

  • celticlass69
    celticlass69 Posts: 61 Member
    Hi everyone, I'm new to the group so my goals for Feb 2013?

    1) Maintain weight loss
    2) Tone up
    3) Meal planning ie, variety, convenience, options, new foods
    4) Help others who are on this journey

    I must say how suprised I am at how much little changes can affect me. I thought at the beginning that 2 L of water a day would kill me. Now I'm actually looking forward to drinking water.
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,090 Member
    Love the chameleon!
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,350 Member
    edited February 2015
    Hi there lovely ladies!

    Too tired to say much, but I've read through the posts with my eyes closing every few seconds and I thought I'd just updste you.

    Flight was v cramped and uncomfortable and I only slept for about 30 mins, but I watched two great films, one French, one German and the food was better than average.
    Picked up at the sirport - our driver seems very nice, educated and organised - and we managed to get a nice long swim in at the pool. Burnt off a few cals. We chose a la carte tonight and I had cuttlefish curry with rice and a selection of veg curries. There also were relishes and yoghourt. Didn't eat too badly. We have bought lots of water and have been making tea in the room and also mixing it with Pernod which we brought with us. It has been out 6 o'clock tipple for years now.
    - I dozed off after swimming, but I am almost ready for bed now despite the jet lag. I have a little night light for reading if I can't sleep.
    - Early rising tomorrow for a long drive to the Cultural Triangle. Nice Hotel. An elephant ride late afternoon. There is a lot of wildlife at this next hotel with viewing spots. Our room is elevated with views! I think.
    - My back was plaguing me on the plane, but the swim seems to have done it good. Crossing fingers for the long drive. We will probably try to purloin some of the breakfast to have for lunch. :bigsmile: That usually works for us.
    - Got to set the alarm!
    - love to all, Heather, beginning to relax in Sri Lanka.
  • fitgranny56
    fitgranny56 Posts: 19 Member
    I'm here for anyone wanting a buddy. Have over 40 lbs to lose
  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    • Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding.
    *I take fiber supplements every day as needed due to some meds. I recently switched to the gummies and even though they add 15 calories a day, I have found that it is like a desert. I’m not a big desert eater but do enjoy just a little bite of something sweet after dinner. These are doing the trick. 

    *Michele, what a beautiful pool and yard. Yes, some color on that little critter would be good. 

    *Toni, I hope your back gets better soon.

    *Joyce, you made me laugh about Charlie channel surfing. What is it about men and that clicker? And why does it drive me so crazy? So many questions and so few answers. 

    *Sweepypie, I hope the weight loss wasn’t due to you being poorly, but congrats on the loss!!! I hope you start feeling up to par soon.

    *Sassy, how long did you say all that organizing took? Wow! First of all, where did you find him? My hubby is a neat freak and likes organization but I can’t see him having the patience for a project like that. You have to feel great to have all that done. And talk about quality time together. Way to go.

    * auburn
    , Welcome. Visiting this group each day is a great way to get support and learn valuable tips for this lifestyle. Come often and let us know what is going on with you and we will gladly support you in your journey. There is no joining needed.. just come on in.

    , good luck with “the big squeeze”. It’s just one of the many joys of being a woman.  I have to say that I have found a few things I do like about being older: No monthly cycles, don’t have to shave as often, can act a little nutty when the occasion calls for it and just pass it off as “crazy old lady”, oh yes and the forgetfulness-I can’t remember any others at the moment. 

    *Carol, good Dr visit. Don’t you love those? :)

    *Sylvia, I love the picture and the colors. That’s a great idea for the praying mantis.
    Good joke as always. 

    *celticlass, welcome and good for you on the water drinking.

    *Heather, sorry the flight was not the best, but glad you too the opportunity to see some good movies. Wishing you a wonderful adventure for the rest of your trip.

    So far today, I have made a pot of beef stew. I have a meeting tonight that I had to make deviled eggs for and that is done. Now I need to give myself a haircut and take my shower. Hopefully I can work in time for my exercise before I have to leave. I’m not good at doing it at night so don’t want to wait until I get home.

