alucard2010 Member


  • One thing is do not diet!! Its a lifestyle change that needs to be maintained over the long turn. Find out what your TDEE Here Lower your calorie consumption by 200 calories every 2 weeks if you do not see a change. track your foods with a scale. Make your goals modest .5 to 1 pound a week is just fine.…
  • Actually eating 900 -1000 calories a day is not good for you according to WEB MD. Try to do some strength training if you can. Lean proteins are your friend in this fight.. Every pound of muscle burns about 6 extra calories a day. eating to little destroys muscle and makes weight loss even more difficult. Every 500…
  • I would recommend RkS Kettlebell system. The trainer is RKC certified and the dvd's are only $25 on amazon. get your self a 25 to 35 pound bell and get to work.