goes into starvation mode and conserves fat when you eat so few. It literally thinks you are starving. Eat at least 1200 calories. Other ladies here eat different amounts. But I think if you increased your calories you would actually start losing.

    Anamika: so glad to see your holistic approach!

    Well ladies I know I haven’t replied to everone, but it’s time to get up and get 10 minutes on the treadmill before the dr. Take care everyone! Meg from wintery Omaha
  • lisac195
    lisac195 Posts: 54 Member
    edited February 2015
    I am seeing a lot of people saying that you must eat 1200 net calories a day or you won't lose. However, even with that amount (and I am now afraid to eat many of my exercise calories after seeing so many people say that is wrong on here) I am not losing this month. It says when I set my goals that I should lose only 0.6 pounds per week at that amount which is not much and leaves virtually NO room for error. Depressing.
  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    According to myfitnesspal, and the health professionals I work with, if a body does not get enough calories, especially from healthy sources, it will have a harder time shedding the un-needed fat, but will occasionally burn muscle. That being said, "enough calories" is different for every person. Plus, regardless of how strict you are at staying within the "correct" calories and exercise, a body will plateau on occasion, and I have not figured out what works for me to get past that situation. I just keep on keeping on, and hope the clothes fits better or the scale moves eventually. Every pound I do NOT gain is a win in my opinion, and a loss is a bonus :D In the spirit of being supportive in this "group", I'm not saying that my opinion is correct, only that I worry that a person may not be healthy, and I wish for everyone to be "healthy, wealthy, and wise".

    Hugs for Everyone ! ! !

    Terri in Milwaukee
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,887 Member
    Hi all and welcome to all the newbies!!! My daughter from Seattle showed up on Friday night as a surprise for my birthday and I did not log for two days but don't think I did too badly as I did not gain any weight. While she was here we went through pictures and organized them into boxes. What fun looking at some of those old pictures!! I laughed until I cried but we got a lot done. She went back home yesterday and now I have to get back to my regular schedule with exercise and eating.

    I walked a total of 119.04 miles in January, my goal was 115. I am setting my goal for February at 110 as it is a shorter month. That will still mean that I have to average slightly more per day. My other goals are six glasses of water per day and 3x per week at the fitness center.

    Sylvia - My DH has kidney stones and was told by his urologist to drink lemonade every day, something with at least 12%-15% juice. My DD also has had kidney stones and she drinks lemonade religiously.

    Sally - loved the video. Thanks.

    Tina - I finally retired last year but it was a hard decision. I went back PRN (as needed) so now only work when called. I average about 1 day per month. I really do like being retired but it is nice to catch up with people at work once in while.

    Heather - It sounds like you are having a wonderful memorable adventure.

    Healing angels to all who need them and congratulations to those with victories. Sue in SD
  • crazyDogLady61
    crazyDogLady61 Posts: 62 Member
    Good day dear ladies!

    K2boxlady and Lisac195: There is nothing magical about 1200, but for the AVERAGE woman, that is the bottom number where you can get enough calories to maintain with no exercise. It is the number, that when you drop below it, your body will shift into starvation mode. It is also a number where it is reasonable to believe that the AVERAGE person can get enough micro- and macro- nutrients. Nobody is AVERAGE. We all have to feel around for the right number for us. Make sure to weigh and measure ALL food and log it so you are absolutely sure you know how much you are really eating. It is really easy to add more than 500 calories a day by eyeballing!! One other (not so) small thing is net vs gross calories!! My advice is to make sure to eat at least 1200 GROSS calories. Unless you are using a heart rate monitor, the exercise calories that most tools gives you have a tendency to be high (calibrated for men). I will eat back either my “step” calories or my “exercise” calories, but rarely both. You did not get here overnight, it will take a while to move forward. Plateaus happen. This support group is the best for helping you keep on keeping on until you can bust through.

    What a morning! Got up extra early because it was run day. Fed the dogs and the cows in record time – I was on track to be early to work even with my run – Big sigh. The podcast I listen to would not load. I finally just re-started the iPhone and we were good to go. Talga was keeping lovely pace with me and we did our first mile in record time. (I normally flail around for at least the first 5 minutes but I fell right into rhythm after less than 100 yards.) First mile was my best time ever for first mile. I stretched just a little more and was cruising. A half mile later we are joined by a loose large white livestock guardian dog. It was filthy and I have my intact boy with me, so I am not going to mess with it. Poor Talga kept turning around, he’s following us --- no baby keep moving --- Mommy!! --- Keep moving!! It was a slog the rest of the run to keep my dog on track. Of course, the dumb thing followed me home. I put my dog away and went to take it back to a neighbor who has that breed. I tried popping it in a pen (since it is o’dark thirty in the morning). The dog was having none of that and then I spotted these people’s dogs. The stupid dog is right it doesn’t live here. So I headed down to the next house that has small livestock. When we got to the top of that driveway the dog galloped on down. OK stupid dog went home. I am now late and the second dog did not get his mile walk yet!!! Big sigh. The things we do to try to get a little extra exercise in the morning!

