mumma that needs to keep motivated!!!!

Hey all,

Just want to introduce myself.
I have been on this site before many years ago, But I am back again!!! hopefully staying.

So I am a mum to 3 and have been obese for some quiet time now :(
I suffer Anxiety and depression and don't have much of a social life.... if you even want to call it that! lol.

since I was pregnant with my 3rd child in 2013 I have suffered Hypertension and am on daily tablets for that......
so for my New years resolution I talked to my partner on changing our lifestyle this year and to get healthier and happier for our 3 children the most and ourselves....
since I was a kid I have been addicted to Coke, and the first thing I wanted to do was get rid of that addiction. so 2 weeks ago I quit Coke and not once touched or thought about having any.. so clap to me :P
I have low self esteem and give up so easily....

But I have joined back today to get the support from you all and tips etc how to shed my kilos etc.....
P.S my Fiance has agreed to do this with me....... and support me. I just need that extra support and motivation...


sorry for long Intro!



  • Sparkie_66
    Sparkie_66 Posts: 6 Member
    Giving up soda is huge. I used to drink Diet Coke all the time. Decided to give it up and haven't missed it. I work in a restaurant, so the soda is there all the time. Any time I've had any, it just doesn't do it for me anymore. Since my divorce and death of my boyfriend (cancer) I've mostly stayed to myself. I don't socialize much, if at all. I relate to what you've written. I've found that if I set smaller goals and achieve them, I can build on them to propel me forward. The anxiety I've gone through the past few years with my personal life has obviously taken its toll on me. I've put on 15 pounds since my boyfriend died and sometimes I lack the motivation to keep going. Like I said, I relate to what you wrote. Feel free to add me if you'd like and best of luck to you!