    Welcome to any Newbies that I missed. We are always happy to have you join us.

    My word for now is savor. I have to slow down and savor every bite.
    But, I also like opportunity. Each day offers new opportunities for good health and happiness if we just look for them and choose them.

    Janet in Myrtle Beach, SC
  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    Happy Monday ! ! !

    It was a busy weekend again, but I fell asleep smiling. DS bowled average at league Saturday, then I drove him and a friend to Park/Rec basketball, made mac & cheese and apples for them for lunch, then friend went home around 4:00pm. That's when DS and I went grocery shopping, and DH left for work. By morning we had WAY too much snow, so DH used the snowblower, and I attempted to take DS to the bowling tournament, but my car wouldn't even consider leaving the driveway. DH got dressed to take us, but his car couldn't get off our block to the main road. Just then my Dad came home, and gave us a ride. He stayed at the tournament for awhile for lunch (so he wouldn't have to make himself something at home).

    This weekend, I was determined to stick to "no eating in the bowling alley". It was really tough, since there was some free hotdogs and desserts after the final tournament. But, I stuck to my guns, and only ate at home this weekend. No loss, but no gain, so that is a win in my book!

    DS and his doubles partner were ON FIRE during the tournament. Together they bowled 1194 (partner has 134 average, so he was really on fire). Then, during singles, DS bowled 209, 224, and 266. That should put him in Second Place (depending on how a few other kids bowled yesterday, but I didn't hear any chatter).

    While we were at the bowling alley, I had taco meat in the crock pot, so I finished cutting up the veggies, and my Dad even joined us for tacos for supper (he earned it, since he drove us around town all day).

    As far as declutter, I only got 1/2 way done with the kitchen counter, and 3/4 done with the kitchen table. I will work on the Avon Graveyard tonight or tomorrow, depending on when our W-2's arrive (we use our refund for the National Bowling Tournament in March). I hope the person who comes to do the inspection is able to look around all the mess and clutter. I mean, it's not like I have a ton of free time to clean up after everybody.

    Haven't heard from DD lately. Hopefully that means her job is going well, school is going well, and she has not "broken up" with her boyfriend again (lol?). I'm sure it seems odd to many of you, but yes, I almost have 2 seperate families. DD is from first marriage and is now 24 and lives in Minnesota. DS is from second marriage and is only 14. DH did not have kids before we met. DD was equally as exhausting and expensive when she was a kid. She was into the performing arts, so we travelled the state for vocal competitions and try-outs for Musicals, etc. In fact, DS was 4 days old when I had to take DD to a studio to make a commercial. Since he was just over 5 pounds, he was quite the hit at that time. My mom used to say "I hope you have 3 just like you". Well, she was right ! ! ! I was all of that and then some, I'm sure (probably still am).

    Now, time to see if the software in my computer billing program is fixed, since I have the whole month of January to get straight. Hope everyone makes wise choices today.

    Hugs to Everyone ! ! !

    Terri in Milwaukee

  • Smith0116
    Hello All!! I am from Mt. Vernon, IL. I am a mother of 3 grown children and the proud grandma of 3 amazing grandchildren.

    I'm tired of starting over. February is the month I am going to move forward. I have been logging my food and activity here on Myfitnesspal for the month of January and I made it to the gym 7 times in January. My downfall and weakness is my eating. My husband will not jump on board the healthy train with me. My daughter got a second job working nights, there went my gym buddy. So, I have decided starting today I am doing this all on my own. NO MORE EXCUSES!!! I am going to eat healthy and clean and work out no less than 3 times a week. My goals are to lose 25lbs, and to tone everything. My 6 year old granddaughter asked me a couple of years ago if I was going to still be alive when she is my age. I just turned 50 in December. I did promise her that I would be here to see her family. So I have got to get busy working on that promise! :) I also want to instill healthy eating and exercise in my grandchildren. My granddaughter has picked up one of my favorite activities, she loves doing yoga :)xuzjvhsf7cb8.jpg
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,799 Member
    well I am just sitting down,,today has been a day..
    snow ice snow, did go in to work for 3 1/2 hrs, the roads were horrific,,lucky I am only a couple of miles away.. had to shovel my way in, and shovel the back deck , then when I got home, had to snow blow 2 driveways and shovel our deck and the paths for the dogs, our new neighbor has a rinky dink snowblower and was having trouble so went up there and helped them too.. It is snowing to beat the band still with white out conditions, hoping it stops soon, it looks like I havent even done a thing.. Oy, wish I was in Florida
  • Lestan48
    Lestan48 Posts: 489 Member
    Tuesday here and done my 2 mile walk this morning.
    The Rivers Rattler and Inglis on our property are running VERY slow and low, we need some rain here.

