Losing the same weight over again :(

My name is Bonnie. I'll be turning 50 in June and don't want to be in the same awful shape I'm currently in. About 4 years ago I was going to the gym at least 5 days a week and met with a personal trainer 3 of those days. I was able to lose almost 50 lbs in that year and felt better than I ever have. But after that year I decided to try and do it on my own and switched gyms. Well doing it on my own did not go so well, the gym I switched to was not on my way home so eventually I quit going. I'm now 65 lbs over what I was when I quit with the trainer. But now I'm getting motivated again to take it back off. Joined a weightloss competition at work and tonight I signed up at another gym that is on the way home from work. No personal trainer though this time. I will just use what he taught me. By this time next year I hope to be back where I was 3 years ago.


  • queenliz99
    queenliz99 Posts: 15,317 Member
    Best wishes, you can do this. You've done it before. Remember you do not need exercise to lose weight. Exercise is just an added bonus to help with calorie burns, body composition, and overall health. Calories in versus calories out :)
  • Sparkie_66
    Sparkie_66 Posts: 6 Member
    I have a June birthday, too. Like you, I'd lost a significant amount of weight, but it's come back on over the years. I've had a few things happen in my life that's affected my ability to stick with everything but I'm trying again to get back on track. I'm starting over in more ways than one...divorce a few years ago, boyfriend dying of cancer in July '14...I'm on my own and need to feel better about myself, starting with some serious dedication to losing this weight.
  • paigelyn88
    paigelyn88 Posts: 26 Member
    I could have written your story. I, too, am back again. About 3 years ago, I lost a lot of weight and was exercising every day. Felt great. Then life got ahead of me and I kept making unhealthy choices and stopped working out. I am now back whereI started and ready to begin again. Feel free to add me as a friend--we can do this!
  • thecharizardtamer
    thecharizardtamer Posts: 73 Member
    Last year at this time I was also going to the gym often and had a personal trainer and paying extra for a diet plan, basically didn't have a carb for 6 months, the weight was coming off slowly but it did. I stopped all that because it was taking over my life and so expensive! Now joined a new gym and doing it on my own but the reason I'm writing is that I'm so frustrated that I have to lose the SAME weight again.
  • You have mt full support! You have the power, as you have seen already. You will do it again