chewyxrage Member


  • Same as above, I take a couple vacations per year that are usually a week each and maybe a couple others that are 4 days. I use those as rest....never purposefully schedule a rest week.
  • I go on all inclusive vacations a couple times per year and drink/eat all day for a week straight. I usually come back weighing around 8-10 pounds higher than when I started but after the water drops, it is never more than 2-4 pounds. Piece of cake to get rid of that (usually need to detox anyway!)
  • Vodka mixed with anything & Coors Light...I'm more of a volume consumer so if I try to drink heavy beers, I'll have 6 of those just like light beer... just make sure you account for the calories and it works like anything else.
    in Alcohol Comment by chewyxrage April 2016
  • Quest Bars - Cookies & Cream and Peanut Butter & Jelly are my favorite. Just tried a new one the other day that was pretty good and would work well when you're craving cake or something, Oh Yeah Birthday Cake bars:
  • I love the crystal light individual packets that have caffeine :) Only 10 cals per packet and keeps me productive at work. They taste amazing.
  • I never really cooked with much butter to begin with but when I do, I use that parkay spray butter. It still has calories but not nearly as much as real butter and it has a decent buttery taste. I use it on things like Broccoli (With garlic powder), Sweet Potatoes, Popcorn, etc.
  • PB2 is just OK. I prefer Jif Whips - the salted caramel is awesome. It has less than regular PB (140 cals vs. 180 or 190). Its fluffy and spreads great on bread.
    in PB2 Comment by chewyxrage April 2016
  • I bank calories all week then relax on Saturday & Sunday. Cals will typically be around 2000 Mon-Thur, 3000 Fri, 4000 Saturday & Sunday. Plenty of booze included :)
  • 3 quest bars/day crew. 2Cookies & Cream, 1 Peanut Butter & Jelly for lunch every day (spread over a few hours). So convenient to bring to the office and if I'm really busy I don't need to leave my desk for lunch.
  • They taste so good and are really convenient. Super difficult to log unless you tear the whole thing apart and weigh everything...kinda defeats the convenient aspect.
  • Great idea! I can't believe I haven't thought of that for meat. I mostly eat 99% fat free ground turkey, shredding and mixing in broccoli would be perfect for meatballs....What other vegetables do you mix in? OP, I eat around 3-4 servings of Broccoli before every meal. It tastes awesome and helps me feel full before I get…
  • Hy-Vee (mid-west grocery store) is the only place around here that sell those types of food and has them in the Health Food section and use that as a way to jack up the price. I'll have to look for those coupons.
  • No, the water doesn't really make it taste awful. That's what the Crystal Light or Mio is for. These have very few calories and you can pick whichever flavor you prefer. Lemonade flavor Crystal Light w/ Vodka is delicious, for example.
  • I 2nd the hard liquor suggestion. Most hard alcohol is right around 60 cals/ounce. A typical shot is 1.5 ounces so you are looking at around 90-100 cals/drink if you mix it with diet soda or Mio/Crystal Light & water. Pretty easy to fit in a least a couple drinks with that method.
  • 2 cups are in a pint of ice cream right? Edy's slow churned has a pretty great tasting Neapolitan ice cream that has 90 cals/serving which would be 360 cals for a pint. They have other flavors that stay right near 100 cals/serving (1 serving is a half cup). I've tried that Artic Zero stuff and its pretty gross. Looks like…
  • You can eat more carbs and drink more water while still remaining calorie deficit. You may need to experiment with lowering your protein or fat intake to adjust for the higher carbs and remain at the same calorie level.
  • You mention your workouts over that same time period but not your calorie intake. I'm wondering if the certain foods you are now avoiding to reduce your acid reflux were high calorie and/or if changing your diet in this manner has affected your weight loss.
  • Good post instantmartian. I make some very delicious, very simple ones by adding miracle whip and mustard to the yolks. Then I top them with an olive slice, tomatoes, peppers, etc. They don't have to be calorific. Unless you're eating 20 at a time :)
  • You eventually run far/long enough to have to put Vaseline on your nips to prevent chafing :)
  • Better off just counting the calories and livin it. I eat pizza couple times per week (homemade turkey taco) and its amazing with great macros. Make your own!
  • "They found that physical activity does have a weak influence daily energy expenditure, but only among subjects on the lower half of the physical activity spectrum. People with moderate activity levels had higher daily energy expenditures - about 200 calories more - than the most sedentary people. However, people who did…
  • Relevant: Small study but I, and many others, have found this to be true. We'll see, they are expanding the size of the study now.