swift13b Member


  • Yes but imagine if all the land in the world currently used to raise animals for human consumption, plus the land used to grow crops for farm animals to consume, was instead used to grow crops purely for human consumption. It uses more resources to farm animals than it does to farm crops, and the yield is less. Here's some…
  • Not to mention that raising animals for meat uses up more resources than farming vegetables, and that if we were all vegan, there'd be a lot less hunger in the world.
  • I find that entering the total amount (ie. 1565) as the number of servings always gives me 1 calorie, regardless of the recipe. I don't think it's an accurate way of working out servings. I weigh the entire meal and then decide how many servings I think it would be (usually 4 or 6) and then divide the total amount by that.…
  • Wow, I've never seen yellow watermelon before! Does it taste different to pink watermelon? Coincidentally, I just had boring normal watermelon in my salad today, along with vegetarian schnitzel, feta, cucumber and baby kale:
  • I agree that a could way to start off would be to incorporate more vegan (or just vegetarian meals) into your diet. I've been a vegetarian for over 6 years now, though I'd wanted to be one since I was about 4 years old. In the meat section of the supermarket they had a cute little illustration of a lamb right next to the…
  • My pantry is currently overflowing with treat foods at the moment, which used to be unheard of for me! I used to polish off a big bag of doritos or a block of chocolate in just a few days but now things are lasting weeks, if not months. I actually forget about them and buy myself new treats and then get home and see that I…
  • I'm a vegetarian with PCOS and insulin resistance and I managed to lose almost 50 pounds without eating meat again. I saw my endocrinologist after I'd lost around 30 pounds and she was so happy with my fasting blood sugar results that I was allowed to stop taking Metformin. I have my carb goal set to 100grams but honestly…
  • Pita pizza with spinach, pineapple and vegetarian polony: Vegetarian schnitzel with mashed sweet potato and tahini-drizzled broccoli: Apple and cherry crisp:
  • I find pre-logging helps stop me from thinking about calories all day. I actually pre-log the night before. It's almost 8:30 Wednesday night and I have all my food for Thursday, plus breakfast, lunch and snacks for Friday logged. If I don't pre-log, I can't fall asleep because I start planning my food for the next day.
  • I don't really see what the problem is with someone using a low calorie alternative if they like the taste of it? Why have the extra calories of brown rice if you're happy with konjac noodles? I know I'd rather have a 250 calorie slice of cake than a small amount of brown rice :\
  • I'm not a fan of the rice version (at least not how I had it with a curry) but I like it well enough as a pasta alternative. I like that I get to eat a lot of pasta sauce and cheese with it and still get a low calorie meal. I don't eat pasta because I have insulin resistance, so it's a good alternative for me. You do have…
  • Once a week, cook up a meal that you can get a few nights worth of dinners out of. If she questions why you are cooking your own food instead of eating hers, say you saw a recipe online and wanted to try it. Then eat it the next few nights because it was just so good/you don't want to waste food etc. Then have one or two…
  • Mini pita pockets with hommus, falafel, spinach, carrot and red capsicum. I think I'll just buy regular-sized pita pockets next time, these mini ones are a PITA to fill ;) Leftover beans and lentils stuffed in a mushroom, and a little extra on the side, with a vegetarian sausage and some spinach:
  • A "cheap" gym here in Australia is $10 a week, with no classes. A Fitness First membership with classes is $20 a week. In terms of currency exchange, we were at/near parity for quite a while before we recently dropped ($10US will get you about $13AUD at the moment) so for this comparison you could consider it equal.
  • You'll do a lot better long term if you don't restrict yourself too much while dieting. Work dessert into your calorie allowance. The ice cream I'm having at the moment is 101 calories for a perfectly good 60 gram serve. I'm sure you can find something similar where you live. Or you could have a small piece of chocolate…
  • Lunch during the week at my favourite cafe: red quinoa, carrot and cashew salad with grilled haloumi and a side of Melbourne's best chips My typical morning tea at work: hot chocolate made with almond milk and a sugar free hot chocolate mix with a Slim Secrets bar Tonight's dinner: cheesy baked egg with lentils and beans…
  • walmart.ca/en/ip/red-digital-precision-scale/6000100779643 $15 and it qualifies for free pick up from your local Canada Post.
  • As others said, just find a similar pizza from a chain. Here in Australia I find that not that many places offer nutritional values, not even all the fast food places. I use a lot of American sources when I'm eating out since I figure they're probably higher in calories and I'm over-estimating anyway.
  • I've always struggled with insomnia, mostly during times of stress, but it definitely got worse towards the end of my weight loss. Once I went into maintenance and started eating more, my sleeping improved quite a bit. You could try cutting out all caffeine for a few weeks, it will make you feel worse at first but it would…
  • Roast veggies (beetroot, sweet potato, red and yellow capsicum, zucchini and red onion) with spinach and tahini and a Linda McCartney vegetarian sausage. A delicious barbecue veggie burger with sweet potato fries. A new cafe find for me, they have like 10 different types of burgers and then you can just pick whether you…
  • If the fast food restaurants are only a 5 minute drive away, why not walk there and then get something with slightly more calories that actually tastes good/fills you up?
  • I'm assuming you don't live in Australia or NZ so I don't have a specific product to recommend but try to find a hot chocolate powder made with stevia. Or you can make it yourself with raw unsweetened cocoa powder and your sweetener of choice (stevia, splenda etc). Use mostly hot water and just a bit of milk (I use…
  • Not actually new but new to me. I think I've finally found low carb/high protein bar range that I actually like AND are available here in Australia. So far I've tried the cookies and cream craving crusher and the berries and cream bare bar. Think I'll try the chocolate bare bar tomorrow. They were on sale at my local…
  • Quorn bolognese with basil zoodle and cheese on a bed of spinach.
  • Isn't it that the exercise calories here on MFP aren't entirely accurate? That's why I don't eat all of them back, only some. I think I'm going to try a few different models on in-store, I like the features of the FitBit HR best but I have pretty small wrists and don't normally wear watches so I'm also considering the One…
  • I usually either go up or down half a kilo. This Sunday's weigh in is 1.8kg less than last week's. I'm hoping it's just some freak occurrence (I did wait a while and then re-weigh, as well as move the scales to another room and still got the same result). It's put me under my goal weight range. I honestly thought activity…
  • Chickpea and veggie curry with konjac rice. Can't say I was too keen on the rice, the texture was too idk... squidgy... for me. I think I'll just have the leftovers tomorrow on a bed of spinach.
  • I usually turn whatever I cook for dinner on Sunday into lunch for Monday to Thursday. On Sunday night I pack it all up into individual serves in tupperware. Then I take all of it plus snacks to work with me on Monday. This way everything is already there and I don't have to worry about it. It works for me because I use a…
  • I agree, carbs definitely decrease my energy levels. OP, perhaps you're not eating enough protein? Also you need to find a way to make your diet (whether low carb or not) sustainable for the long term. Whether that means allowing one cheat meal/day a week or having room for dessert every day.