For the past 7 years I have struggled with my weight. I've tried a variety of crash diets, restricting, & even gone on an all liquid diet! Years of trying these diets have messed up my metabolism. I lose weight slowly but gain it very quickly! Friday the 10th a switch went off in my mind, heart, & stomach. I no longer wanted to eat junk food & be lazy, so.. Now I eat healthy food, make sure my macros are balanced, & I exercise. Portion control & getting enough calories while still having a deficit is key. I've been on track for 8 days now & feel like this lifestyle change isn't going anywhere :)

Feel free to add me!!! I'm super sweet & fun to talk to!


  • ladystarr
    You and I have a lot in common! I also have tried for years to lose weight and I would give up, etc. I have also been on track for 8 days as well!! You can do it!!! I have faith! :)
  • thefoodaddict
    thefoodaddict Posts: 93 Member
    Yayy we're like twinsies! haha let's keep in contact. My old profile had a bunch of people that didn't even talk to me or like my posts. What's the point of adding if you're not gonna be supportive?!
  • haildodger
    haildodger Posts: 181 Member
  • Changing_Charity
    Changing_Charity Posts: 197 Member
    <3 my name is charity, and I am a food addict.

    friend request sent!
  • thefoodaddict
    thefoodaddict Posts: 93 Member
    friend request accepted :D
  • ladystarr
    I am also a food addict. One thing I am trying to do is not think of this as a "diet". I'm trying to think of it as a healthy living choice I am making. God knows I like sneak in a pizza and some candy bars later down the road. :P
  • emitc534
    emitc534 Posts: 10 Member
    Hi, I to have tried to so many diet programs in my life. I have now said no more they get rich and I'm exactly where I started. No more programs, what I say to myself it didn"t take me a short time to put this weight on it's not going to take me a short time to take it off.

    I don't say diet, I say lifestyle change. Maybe this will help, I started making small changes. I sat down and made my own plan. That meant looking online for FREE things like this site that I llike. I can log daily. No more paying for gyms that I only attend 25% of the time. I say I'm going to put on my headphones and walk. I started out doing just 20 minutes, now I can do a half hour.

    I look for free sites to look for information about foods that are healthy and filling, Making sure I eat more fruits and vegetables. But, according to the government website on nutrition and fitness, for my age, weight, height, I'm only suppose to have 1 1/2 cups of fruit per day, and 2 1/2 cups of vegetables per day. There's also how much protein, carbs, fats, dairy. I'm taking it one day at a time. I have two 32 oz bottles of water which is also important. Take it day by day, try to have a plan, and talk daily about your ups and downs because i've had many. I'm starting all over again myself. I just need to go shopping to make sure I have wnat I need without going overboard.
  • mrsKOrtiz
    mrsKOrtiz Posts: 949 Member
    WE can do this!!
  • thefoodaddict
    thefoodaddict Posts: 93 Member
    emitc534 wrote: »
    Hi, I to have tried to so many diet programs in my life. I have now said no more they get rich and I'm exactly where I started. No more programs, what I say to myself it didn"t take me a short time to put this weight on it's not going to take me a short time to take it off.

    I don't say diet, I say lifestyle change. Maybe this will help, I started making small changes. I sat down and made my own plan. That meant looking online for FREE things like this site that I llike. I can log daily. No more paying for gyms that I only attend 25% of the time. I say I'm going to put on my headphones and walk. I started out doing just 20 minutes, now I can do a half hour.

    I look for free sites to look for information about foods that are healthy and filling, Making sure I eat more fruits and vegetables. But, according to the government website on nutrition and fitness, for my age, weight, height, I'm only suppose to have 1 1/2 cups of fruit per day, and 2 1/2 cups of vegetables per day. There's also how much protein, carbs, fats, dairy. I'm taking it one day at a time. I have two 32 oz bottles of water which is also important. Take it day by day, try to have a plan, and talk daily about your ups and downs because i've had many. I'm starting all over again myself. I just need to go shopping to make sure I have wnat I need without going overboard.