    Bonus find! I am often short both protein and calcium. I found these 12oz bottle of chocolate “milk”. They are basically milk with extra whey and flavor. 21 grams of protein and a more than half the calcium for the day for just 180 calories. Yes, they do use an artificial sweetener, but I figure since that is my only source it is OK. Shake it up and it is like a milkshake. They are only $1 a bottle so affordable, too. They have become my after run breakfast, because I should eat, but am not really hungry after a run.

    Looking for the joy in every day, just like my dogs.
    Remember to breathe…

    Sally W.





  • lisac195
    lisac195 Posts: 54 Member
    edited February 2015
    Thanks everyone. Having a rough time but I will push through.
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Hi all,
    So on the scale issue I weigh twice a day like Barbie does. I will usually weigh 2-4 pounds less in the morning.

    To the person who was on 1000 calories a day and frustrated about not losing. Are your calories densely nutritious? Are you drinking lots and lots of water? Those are the things that will help your metablolism and spur the weight loss.

    Meg - On good days Bodi can get around walking and even a little jogging. On bad days he has a lot of trouble getting up and he can fall back down the stairs. His hind legs constantly cross over each other and he will fall down when trying to poop. He can't really tell when he will poop so lots of accidents and if he gets excited he will pee if he hasn't just gone. Ritter constantly bowls him over if they are outside playing and will knock him down in the house. so that is a combined 165 pounds of lab running around and falling down. (Bodi is 85 and Ritter is 80)

    I read everything. I can't comment on everything.

    By the Michelle I love how your pool turned out. I remember the early pictures when you were just getting started.

    Have a great day

    Robin, Bodi and Ritter
  • crazyDogLady61
    crazyDogLady61 Posts: 62 Member
    Lisac195: One more thing you can do, is to check you MFP reports. Compare when you were losing weight to all the possible charts you can. Was your protein higher? Maybe higher fiber? Could be you were eating more fats? Knowledge is power. It might be just the little piece of information you were missing to get yourself kick started again.

    To any Map My Fitness users: There is a new challenge for February. It is a log so many steps and log your hydration challenge. This could be a good motivator to up your step count this month!!

    Looking for the joy in every day, just like my dogs.
    Remember to breathe…

    Sally W.





  • stephv710
    stephv710 Posts: 7 Member
    So glad to see women in my age group! Finally decided to get serious after half-a$$ing it for so long and quit blaming my weight on everything but myself.

    My first goal is to log every single bite of food/drink that passes my lips. My next goal will be to start moving. I can't seem to get motivated to work out during the week, since I go to work in the dark and come home in the dark. Need to get to the gym at lunch. Weekends I do well, but need to step it up.

    I'm enjoying reading everyone's posts and stalking your diaries. I love to see what others are eating and get some ideas.

    Stephanie in Central OR. :smile:

  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,817 Member
    Well I have finally got all of January read and tomorrow can start Febuary. We had another snow storm early this morning and left us with another 4-6 inches of snow. DH brought me to work in the 4 wheel drive so have to waite for him to pick me up. Not a big deal as I joined a Bible Study last week and have some studys to do so will work on that while I am waiting.
    We have so many new people takes awhile to keep up. That is great! We are all in this together.
    Sue--sending prayers for you best friends DGD.

    Meg--sorry to hear about your knee and surgery down the road. Be careful on this ice. Love the cat story and do think her heart is in the right place. Thanks for the smile about running around naked and the people in the park watching.

    Lesley--Happy B-lated 39th.

    Rori--thanks for sharing the picture. It is great when we can meet and share.

    Sharon--OMG! in the mircowave!! Gave me a good smile. So sorry to hear about DS, hoping he can get things worked out.

    Michelle--Thanks for sharing the before picture of the praying mantis. Be looking forward to the after picture. Looks like a pretty good size. Is the ladybug as big?

    Heather--Sure hope you are feeling better and having another great trip we can hear about. I have done so much traveling (in my mind) the last year. Thank you so much for sharing.

    Ladies have a good rest of the day and hope you are staying warm and safe. One Day at a Time.
    Blessings, Vicki GI NE