JanerichoC18 Member


  • That's crazy! Sorry you had to go through all of that and sorry for your loss. My weight gain started when my father passed away so I completely understand how that is difficult to bounce back from, it's extremely difficult to get out of the dark mindset from it, I'm happy to hear you are pushing through! Keep focused the…
  • Thank you every one for your kind words and support. I can't wait to lose the last little bit... I may even get an ab or 2!
  • Good call, i havent done pictures in a while
  • Nope! I went Pumpkin Spice on mine, I sorta want to try it with canned pumpkin now if it fits keto-wise... Guess I know what I will be experimenting with this weekend!
  • Not really sure what else to use, I use Torani SF because it's pretty much 0 everything nutritionally (and it was on the original recipe I found.) I'll look around and see what else I can find.
  • I'll give those a shot after I monitor for a week, and absolutely! 8 oz cream cheese 4 oz heavy cream 4 Tbsp sour cream 4 Tbsp Torani Sugarfree Syrup (I use French Vanilla) 0.5tbsp pumpkin spice 0.5tbsp cinnamon 1tbsp light brown sugar I usually go slightly over on sour cream and heavy cream, thoroughly mix until it's like…
  • I am trying to lose another 45ish pounds. Calorie limit (2600) was set by me, I set it for 5%/20%/75% so 33/130/217. I am set up for 2604 (still a good deficit) 36/130/218, with 13 fiber and 10 sugar. My concern was more the food choices I feel like I am reliant on heavy cream, I also was worried my carbs were high at 36…
  • It is? It should be open, I will add you, also yeah I drink a crap load of water - I am 285-290 pounds (depends on the day) and I work out twice a day. A friend of mine who is a trainer put me from 50% to 75% of my bodyweight with water because I burn 5000+ calories a day now (thank you fitbit)
  • Pain went away last night oddly enough, didnt hurt when i pressed on it, it hurt a little more with deep breaths though. Completely gone today so I'm more confused about it but happy it's gone. Regardless i am still going to see a doctor about it so it doesn't flair up weekly.
  • Thinking back to it, each time this has happened it was on my bicep/triceps day which is the day after check/back. Interval training has been on the ARC for 20 minutes at high resistance and high incline intervals. Cardio in the AM is just running outside, PM is treadmill, AM core is regular situps/weighted situps/ twists…
  • Yeah my warm ups are not even close to good enough - I have no excuse or reasoning why. I will give this a shot, I do bench once a week with some other presses, but I have been trying to switch to dumbbells to force both sides to work evenly (ie, right side isn't leading the way or pushing the bulk of the weight and…
  • That's my assumption, glad you're backing it up. The Interval training is on a really high incline and resistance (setting on the machine) so that's probably the culprit. Thanks!
  • I no longer buy snack cakes or bags of chips, because 10 servings per container is really just saying "this is a competition to eat 10 servings in 1 sitting".... I always win that contest... and lose.
  • Yeah this is exactly what threw me off, BMI has me at a weight that I think I would look sick at, even at the higher end. I have a "wide frame" so to speak (had it pre morbidly obese) so the BMI chart had me a little discouraged when it said I should be under 175 to be normal. Since I am changing to a range rather than a…
  • I am starting to lean this way, Going off how my body feels may be the smart way to do it until I am comfortable with myself. I like these Idea's picking a range and not go unrealistic (200lbs). Maybe shoot for 220-245 and see how I look at different weights. The BF% is ideal, BMI tries to put me at 135-175 which I don't…
  • Well crap i guess i will stick with it as long as i don't hate myself for it! Thanks everyone and awesome work nicksflyingcircus thats huge progress!
  • Good info, I think part of my problem early on to is I thought it was carbs and not net carbs, actually put me closer to the 25-35g range which I am pretty pumped about! I will see about going ratio instead of %'s that definitely makes sense! I need to be more patient with this process. It took years to put it on I…
  • Well, this was eye opening, I work out 6 days a week (lift heavy 4, circuit train 1 strict cardio 1, with 20m of interval on the ARC after the lift days) with my rest day being an indoor golf league, so I average 6-7 hours of working out per week if not more. I fit it in with the goals I had set and it turns out I am at a…
  • Awesome! I will make sure to go through everything today and adjust as necessary, the carb thing did seem wrong to me thank you for clarifying!
  • I feel like we only have Coke in the south- where I grew up in the north with Pepsi: 1) Pepsi Max 2) Coke Zero 3) Vanilla Coke Zero Zero and Max because I would rather eat my calories... Missin' my Pepsi Blue tho!
  • I either go with whey tech pro 24 (Same company as Gold Standard Whey but it's vitamin shoppe specific and a little cheaper) or Dymatize ISO - 100. With the whey tech pro 24 they have samples at vitamin shop, just 1 serving of each flavor. The banana creme was extremely good, as was the chocolate mint. I heard good things…
  • Mine were: -Run a Tough Mudder (Complete) -Lose 85 pounds (45 lost had 6 months of giving up before I got back on it and dropped another 20... didn't hit the goal but I lost a lot of weight and am on the right path) -Join a Gym (Check!) -Run a 5k with a cause I believe in (Complete!) The rest has nothing to do with fitness…
  • Yeah taking a candid picture of a woman you work with isn't creepy at all. Sounds like your co-worker has some deep seeded issues from what you say/the picture thing.