66 F unfit vegetarian, thinking about 5:2 fasting. any help out there?

I joined here 4 years ago and then never used it! Now I'm desperate to lose 5 stone and really need some motivation. I'm not well enough to do much exercise, but I'm prepared to do as much as I can and hopefully someone else out there is in a similar situation and we can bounce ideas off each other and give moral support.


  • rejectuf
    rejectuf Posts: 487 Member
    I've done Intermittent Fasting before, however I didn't do the entire day. Rather, I'd condense my calories into a 6 hour window. So basically an 18hr/6hr split. It worked pretty well for me, though honestly a big part of it is that it just made it easier to plan out calories as I didn't think about eating except when I was at home where I could check the calories and plan things out.

    I stopped because I began doing more intense exercise and I performed better when I had some calories already in me.
  • jnz17
    jnz17 Posts: 17 Member
    I haven't done actual intermittent fasting, but I've been using intermittent fasting plans when I need to fast during Ramadan. It actually worked pretty well for me, and I lost around 7 lbs in a month. Someone I work with has tried IF for diet purposes and she said that drinking green tea or herbal tea made it so she wasn't even hungry during the day. While I'm fasting, I usually go for a 45 minute jog/run (important not to push yourself beyond comfort here, since you're already running on a fasting body) an hour before breaking fast. I imagine if you're drinking water you could also increase the intensity. Then I'd shower real quick and eat a huge meal of around 800 calories. I'd usually snack later on in the night too, around 200-400 calories. I think choosing whole foods that release energy over time are important. Eggs, whole grains, etc were helpful. It can be pretty dangerous if you're not careful. You definitely need to closely monitor your intake and make sure you're getting everything your body needs, especially drinking enough water.