Brandon1992 Member


  • Believe it or not to break plateaus when I was at my lowest weight it was either vacations or cheat meals . And when I slowly added back calories (reverse dieting) I also lost more weight . Just. A thought
  • If you are trying to maintain your weight and not lose than sure you can eat them back . But if your goal is to lose weight I don’t see why you would want to eat back your hard work. Don’t forget , your calorie deficit should be made with food not exercise
  • Absolutely, like everything in life sometimes you just need a mental break from things. absolutely ! That’s always the goal! More muscle less fat. Whatever you are doing seems to be working phenomenal for you tho! Keep it up
  • Ahhh I actually have a smart scale too . I like this idea . I don’t want to see what I weigh this month but the data seems pretty cool like you said . I think I’m going to try this
  • Great to hear there’s others out there with our similar stories . Someone who messed up by regaining what they lost and back and more , my advice would be to you is to talk positive to yourself . See yourself in the mirror and be proud not always want more . I was never satisfied with myself because I thought that’s how…
  • We are in this together stay Strong bud
  • Thank you! Absolutely , i always say if I ever have children I will get them in good eating habits from the start and they wouldn’t even notice and could live a normal life without obsessing over food . My bad eating habits growing up really effects me every single day , im never satisfied unless I’m completely stuffed .…
  • I was overweight my entire life , I had a 5 years span where I’ve lost 80 lbs 6-7 years back. Was best shape of my life and had a ton of motivation. Tho my mental health was not good I was very depressed and robot like in my normal days . Became obsessed with fitness but was not happy . After falling off the way hard in…