    Yaaaas. Making a plan is very important. I don't listen to the government website because fruits & veggies are highly needed in your diet. I say diet as in what you eat, but you're right it is a lifestyle change. For me, I include LOTS of protein in my diet because although I do a lot of cardio, I strength train a bit, so my muscles need the protein. Also, I get a lot of protein because, in my opinion, that's what should make up most of your calories. I do 40% protein, 35% fat, & 25% carbs. But I sometimes don't meet that (my pie chart is off) so I just make sure I get 130 grams of protein a day & let the rest take care of themselves. I have IBS so I'm limited on what I can eat, especially dairy.. soy milk is better for you anyways :p
    Well, I hope your journey runs smoothly like mine has been lately!!
  • thefoodaddict
    thefoodaddict Posts: 93 Member
    WE can do this!!

  • eldamiano
    eldamiano Posts: 2,667 Member
    Dont use the metabolism card. It is an overrated excuse. More likely you just failed to eat at a calorie deficit.
  • 19_84_jade
    19_84_jade Posts: 60 Member
    ^^^^^ feel free to add me everyone :)
  • xShreddx
    xShreddx Posts: 127 Member
    Been there, done that! What has worked for me is not doing a diet per se. I've changed my perspective that this is a forever change I needed to take and not thinking food is a reward but rather a resource. Diets suck. They keep you from eating normally. Portion control, tracking intake and exercising is the simple plan to win. Feel free to add and good luck to you!
    DEBSMITLEY Posts: 11 Member
    well I did good for a very long time, now I just can't stop eating, I'm eating 2500 calories a day sometimes more, I do excellent on keeping active, I lift weights and walk 4 miles a day but just can't control my eating, I have been depressed and may have something to do with it, I just started this site not too long ago but never posted, I have lost around 115lbs on my very long journey to be fit and some what thin, I know I will never be a model or be that size 8 but would be nice to be a 12-14 would make me very happy!!!!!
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    HaiLDodger wrote: »

  • bfergusonii
    bfergusonii Posts: 208 Member
    Tried one "diet" after another for many years. Been through WW, Atkins, Paleo, etc. etc. Unfortunately I always wondered why I could have this and not have that. Also there was always that thought in the back of my head about doing the diet until I lost weight.

    MFP, or more appropriate CICO, is the first time that I have felt like this is a way of life and not a diet. I started exercising about 5 months ago. It was hard to start with but now I feel like my day is missing something when I don't exercise.

    You can do this. Feel free to send me a FR. I am here every day and log everything.
  • postrockandcats
    postrockandcats Posts: 1,145 Member
    I felt guilty about food for YEARS. Coming here and realising that eating well meant a balance of things as opposed to restricting freed me more than I realised I needed to be freed. You can do this!
  • kmack29_
    kmack29_ Posts: 13 Member
    i've always been pretty active.. but i also love to eat! MFP has been helping me find a balance between eating because i'm hungry and eating just to eat. its still a struggle some days, and i do go over my cals- but i log! always log, hold yourself accountable! its a lifestyle change, we aren't going to change over night, but if we keep on going we will all reach our goals!
  • TJR88
    TJR88 Posts: 37 Member
    In my mid teens I got it into my head that I was fat (I wasn't) and there were things that I should and shouldn't be eating and that's when I started to actually get fat - by swinging from being super "healthy" (whatever healthy meant according to current fad I was caught up in) for a few days or weeks and then saying forget this I want the unhealthy stuff and gorging like a beast for a few days or weeks. Rinse and Repeat for the next decade!

    I'm done with extremes and I'm keeping it simple - I've set my calories at around maintenance level for my goal weight and all my focus is on not exceeding those cals each day and getting in a couple hours of exercise each week. No special complicated regime, no forbidden foods, no cheat days or diet day. Approx 1800 cals a day and a couple hours of exercise a week. That's it. RINSE AND REPEAT!