missnolo Member


  • lol i just ate 2. Atleast they were under 205 calories comined.
  • do not buy chips, I have the same problem. I've decided to stop buying them. I also that when dieting like I am now, I tend to binge on them more. For some reason the craving is so hard to ignore. I usually go for three days of tracking calories on MFP, the after that I always find an excuse to binge on chips. I think I…
  • I'm hoping to start exercising to be stronger and lose weight as a side effect.
  • I just don't feel its anybodies position to bully others into exercising period. I didn't come here to defend my position but to better my self. Also, the few times I do exercise I will be doing it for health reasons and not for weight loss as I do not believe exercise to lead to weight loss because I was a very fit dancer…
  • I'm busy managing school + a disease. Let me add that I exercise when I can which is rarely. I usually go for a walk/run once a week for 20 minutes and also do some light exercises + stretches in my room This is all I can afford to do with the way things are. I refuse to give up on my weight loss goals simply because…
  • lol. Me personally I'm sick so its not easy for me to exercise, I also have school and other things to worry about. I do the little exercises my body can handle but I wouldn't call it working out. I used to be a dancer for 10 years and extremely active. My body is no longer able to do those things. I do not think that on…
  • I don't exercise. I don't believe you have too. Not everyone has the luxury of being able to exercise. We have similar stats. Height: 158cm/5'2 or 5'3, Im not sure how the US system works. SW:60kg/132lb CW:58kg/137.6lb GW:50 kg/110lb