

  • I have wanted some candy corn so bad lately, SO bad. It's fine to indulge, just in moderation. You can buy that bulk Halloween bag and limit yourself to a tiny fun-sized bag, try and make rules if you have a hard time limiting yourself, like only on your cheat day, or only when you burn over so many calories in that day,…
  • Percy Jackson & The Bacon Thief
  • Just so you know, McDonalds once a week or so is okay, its okay to have faults and weaknesses, we're human, we can only put ourselves through too much, try not to be so hard on yourself and you'll make it no problem. :) Set smaller goals so you don't feel so pressured and aren't so hard on yourself. You didn't put all the…
  • I swapped out chips for those Honey & Oats bars from Nature Valley, which keep me full longer, they're healthier. I also cut all soda from my diet save for a 8oz Dr Pepper in the morning (like you did, I get my caffeine from soda, and I can't switch to tea because I only like sweet tea and, well, that would defeat the…
  • Was it printed or perhaps a nice clean rubber stamp so that the words are all legible? My gram used to make tons of those stamps for just about everything (she went through a lot of hobbies after she retired).
  • Well, I gained weight because I had two kids, there wasn't much eating involved for the weight gain with me, but geez, man, harsh words for a lighthearted discussion.
  • I'm striving to lose 50-53ish.