jnz17 Member


  • Since this could become a more serious medical issue, I really suggest talking to your doctor about what you should eat and having your plans approved. With that said, I think you can address hunger by drinking more water and tea, and make sure your nutrition goals are met via small meals and snacks throughout the day.…
  • I also weigh way more than I look. I'm 5'4'' and I gained 30 lbs since last summer but even my own family always says I look the same as before. I went all the way from normal to the upper end of overweight, but I'll admit I basically look the same in most pictures.
  • I'm also trying to lose weight I gained during the school year. I think the best thing is to set up your habits over the summer so you're losing 1-2 lbs per week, and then once it's a habit to eat at that # of calories and work out a certain amount per week that works for you, you can continue it during the school year in…
  • I'm 21 and trying to lose 40 lbs (getting back to my 15 year old body is my ultimate goal!!) by.. whenever I can. I'm also trying to lose 2 lbs per week but my actual results show more like 1 lb/week right now. Add me!
  • I have a habit of saving the half-gallon container that used to be iced tea from the grocery store, and it's super convenient to carry around. I just fill that with water when I'm doing anything (chores, studying, at work) and it's become a habit to drink it. Of course, be prepared to pee a lot.. I probably drink around 3…
  • I haven't done actual intermittent fasting, but I've been using intermittent fasting plans when I need to fast during Ramadan. It actually worked pretty well for me, and I lost around 7 lbs in a month. Someone I work with has tried IF for diet purposes and she said that drinking green tea or herbal tea made it so she…
  • Sounds like my life lol I also gained 27 lbs in the past semester and am looking to lose it asap
  • Daily with fluctuations, but I pay attention to how the weekly averages are changing.
  • This is long, hope no one takes it the wrong way. It's just my personal experience and my friends' experience since I'm the same age as OP. I go to a competitive college where almost everyone has overloaded schedules and extracurriculars that last until midnight at least, but most people still find time to go to the gym at…
  • Thanks everyone for the help! I'll be looking into stocking up on what everyone mentioned.
  • I have an apartment with a kitchen, I live near a grocery store and convenience store, and I'm not on a meal plan. Last year I had a kitchen too but I ended up becoming really dependent on the microwave and caved to order food a lot more than I should. I'd like to avoid that by learning quicker recipes--does anyone have…
  • I quit soda completely and only drank water for a few years. Then I found out I really love tea. It's a lot easier to avoid soda now because I don't even want to drink it--I'd rather try a new herbal tea or infused water. Try and find something else that's good for you that you love even more than soda. I get pretty bad…
  • I think you should plan around your existing lifestyle, focusing on making your eating habits easy to stick to but compatible with your body. I personally switch between modified intermittent fasting when I'm in school and eating 4 times per day when I'm on break. My intermittent fasting foods: Dinner: some combo of…
  • I take Zyrtec as needed and I usually feel more sleepy and less hungry on it, so I end up eating less.