Lol. Would have given her the death stare.
Face looks like a completely different person. Congrats.
brb currently eating 3k calories for dinner. However, there are times when I have to diet for summer shredding. They both have their places.
ayyylmao. Cardio doesnt burn muscle, it just increases tdee leading to muscle loss due to improper dieting.
I dont lift. Don't want to get too bulky brah...
Friends :wink:
In general. Just wanted to clarify that before I get flamed ITT.
Trimming chest hair for example. Don't see many woman with chest hair regardless. Nothing misogynistic was meant in my post, don't take it out of context.
Yes I do but not cleanly shaven. There are parts that should be kept clean like the pits and other parts where just a trim would do it for men.
Possibly track and field athlete?
Strong personal attack.
WTF? Strong hate. The first butt looks like good fat distribution + air brushed.
I did see the part where you mentioned that you were already overweight. If that is the case, you wont be happy bulking. You will lose whatever muscle definition you currently have as fat gain is inevitable.
Usually, if you are gaining mostly fat, your surplus is too large. But with a 600 surplus, fat gain should be moderate. Either try to decrease the surplus or reevaluate how you are measuring food or recalculate your TDEE. I did a dreamer bulk from 135 to 200 lbs. Fat gains through the roof. It isnt worth it to gain too…
As long as I can get a bench, and a few dbs, I dont care.
10-12 hrs normally. If I'm doing IF, 16.
And to OP as well: I have done 5 % carbs/ 65 % fats/ 30 % protein . It took me 3 days for my body to get into ketosis. I lasted a full 1.5 weeks lol Cholesterol is variable but for the most part, most people on keto say that it either decreases or says the same. A study here shows decrease :…
That's great man. A bachelor's degree barely gets you through the door in many positions these days anyway.
Yeah they are not going to count it lol. Profs are generally too lazy. 10k words was around 30 pages double spaced lol. Probably not, just a ball park. But it wouldn't be hard with online submissions to get an exact word count.
Feels. Just finished a 10k word assignment. Ultimate feeling of relief.
rebellious. dat guy fawkes mask.
#3 Back for days.
That he is jacked.
Huge turn off. Especially armpit hair. I attribute it with hygiene.
I'd hook Carl from the Walking Dead straight in the gabber any day.