Sparkie_66 Member


  • I have a June birthday, too. Like you, I'd lost a significant amount of weight, but it's come back on over the years. I've had a few things happen in my life that's affected my ability to stick with everything but I'm trying again to get back on track. I'm starting over in more ways than one...divorce a few years ago,…
  • My story is similar...lost 40 pounds a few years ago and gained them back. Had some life changes that got me off track over the past few years, starting with a divorce and most recently my boyfriend dying of cancer. So, being 48 years old, I feel the same about excuses...maybe it's health related, maybe it's hormones, etc.…
  • I haven't been officially diagnosed with fibro, but have many of the symptoms. The past two days have been especially bad, as I'm absolutely exhausted and ache so badly. I wouldn't doubt that part of my problem stems from stress and depression, as over the past 3 years I've had some major life changes. I went through a…
  • Giving up soda is huge. I used to drink Diet Coke all the time. Decided to give it up and haven't missed it. I work in a restaurant, so the soda is there all the time. Any time I've had any, it just doesn't do it for me anymore. Since my divorce and death of my boyfriend (cancer) I've mostly stayed to myself. I don't…
  • I work at Olive Garden....home of the never ending everything. It's hard to resist those little mints and the "dead" food in the expo window and the drawer full of breadsticks calls my name every now and then. lol For me, every time I'm tempted, I look at our nutrition charts. One breadstick is 140 calories. The chicken…