Peta314 Member


  • Merry Christmas!!! I hope you all had an enjoyable holiday with your love ones!
  • I'm so so so sorry to hear about your cat :'( . I have a cat too, and I couldn't imagine my life without him. People usually have a misconception that cats are not sweet and cuddly at all, and that they are selfish pets. But that's not the case... Funny story, when I was doing my 30DS with the pushups, I actually ended up…
  • Hi guys! How are you all doing? any updates?
  • Hi Shaylee! Fell free to add me, and we can help each other. I've started in here nearly 2 months ago with 187, and I'm currently 172. I still have a lot to go, but it helps having the support needed. I wish you luck and congratulations on deciding to change your life for the better! Count me in!
  • Yeah! I definitely recommend Ripped in 30. I have just finished week 3 and it was brutal for me.. But I'm very proud and happy. My family sees a lot of changes in my body so it is working! Go for it! You'll like it a lot.
  • Hi Susan! Welcome, and good luck on this journey. Feel free to add me for support.
    in Newbie Comment by Peta314 November 2014
  • Hi guys! I want to share some great news I got today. I went to see my doctor, and she measured me completely. Not only have I lost the weight I put on last year, but I also have more muscle. She told me that even though I weight the same as last year, 2kg of the fat i had is now 2kg of muscle!! I'm soo happy! That means…
  • Hi Sammie! How was your trip? Yes, I have already started week 3. I'm resting one day a week, so it's 6 days of exercises. I don't know why, but I find it that some moves are easier, but others are way more thought to do. I think that in Ripped in 30 Jillian concentrates on each muscle a makes you work that muscle quite a…
  • Way to go Aine!! You look amazing! You look so much more toned and you definitely shredded! I'm already in week 2 of ripped in 30. Doing 6 workouts a week a resting one day like she says in the brochure. It's tough, specially week 2 when for the cardio she does plank jacks followed by the mountain climbers. My shoulders…
  • I know what you mean, that happens to me all the time. I usually try to convince my guest to take some of the food to their house, o give it away to my friendly neighbours hahaha whatever it takes so that I don't cave so much
  • That's great news! I've never tried a 5K run before, but I did start couch to 5k last year and was able to run 5k without stopping. It's been nearly a year since that, so I might just try to run again. How are you all doing with the 30DS? Last week after finishing, I decide to start ripped in 30. I have completed my first…
  • Mrmrsvoekel, so sorry to hear that you were sick on your birthday. I hope you are feeling better now!
  • That's amazing Josie! It's a lot! I haven't lost any weight, I think I might be in some plateau. I'm exactly the same weight I was 7 days ago (with ups and down but got exactly to the same place).
  • Thank you Sammie! mrmrsvoelkel, I'm sorry we are sick. Hope you feel better soon!
  • Thank you Aine! Plie jumps were pretty hard for me too. Okey so here are my final results: - 4 kgs = 8.8 pounds lost - 23-25cm = between 9 - 9.8 inches (can't know for sure because it's hard to measure in the exact same spot every time). That's the result of the 30DS + healthy choices with MFP. Go for it guys! Let us know…
  • OHHH I FEEEEL SOOOO GOOOD!! I'M FINALLY DONE! FINISHED!! :D After gym memberships (tried that twice), group supports (tried that 3 times), this is the first time I conquered a whole month of taking care of myself without wasting money and did everything on my own. I committed to the 30DS, even though it was very very tough…
  • Naela I know what you mean! I've been the same... how are you doing now with MFP? I find that by looking at the net calories I'm able to resist junk food and make healthier choices. And If I happen to cheat in some way, I feel guilty and make sure I don't miss my workout that day. Might as well be called MyFitnessPolice! ;)
  • Hi everyone! Thanks for the advice Aine, tomorrow is my last workout! Yeas finally L3D10 Oh I can't believe it! I will give everything I've got, and I will try what you say of having the dumbbells nearby and grabbing them for the pull. Sammie, great news, let me know if you want to follow with ripped in 30 after your…
  • Hi everyone! I'm just being careful with calories and try to add protein (which is hard for me) and cutting a bit on carbs (like pasta... which I love!). I'm also doing a 30 minutes workout 6 days a week (30 day shred right now). Do any of you take protein shakes or something like that for your workouts? What to do guys…
  • Hi! How was your weekend?!?! How is everyone doing? I want to share with you that I'm 3 workouts away of finishing the 30DS! I'm soo happy, that I couldn't wait till the end of the week to take my measurements. So, since I started on the 5th of October till today I have lost 4Kgs (8.8 pounds) and 23cm approximately (9…
  • I hope you get better soon!
  • Thanks for your feedback Sammie!
  • Do you do the plank with your knees as me, or can you manage the plank with your feet? I find that my weights are to near the flor, so my hand can barely fit in there, That's why it hurts and it's difficult to hold on.
  • Hi Josie! I'm in! I come from a week with birthdays and halloween party so this challenge is exactly what I need! Let's get back into eating clean!
  • Hi Sammie!! Good for you congratulations! My rockstar jumps are more like regular rope jumps haha those are quite hard for me. Did you get a chance to read my comment and question about the last strength move in circuit 3? With the "plank" position (either with knees or feet plank) and the pull with the dumbbells followed…
  • thank you!! :D
    in Welcome! Comment by Peta314 October 2014
  • Happy Halloween to you too! I'm organising my birthday party today (although it was on the 29th), and of course it is a halloween themed party! hahaha but I'm keeping it light, with vegetables and low calorie cake. No sweets... but lots of horror movies! Enjoy the weekend and keep the shred going!
    in Welcome! Comment by Peta314 October 2014
  • I'll be waiting!! I don't know if it is due to the model of the weights, or maybe I'm doing the movement the wrong way. I believe they are "kind of" supporting part of their body with the dumbbells, but I don't see how they are not hurting their knuckles. It might just be that their dumbbells are bigger and allow their…
    in Welcome! Comment by Peta314 October 2014
  • Hi everyone!! Congratulations on keeping up the shred!! My scale finally moved, so I'm glad that I kept on going thanks to all your comments and motivation! Thank you so much! I'm in day 4 of level 3. Anyone in level 3 yet? I'm having problems with the last circuit strength. I don't remember how jillian names the move, but…
    in Welcome! Comment by Peta314 October 2014
  • Do you mean protein shakes? Maybe I need to decrease my caloric intake a bit more... I don't know! I'll try to make a doctor's appointment. Last time I visited a Nutritionist she just gave a diet without even measuring my body fat %.
    in Welcome! Comment by Peta314 October 2014