karldomrose Member


  • You've made the right choice to come here! It is all about getting motivated and support. Most people can't do it alone. It boils down to a few simple rules. To lose weight, you have to eat less calories. Exercise will help the process along, but not if you are eating too many calories. You need to use MFP to track what…
  • You got this! You know what to do. USE MFP daily. Track what you are eating and stay on target. The calories are more important that the macros at this point. Get those down and worry about adjusting macros later. Get back into a regular routine working out. You don't have to train like an Olympic athlete to get results.…
  • I like "Refridgerator Oatmeal" Google it. I add all kinds of fruit to it. Usually some Honey also. Will make up a batch for the whole week at one time and throw them in the fridge. Easy to make and you don't even have to cook it!
  • Heck Yeah!! PB rocks! Shoot for higher calorie foods. Play around in MFP doing "What if" with your foods.
  • As long as you are in the same range for calories and macros for your protein/fats/carbs feel free to change it up!
  • 1200 Calories a day is probably not enough. If you are hungry all the time your body is telling you something. :) If you are exercising then you probably need closer to the 1500 calorie range, if not more. Now don't go jumping your calories way up all at once. Add 100 to 200 and see how you feel. See if you start gaining…
  • 2 weeks is not enough time. Give it another week, or 2. If it was me I would even lock that scale up for the next few weeks. Don't even step on it. Let your body adapt to the new you who is working out. You might be pleased after a few weeks what you find. Weight loss IS NOT linear. you will have gains and losses. The…
  • [/quote]Sorry but this simply isn't accurate. Carbs are in no way, shape, or form, "the bane of fat". Calories are what will determine fat gain/losses. Now I agree with others that more protein will help benefit in maintaining lean mass and helping achieve satiation, but it's complete nonsense to say that carbs prevent fat…
  • I would ask you how many calories are you eating? Are you accurately weighing your food? Don't guess! Also where are your macro setting at in MFP?
  • I would change my macro settings to 40% protein, 40% carbs, and 20% fat. Calories are probably OK. To really shred off fat you might want to consider going 50/30/20 on P/C/F. It can be hard to hit that protein however. I don't know what your food choices are but as a general guideline try to eat Chicken, Fish, Turkey, etc…