mcc4r90 Member


  • I love my morning green smoothie! 1 cup spinach, 1 cup unsweetened almond milk, 1 tbsp nut butter (PB, almond, cashew...), 1 banana, 3-5 ice cubes, 1 scoop of protein powder. I find if I don't add protein to my smoothie, I'm hungry by 9:00 AM!! lol
  • I like to top my rice cakes with tuna for lunch, or PB for a snack .. I'm in the same boat, I love rice cakes as a substitution for bread.
  • I'm a lover of spiralized veggies.. I use them as 'pasta'. A great recipe for a healthy sauce, high in fibre, is one that uses pureed white beans (or any type of bean really) as the base. Add ground turkey, chicken, veggies, spices as you prefer to make it a complete dish. Hope this helps!
  • Hi all, Good luck to everyone on their weightloss journey! I adopted healthier eating and exercising habits almost a year a and a half ago and have lost 60 lbs so far. BUT I'm in your range now, I'm 170 right now looking to lose 15 lbs - this will be the hardest part of my journey so far, but I'm motivated to do it! If I…
  • @emca85‌ It's totally normal to feel overwhelmed. As many said above, try the 80/20 rule and don't completely cut out some of your faviourite foods. Whether it be pizza, mac and cheese, or burgers, these foods can be classified as 'cheat' meals and you can indulge in them about once a week. Try adopting the perspective…