    Pensions in bank so need to finish my list and go grocery shopping. 50Km round trip. Fish and chips from jetty fish shop, TREAT girls

    Food logged at 1655 calories, all well

    In the 6 weeks since first seeing BRIAN I have LOST 4.25 inches, 1.32 total pounds,1.2% BF, 3.2 lbs FAT; GAINED 1.87lbs LBM, 1.9% muscle and 4 lbs muscle. Happy with THAT result :D I see Brian again on Friday for official weigh-in

    Was hoping Seahawkes would win, bah!

    Lesley in Tasmania
  • k2boxlady
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,799 Member
    ok, I ate, and got a load of laundry in and then I just went out and shoveled the deck and dog pen, 40 more minutes.. well I havent even caught up to Barbie yet lol 15,000 steps
    that is it for me tonight.. definatly need a flexerall.
    and hopefully I go in at 9:30 tomorrow..
    all I can say is a few years ago I never would have had the stamina to do all that I did today.. so hooray for me
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    More rain and colder temps as expected here. A day of laundry, packing, and errands. Leaving tomorrow about noon, I think.

    Sylvia..........I was cheering when Robert hit that *kitten* too!!! Yep, also love Smithfield ham here. Great joke today, lol.

    terri..........YAY! for son's bowling score!!!! Bet he's happy!

    Heather..........Glad your flight was uneventful and you enjoyed the inflight movies.

    Janet........My gummies have fish oil in them; a much better was to take it as far as I'm concerned! Fber sounds like a good idea too. Yum, beef stew!

    Lesley.......Fingers crossed for rain for you.

    Smith........A lot of us do yoga.........good luck to you!

    Welcome newbies! Stick around, come back often, comment on what catches your eye, share your lives, and please let us know where you are from........specific or general.

    I've been thinking today a lot about the moderator vs. abstainer labels which come up now and then here. Yesterday I ate two of DH's fig newtons (110 cals!!!) and was OK (and within cals.) , BUT, on another day, twelve of them would not have been enough. For me, I think it comes down to how intact and strong my willpower is on any given day, in any given situation............I seem to be both, or maybe neither...............does this sound like anyone else on here?

    Hope your evenings are good.
    Hunger is not an emergency.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,979 Member
    :o Moderator or abstainer--if I look at something and can imagine myself eating the whole box, bag, or container, then I eat none of it.

    :D Decluttering----I do best when I work on a project for 15-30 minutes a day and stop before I feel overwhelmed....that's a style I figured out through personal experience.

    :'( I felt very sad at the end of the Super Bowl yesterday but was grateful that my sadness was only for a game and not for a serious life event.

    :mrgreen: in the spirit of not letting the perfect be the enemy of the good, I've read all the posts and won't even consider trying to respond to all the things that interested me. I love that we are a large group so if one of us doesn't feel like commenting, there are others who will do the job.

    (*) Michele, thanks for posting the photos of your awesome pool and the tons of rock you moved to make it look so great....I like the idea of a painting the praying mantis like that colorful chameleon....or a clown...or a rainbow....I like lots of color.

