DaDisplacedYooper Member


  • I lost 50 lbs by walking and have maintained for 6 months now. I am cutting back exercise time now because I was spending too much time walking. I did 20 to 25 ksteps per day in December. Since then I am upping cardio intensity by doing HIIT on a stationary bike or using the elliptical. I'm adding strength training too. I…
  • It is sooo confusing what to use for logging BG, exercise, food and steps. It seems to me that many apps are good at one thing, and terribly lame at most others. I recently switched to iPhone in anticipation of the Dexcom G5 communicating directly to the iPhone without the need to carry the receiver. You didn't mention…
  • While still obese I had trouble carrying candy to treat lows because I would eat it when I didn't need it. For years I carried Airheads because I hate them, they are cheap, and you can find them even in gas stations for a buck. Now I can carry candy I like and leave it alone until it is needed to treat a low. I am a…
  • I am anxious to try Affreza. I have an endo appointment coming up in early November. Based on my over the top tendency to analyze everything, doc is willing to have me be one of the first he prescribes anything new. I'll keep you posted how it goes.