

  • A lot of people don't like them, but I do. I've only had the cheddar & sour cream flavor though.
  • I hate the taste of most veggies too, at least by themselves. Like a couple others have said, try to get into juicing or smoothie making. Blending a veggie (or a few) in with fruit really covers up most if not all of the taste of the veggie. Leafy greens (kale, spinach, parsley, etc), carrots, celery, cucumber are some…
  • Synergy is the one I like too, curious what other alternatives there are that are just as good.
  • I use Amazon because they're usually a few dollars cheaper than the nutrition/health type stores around here, but I live in the US. My favorite powder is Isoburn by BSN, I've tried all three flavors and they're great. BSN also have another powder called Syntha-6, but I was told that's more to help with bulking/building…
  • Depends on how I feel or what else I have eaten/will eat that day. If I'm not that hungry or I know I plan on eating a large dinner that evening then I'll eat one as a meal replacement (either breakfast or lunch). Other times I'll have them as a snack or as a portion of a meal.
  • Chocolate, vanilla, strawberries & cream, peanut butter, and one called "multipurpose"... which I assume is unflavored and meant to be used in cooking/baking. I am way excited, I love the bars and the chips (was told to stay away from the pasta though and I have). I've been able to cut a lot of junk food out of my diet…
  • Hi, I'm new too! I have the same "problem" as you but I suspect water weight, especially since I'm nearing that time of the month. Explains why I lost weight the past two weeks and gained back half a pound this week, despite working out several times and staying within my calorie goal. Gonna try weighing myself again in a…