2lovemyself Member


  • Height: 5' 8" Age: 30 3rd Pregnancy Goal to Gain: 20-25 pounds Starting Weight: 140 Week 23: 155.8 Week 24: 157.2 (+1.4, +17.2) Week 25: 159.6 (+2.4, +19.6) Week 28: 161.4 (+1.8, +21.4) @VeryKatie you are not alone mama! I just have been mostly avoiding the scale and the added depression of posting it on here. But good for…
  • @VeryKatie That’s how we felt too... we had 20 months apart between our girls and then this little boy will be born 23 months after my last little gal. I definitely feel tired and scared of the sleep deprivation that’s coming in January!! I’m sure you’re right and it’s a growth spurt or teething! Who the heck knows!? I’ve…
  • @VeryKatie yes I do breastfeed! Or did. My first until 13 months and my 2nd until 15 and probably something similar for this little one. (Our first boy!) And ya I know logically there’s supposedly some point to the fat but I’m not loving the love handles! Lol! I’m kinda the “too hard on my self” type and trying to work on…
  • Height: 5' 8" Age: 30 3rd Pregnancy Goal to Gain: 20-25 pounds Starting Weight: 140 Week 23: 155.8 Week 24: 157.2 (+1.4, +17.2) Week 25: 159.6 (+2.4, +19.6)
  • @VeryKatie HAHAHA you crack me up! I laughed out loud in my office... I relate so much to what you are saying. Feeling more like the 3rd trimester already than the 2nd for sure!! Which really scares me how I will feel in 2 months. Yikes! That's awesome that you were able to start this pregnancy 10 pounds lighter and feel…
  • @VeryKatie Or we can do our check ins on Saturday night/Sunday for the week prior? Idk why I suggested Monday!
  • Joining a little late, but I'm hoping this will help me to balance out my weight gain... I will weigh Sunday mornings, as that'll be the start of the next pregnancy week for me. Height: 5' 8" Age: 30 3rd Pregnancy Goal to Gain: 20-25 pounds Starting Weight: 140 Week 23: 155.8 Week 24: 157.2 (+1.4, +17.2)
  • @VeryKatie That's funny what you said about your sister, because my midwife also told me that I might not gain too much in my 3rd trimester because I've gained quite a bit of weight, quickly in the 2nd trimester. I'm hoping so... With my 2 prior pregnancies, I gained about 8 pounds during the 3rd trimester and gained 30…
  • Hello! I am 24 weeks, 4 days with my third little one! I’m due January 20th. I occasionally check this group and compare my weight gain and actually was just in awe of how well so many gals (including you!) are doing so far on slow weight gain. I’ve gained at least 15 pounds already and I don’t know how. I track my…
  • This is good point! Thank you for looking at it as a whole; I didn't think to do that! That is actually encouraging. I'm a numbers girl, and it frustrates me if I think the numbers aren't adding up, but it looks like they are! Thank you!
  • Thank you everyone for the responses so far. I really appreciate it! :smile: I measure my food with measuring cups and spoons, as I don't have a food scale. For the past 3 years, I've been able to lose and maintain really well with that method, but I stopped logging for a few months, gained some weight and now can't seem…