MDAPebbles67 Member


  • [/quote] Details?[/quote] At least once a week I am contacted by a US soldier who is in Iraq, Afghanistan, or Syria on a secret peacekeeping mission. Invariably they are foreign born (to explain the broken English) and have suffered some great tragedy (to gain your sympathy). The end game is to get you to send them money…
  • I hope you do a better job than other dating sites. I keep getting matched with crazies and scammers.
  • Thank you all for the amazingly honest posts. I have had a binge eating disorder most of my life. Sometimes I conquer it, mostly it conquers me. My latest binge/emotional eating cycle has lasted about 2 years and cost a regain of over 50 lbs. I had lost 80 lbs over 4 years using the Primal Blueprint. It took that long due…
  • Leptin As a person who has lost a large chunk of weight in a healthy manner (Paleo) and still gained most of it back, I plan to focus on Leptin and minimizing Leptin resistance. For me, the weight regain was all about the incredibly strong urges to binge. It is my only take away from that article because I have no idea if…
  • @DittoDan Excellent Blog post. Thanks.
  • You can get very inexpensive 1000mg sodium chloride pills on Amazon. It makes getting enough sodium easy and measurable.
  • Any wall adapter for a usb plug should work. I'll give it a try when I get home. Or an emergency phone charger? The ketonix company sells a battery pack for $15.
  • I have a Ketonix Sport. It is an older version. Mine changes color and blinks. My experience is that it works better than peeing on the keto sticks, but is likely less accurate than the blood meter. (I do not own a blood meter.) Positives: Less expensive than blood ketone monitor over time. I hear some people have actually…
  • I have gone on and off keto a few times over the last few years. At least twice the catalyst for quitting has been a sudden desire to kill myself. It comes out of nowhere, but is usually related to monthly hormonal shifts. I have no history of depression. Currently, I am keto again, because it helps with my binge eating…
  • I am currently doing low carb some days keto others I get as much as 75 grams of carb. I can't believe how good I feel. Less body pain and stable mood. Though some people feel you should not swing in and out of ketosis, to me it feels natural. I remember when I was doing the Perfect Health Diet (150 grams of carb with an…
  • I need to repeat that while I have looked into this, I haven't been following it. OKL is simply another take on keto. The plan is a little more specific about fats to fight the "eat as much fat as you want" keto mantra. The theory is that your body should burn body fat rather than dietary fat if you somewhat limit ingested…
  • They have a strong Facebook group. Did you ask to join? They would probably have the answers you seek. They are not necessarily lower fat than Keto in general, but they recommend eating at the lower end of your range for weight loss. Sample Recommendations for Me, 5'10" Female 112 grams protein minimum, 28 grams of carb…
  • You can also get sodium chloride pills and just take them several times a day.
  • Thank you all for the help and advice.
  • keto_karma Also check out her videos on you tube.
  • Yes. I miss MDA. Sadly, I have regained 60 of the 80 lbs. The BED has been winning. BUT I have 3 clean days in, so there is hope.
  • loveswalking: Thanks for asking. I am getting treatment for my BED. Some days are good others not. A few years ago I lost 80 lbs using the Primal Blueprint. I believe the plan will work if I can stick with it.
  • Thanks everyone. I know it is a combination of treatments including a food plan, counseling, group support and self analysis that will help. I just needed to know if anyone else is or had been in my shoes and if keto had helped or not. I have had this problem for 40 years. I should know that if I neglect self care, things…
  • I had great success on PHD, but I usually only ate about 100 grams of carbs instead of 150. I found I reached ketosis overnight on PHD if I stuck to the 8 hr eating window. Best of both worlds.
  • Hi all. I was not able to continue on the program, but it wasn't the fault of the program itself. I have a very serious Binge Eating Disorder. I am having trouble staying on any plan no less one that keeps changing. baconslave's description above is accurate. It is nothing new, but just an interesting combination of ideas.…
  • I love PHD. It is a great program.
  • I also have a hard time getting past step one, then I usually come to a full stop at step four. I do not like admitting powerlessness and then taking an inventory of my faults.
  • I like Latasha. She is a truly nice person. Her new trainer seems good, but the bandanas are too much. He is a nice looking guy. Why hide it?
  • Ah, now I see that this invite was from a year ago. :)
  • I would also like an invite. Thanks.
  • I did one full cycle of altshift. I found that I enjoyed the change up between the two shifts and I am sure if I continued, it would work well. The truth is, for me AltShift was just another desperate attempt to find the magic bullet. Just like anything else, if you do it, it will work. I decided a week ago that it was…
  • LHWhite903-No disclaimers needed here.
  • Roasted, salted nuts pre packaged from the grocery store, 1 oz a day. No stall.
  • My name is Paula and I am a compulsive overeater. I am returning to this group and to OA. I have actually set a plan of eating that will help me stop obsessing over weight and the latest fad diet. I am a nutritional expert by now with all of my studying and analyzing, but none of it has helped with my compulsive eating. I…