Chip Addiction!



  • Aemely
    Aemely Posts: 694 Member
    edited November 2014
    I do not buy chips because it is just mindless munching. Pretzel crisps are my downfall, so I have a complete ban on those suckers. I substitute airpopped popcorn when I'm feeling munchy as well as cheese slices, cottage cheese snack packs, and peanut butter to stay satisfied. When I go to a Mexican restaurant, I still eat chips, but this is OK on occasion (no refilling the bowl!).

    If I feel like mindless munching, I do something else like exercise, go shopping, walk around, take a hot relaxing shower, read a book, etc.

    Good luck. You can successfully defeat the chips! :D
  • noexcusesjustresults2014
    noexcusesjustresults2014 Posts: 212 Member
    edited November 2014
    If you can make chips fit your macros I see no problem with eating a lot of them. Try training for an ultra marathon. The calories provided by all the running should make it possible fit the chips into your calorie/macro targets.

    I know I can eat a lot of chips but while running 300 miles a month + other exercise I am not worried about it.

    I am not bluffing about being able to eat a lot of chips. If you want to have a friendly video competition (most chips consumed in 30 minutes) let me know!
  • Aemely
    Aemely Posts: 694 Member
    I know I can eat a lot of chips but while running 300 miles a month + other exercise I am not worried about it.

    Indeed. If you run 300 miles a month, I imagine you can pretty much eat anything, as long as you eat enough of it!! :wink: For us non-runners, well, things may be different.
  • I too like enjoy crunchy chips and instead of trying to eliminate them from my diet entirely I tried some alternatives. Personally, I am eating Special K cracker chips for a snack when I want them. They taste pretty much exactly like Pringles to me. There's 27 chips in a serving and its only 110 calories and that's a pretty big serving. The key here is to count out the 27 chips and put the box away to keep yourself from eating more. I even use plain greek yogurt as a dip since it tastes like sour cream. Its a wonderful snack that's filling and isn't calorie heavy.

    I'm sure there are other alternatives, but you have to remember PORTION CONTROL!
  • missnolo
    missnolo Posts: 8 Member
    do not buy chips, I have the same problem. I've decided to stop buying them. I also that when dieting like I am now, I tend to binge on them more. For some reason the craving is so hard to ignore. I usually go for three days of tracking calories on MFP, the after that I always find an excuse to binge on chips.

    I think I will try what some have suggested and treat it like an addiction. When I eat unhealthy food, I'm too busy binging to log it on MFP. Also I don't know about you but for me a binge is not complete without soda and biscuits to balance out the salt, thus leading to a domino effect.
    Add me if you want.
  • whitewolf1200
    whitewolf1200 Posts: 31 Member
    I totally understand. Currently eating a bag of chips while reading this
  • missnolo
    missnolo Posts: 8 Member
    I totally understand. Currently eating a bag of chips while reading this

    lol i just ate 2. Atleast they were under 205 calories comined.
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    Never eat them out of the bag

    Weigh a portion into a small bowl, log them and take them into the next room to eat them - leave the bag in the kitchen

    then if you want more you have to get up and go weigh and log more

    if you can fit them in your calorie defecit fine - if not then you have to do some exercise to earn the next portion or wait till tomorrow

    if you're starving because of eating too many chips - don't let yourself eat - you'll learn your lesson easier if you've given up a steak dinner for a few potato chips

    I eat chips most days - about 30g of popchips or a small pack of Quavers - costs me 130 calories of 88 calories respectively

    I can fit that in

    so can you
  • eldamiano
    eldamiano Posts: 2,667 Member
    Being mean sometimes is best unfortunately. The amount you are eating is crazy and unnecessary. Think about what you are doing and stop...

    You arent addicted. You are telling yourself this as it is comfortable.
  • abcreed
    abcreed Posts: 15 Member
    Chips are awesome!

    I don't (not can't, because you CAN do anything you set your mind to) control myself when I have chips -- I'll eat the entire bag in one sitting, and I know ahead of time that I will do this -- so I only buy a bag of chips about once every couple of months. If it's not in my house, I can't eat it. Unless I'm planning to buy chips that day, I don't go down the chip aisle at the grocery store, because I know I'll grab a bag if I do.

