I weigh myself ALL THE TIME. Seriously like everytime I go to the bathroom or even go upstairs in my house. I know this would drive some people crazy but for me it does the opposite. I know my body so well now that I've been doing this for so long. I know how much I'll weigh in the morning before I even weigh myself…
I used to do stronglifts 5x5 but now I do my own program to train for olympic lifts. I train with the barbell on Thursdays and Saturdays. I used to do so much more lifting but now that the runs take up so much time and energy, I choose to focus on the running :) I still prefer the lifting though!
Hi Everyone, Thank you so much for all of this great advice! I'm happy to report that I ran 11 miles this morning and I feel fantastic. I'm at work on my lunch break as I type this. I did the following: -drank more water during the week because I know I am bad at drinking enough -Kept up with my running schedule during the…
I used to drink water with nuun tablets. On Tuesday I'm going to try that plus use cliff gels each hour. I used to do that too. I just don't remember having to do this stuff until my long runs got up to 12 miles or so :/ I will post in this thread again after my long run on Tuesday. Thanks everyone for your wonderful…
I am eating at a deficit and I was last time tok. Nothing drastic... losing about 1 lb a week sometimes less. And I eat a lot the day before a long run (2500 call at least) but the morning of my long run I only have a couple hundred calories before I go. I really think the sodihm, hydration in general, and fueling issues…
Yeah I definitely don't drink TOO much. If anything I'm dehydrated. Also, last time I trained I do remember using cliff gels. One before the run and one an hour in. I guess I don't remember having to do this stuff until my runs were 12 plus miles... so I was confused when I got these symptoms starting at only 9 miles. But…
this makes a lot of sense to me.. I was trying to figure out what I was doing differently last time I ran a marathon. And I was definitely drinking more sodium. I'm going to try and see if this is my problem. Also, not running enough during the week could be it. I've had to skip a few short runs because of the cold/no…
Thanks everyone. I'm going to try changing clothes right after and drinking a lot of fluids to see if that helps! :)
My long run pace is about 11 minutes per mile. I ran a marathon 2 years ago and it was the same pace. (pretty slow I know) And I usually eat a cliff bar a couple hours before running. (in the morning)
Back in the day when I ate whatever and didn't exercise on purpose I stayed around 175-185. After my pregnancy though I really took on a lifestyle of being fit and watching what I eat. Now, if I don't watch what I eat (but still workout because it is a hobby) I stay at 160. I'm 5'4'' and 28% body fat.I hate the BMI numbers.