kmack29_ Member


  • i'm a day late but starting today!
  • welcome! feel free to add me as a friend! the more friends the better!
  • fajitas! have them with some rice instead of in the tortilla. i make them at home every time i am craving Mexican (planned for tomorrow night actually!) and tend to skip the tortilla but put them on a bed of rice with salsa, cheese and sour cream! i have a soft spot in my heart for rice though!
  • i want to comment individually on everyone but there are so many! you guys have all done amazing jobs! congrats everyone! you should all be so proud.. great motivation for me to keep with it! hopefully soon i'll be posting my success!
  • i'm 25 and always looking for friends! the more support the better :) feel free to add me!
  • my boyfriend (who is not "dieting") and i are both foodies as well. we still eat out, but we have started cooking together at home a lot as well! make it fun! find cool and exciting recipes online that you can enjoy making AND eating together! turn it into the ultimate date night! we tend to plan ahead, grocery shop…
  • one thing that works for me is making some small NSV goals! things like "do X amount of pushups", "run X amount faster", "take the stairs", etc. i find these types of goals give me confidence when i reach them even if i haven't hit what i wanted on the scale. it's not just about the scale, it's an overall healthy way of…
  • i struggled quite a bit when i first started. getting into a healthier routine was definitely challenging- there is a reason i got chubby in the first place! just start out slow and not give up! i started with logging my food, and trying to make as much of my own food as possible instead of eating out! (especially at work-…
  • i'm 5'3 as well and have been losing on 1310. depending on the day, i try and eat back maybe half of my exercise calories (some days i still eat them all- usually planned!) and have been losing consistently.
  • i'm a huge tea person! i dislike just plain old water, so i drink lots of tea as a way to get my water in! when i started drinking green tea i added sugar as well, but now its straight! i find it an acquired taste. you can try drinking different types of green tea? i'm a big fan of honey lemon ginseng!
  • i've always been pretty active.. but i also love to eat! MFP has been helping me find a balance between eating because i'm hungry and eating just to eat. its still a struggle some days, and i do go over my cals- but i log! always log, hold yourself accountable! its a lifestyle change, we aren't going to change over night,…