    253149qtzkf0ld22.gifBarbie from NW Washington smiley-happy020.gif smiley-happy093.gif
  • thlavallee1
    thlavallee1 Posts: 23 Member
    It's another showy day here in New Hampshire. The roads here are not good enough to head out to the gym so showering snow will have to do as my exercise for today. It's great reading everyone's posts. It's nice to know there are others working toward the same goals of losing weight and becoming healthier. There is so much positive energy here.

    My February goals:

    1. Log everything I eat every day
    2. Exercise 4 times a week
    3. Drink less coffee (with less sugar)
    4. Eat a salad every day
    5. Eliminate as much meat as possible from my diet (for medical reasons not a philosophical statement)

    Tina in New Hampshire
  • thlavallee1
    thlavallee1 Posts: 23 Member
    Hi everyone, I'm new to the group so my goals for Feb 2013?

    1) Maintain weight loss
    2) Tone up
    3) Meal planning ie, variety, convenience, options, new foods
    4) Help others who are on this journey

    I must say how suprised I am at how much little changes can affect me. I thought at the beginning that 2 L of water a day would kill me. Now I'm actually looking forward to drinking water.

    I have noticed the same thing regarding the water. I actually look forward to it as well. And I have noticed that I actually wake up in the morning feeling thirsty if I don't drink as much as I should. :)
  • trisH_7183
    trisH_7183 Posts: 1,486 Member
    edited February 2015
    Just saving my place.Think I will use "Aware" again this mo. Made a vat of beef veggie soup. Tastes so good in this cold weather.My slo cooker holds 6 qt.......a lot of soup!

    We were lucky,no storm here,it was all North.Hope everyone in NE is ok. Sure a lot of work to get rid of so much snow.
    Going to be looking for a new pair of running shoes tomorrow....not that I run :\ ,but the runners seem to last for me.
    Grdaughter in Fl sent pics of their new apt complex. Love the gym,all kinds of machines & classes.Just out her door & down one block . I'm off to read.....Pat
  • THelgert
    Tammy, in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, i'm past 50 and half way to 60. My mom turned 90 this year and has kidney disease and memory loss, its made me realize how important being healthy is.
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,222 Member
    good grief! How are we on 4 pages already! And I can't find January's thread to read all I missed.

    I guess I'll just say I'll try harder to support you all in the future....maybe that's a good goal for this month.

    For right now, my goals for February are to get 7,000 steps a day and to exercise by doing something every other day. I think my knee can handle that. I may even attempt to get back in the pool...just so scared my knee will give out and I won't be able to bear weight.

    We did buy a nu-step recumbent exercise bike on Saturday. it will be delivered on the 13th. It has a push-pull motion and not a true cycling motion, like the one at PT.

    OK dinner is ready; leftovers from last night. not the healthiest but not too bad either. Take care all, Meg from Omaha where we had 6" of snow. Not as much as the east coast, but our first real snowfall of the year.
  • Red94568
    Red94568 Posts: 36 Member
    Woke up on the wrong side of the bed. After being irritated at everything today, I told the office I needed a time-out and promptly took myself on a 3-mile jaunt around the hood. Last week I would've hit Starbucks for a coffee and maybe a treat. Sticking to my February goals.... less coffee!

    Abstain? For me? Some things are just not worth the calories. I pick and choose what I will spend my calories on. A couple of months ago, I was so craving a piece of lemon meringue pie and the hubs didn't just buy the piece, he bought the pie! I had one slice, then another, then another and before I knew it, I had eaten all but one slice of pie in 2.5 days! Then, I decided to check out the calories and just about had a heart attack. Who knew??!!!! Haven't touched another piece of pie since then!

    A glass of wine? A piece of pie? Easy peasy. Water? Wine? A little tougher on a Friday night, easy on a Monday.... Cookie? Ok, but only if I exercised that day... I pick and choose and make sound decisions. I didn't used to. Just sayin....

    Dublin, CA
  • bumblebeejec
    bumblebeejec Posts: 26 Member
    Sweepypie: Way to go! Glad to hear about your success.

    Sick today but pushed myself to go to the gym. Glad I did. . . I feel like I accomplished something today!

    Have a good Tuesday!

    Judy from PA