    It's easier for me to not have it at all than to try and control my portions, so I just do without until I can't stand it, buy a bag and pig out, then get back on the bandwagon and stay away for another 2 mos. Since I've been keeping track of my weight, the guilt the next day from seeing the scale jump helps motivate me to stay away from them :)
  • frecklesandfries
    frecklesandfries Posts: 32 Member
    I'd actually suggest trying some therapy. A food addiction is similar to any other form of addiction and one of the best ways to combat it is to attend some therapy sessions. Many areas offer over eaters anonymous groups or individual therapy that focuses on food addiction and weight loss. I think that if its a large enough problem that can't be fixed with just not buying them, then a larger scale intervention is needed!
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    Stop buying them.
  • gothchiq
    gothchiq Posts: 4,590 Member
    There are things I absolutely cannot buy or have around, or else I binge on them. Oreos for example. It's hard to break the habit, believe me I know. But once you get through the first couple weeks it's going to get easier. Don't buy them. Don't even go down the chip aisle in the store! Also, sometimes weird cravings and binges come from some lack in your diet that you don't know about. Make sure you are getting all your vitamins and minerals. A multivitamin/mineral supplement can help. Chips are salty, and there may be some nutrient in potatoes that you crave. Excessive salt cravings can be reduced over time (and make sure your table salt at home is the iodized kind. Being low in iodine is bad for your thyroid and could cause cravings.) If you are someone who can practice moderation, then a single serving bag after a workout might do the trick. Otherwise, it's sort of like quitting any bad habit. Very hard at first, then easier over time.
  • wildeyezz
    wildeyezz Posts: 84 Member
    Yummy! I eat them too....but not every day, more like once a week and I only pick the small mini packs (90 calories). I don't feel deprived and a small pack once a week does little harm.
  • willrun4bagels
    willrun4bagels Posts: 838 Member
    I can't buy potato chips or cheese doodles or tortilla chips anymore. No joke, I used to mix 1 entire pint of sour cream with a pack of lipton's onion soup mix and eat it with a jumbo bag of potato chips... all in one sitting, for dinner. I just don't buy them anymore, at all. When we are out somewhere for a meal (like getting a sandwich at a convenient store or deli or something), I will have one small bag, but the big bags are forbidden in my house!!
  • whitewolf1200
    whitewolf1200 Posts: 31 Member
    missnolo wrote: »
    I totally understand. Currently eating a bag of chips while reading this

    lol i just ate 2. Atleast they were under 205 calories comined.

    See we're totally not out of control...
  • libbydoodle11
    libbydoodle11 Posts: 1,351 Member
    I measured out 2oz of my fave tortilla chips and had them as a snack today. Years ago I would not have been able to practice moderation. I actually had to keep chips out of the house so I wouldn't eat them all in one sitting. Keep working on it. If you need a chip fix than just buy one of the single serving bags.
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    Can't have chips in the house! I can only buy my self 1 or 2 serving bags. Honestly, if you're eating up to 3 large bags of chips a really is an addiction. Stop. Buying. Chips.
  • cosmichvoyager
    cosmichvoyager Posts: 237 Member
    the home-made popcorn idea is a good one. Try them with brewer's yeast aka nutritional yeast It sounds weird but it's got that savory/salty umami thing that you crave plus protein and B vitamins. I love it way more than chips.

    Another good substitution is crispy veggies like carrots and bell peppers with low-fat ranch. I use the regular hidden valley ranch powder but make it into dip with greek yogurt (I use skim, not no fat--a little bit of fat is good for you).
  • Kattarra
    Kattarra Posts: 190 Member

    The only way to stop...just stop.
    There's no secret or trick.
    Every chip you put in your mouth is a choice you're making to eat it.

    I told my doctor "I can't stop smoking...I just can't". Know what she said?
    "Of course you can. Just stop".
    So I did.

    You can too. Just stop.


    I really needed to hear this today. I've been struggling and making excuses for myself and this is just what i needed to hear. Thanks for posting it!