to eat or not to eat....

Should you eat the exercise calories or not? This has been always the question for me. I generally dont eat all of them, but should I?


  • DancingMoosie
    DancingMoosie Posts: 8,619 Member
    You can will get a better idea of how accurate they are when you log for a while and track how much weight you lose.
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    It's how MFP is designed and it makes it easier to meet your nutritional goals and still enjoy a wider variety of foods while still being in a deficit. Why wouldn't you?
  • lilspider
    lilspider Posts: 31 Member
    Thanks both for your reply. I will try to eat all of them for a bit thanks for the great tip.
    I just generally dont feel hungry to eat all of it so what gives... I guess I should be happy.
    Also I only notice it after dinner and then it is too late to eat 500 calories lol
  • Go_Deskercise
    Go_Deskercise Posts: 1,630 Member
    lilspider wrote: »
    Thanks both for your reply. I will try to eat all of them for a bit thanks for the great tip.
    I just generally dont feel hungry to eat all of it so what gives... I guess I should be happy.
    Also I only notice it after dinner and then it is too late to eat 500 calories lol

    Do you use a scale to log your food?
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    lilspider wrote: »
    Thanks both for your reply. I will try to eat all of them for a bit thanks for the great tip.
    I just generally dont feel hungry to eat all of it so what gives... I guess I should be happy.
    Also I only notice it after dinner and then it is too late to eat 500 calories lol

    Assuming that 500 calories is an accurate estimate of how many calories you're burning through exercise, you can always roll them over into the next day. You don't have to cram them into the end of your day, your body doesn't do a hard reset at midnight.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,930 Member
    As others have said, MFP is designed for you to eat back a reasonable estimate of exercise calories. Be sure to set you MFP activity level (in your profile) based on non-exercise activity (like home chores, job, non-exercise hobbies, etc.).

    The real test is actual weight loss rate after 4-6 weeks (comparing same relative point in at least 2 different monthly cycles for premenopausal women). Losing weight too fast creates health risks (don't want that!), but you do of course want a sensible, steady loss rate. Eating back exercise calories is just part of finding that balance.

    Someone who sets an ultra slow loss goal (like 0.5lb/week, even when they have many pounds left to lose), and who does small/irregular amounts of exercise, is probably fine just letting exercise calories increase their calorie deficit, because in total they won't lose too fast. But someone who sets up their profile for 2 pounds a week loss, then does hundreds of calories of exercise most days on top of that . . . well, that can be a path toward unsustainability (such as binges), weakness, fatigue, or worse health complications. For sure a problem? No. But for sure higher risk.

    Best wishes for success!
  • lilspider
    lilspider Posts: 31 Member
    Yes I weigh all my food religiously with my kitchen scales. I've been tracking for two weeks and lost 2kg so far so it is working.
  • yirara
    yirara Posts: 9,590 Member
    Congratulations on your weight loss!

    Maybe start with eating back half your exercise calories. Many exercise calorie estimates are rather off. If you find you lose too fast (and lose too much muscles) then eat back more.
  • lilspider
    lilspider Posts: 31 Member
    Thanks everyone this has been really insightful read and has made me appreciate the calories I have left more. I have always thought that as long as I don't feel hungry I should be ok, but on some days I have quite a few calories left and then end up munching chocolate in front of TV because I can (Which then throws my macros out of the window!! :D )
  • Brandon1992
    Brandon1992 Posts: 11 Member
    If you are trying to maintain your weight and not lose than sure you can eat them back . But if your goal is to lose weight I don’t see why you would want to eat back your hard work. Don’t forget , your calorie deficit should be made with food not exercise
  • ClimbingWolf
    ClimbingWolf Posts: 298 Member
    Try out different methods, see what works for your goals... I did this and got to know more about how my body reacts to certain situations. One week you eat the 'burned calories' as well, one week you don't and then you can see what works for your goals.
    I don't eat them back on now, trying to cut some weight.. But this would not necessarily work for others.. As long you feel the fun of it you should try whatever works within your comfort. No right or wrong, as long you don't OVEReat you daily macros
  • cerad2
    cerad2 Posts: 70 Member
    One week you eat the 'burned calories' as well, one week you don't and then you can see what works for your goals.
    I fully agree with notion of experimenting but I'm skeptical that one week can tell you much. Three months should yield fairly definite results. But I would suggest letting at least a month to go by before drawing any conclusions.
  • lilspider
    lilspider Posts: 31 Member
    I would also like to add I sit on my bum most days because of work but always go for walks to get at least 10k steps each day as well as do some weight training with my dumbbells
  • Go_Deskercise
    Go_Deskercise Posts: 1,630 Member
    edited June 2020
    lilspider wrote: »
    This conversation has been really useful for me. I am on 1200 cals a day so in other words if I do 500 cals worth of exercise it takes it down to 700? - which is way too little.

    1200 calories is the bare minimum for women.

    How tall are you?
    How much are you wanting to lose?
    How fast are you trying to lose it?
