

  • I'm going to try just weighing on the 1st of the month rather than daily or even weekly. I think it will give me a better average, and I won't psych myself out and eat worse cause I lost well, or sabotage myself because I'm not seeing the success I want.
  • I'm planning to just weigh once a month so I'll get more of an average loss. Went back into my settings and changed it to lose 1 lb/week now.
  • You don't need motivation to get started, you just need to get started and the motivation follows. Just go.
  • This is actually really great advice. I'm no newb to weight loss endeavours, but I do have a history of starting out strong and then eventually giving up because it's challenging to maintain that pace for the long haul. I also have a lot of weight to lose (BMI is 50), so it's going to be a long haul. I set mine to…
  • I like this idea... I'm 38, turning 39 this spring and 40 looming is definitely a motivator to get a handle on my health and vitality... Feels like the lifespan half-way point in many ways... I'm only weighing on the 1st of the month cause I tend to stop trying so hard if I have a good week, and get discouraged if I have a…