Regine519 Member


  • Hey. I'm new to the group as well. My goal is to exercise for 60 minutes, at least 3 times a week and to stay within my calorie goal by logging all my meals in my fitness pal. I'd love some sort of accountability group where we can pop in once a week and tell each other how we are doing. Also, I'd like to share some…
  • Hey...I've spent years trying something for a couple of months losing some weight only to fall off the wagon and gaining it back again. I'd love to have some accountability partners. What are the parameters?
  • no notifications here either.
  • Hi. I am 29 years old. I work as a city planner. I'm not married and I do not have any kids. I have gone up and down with my weight all through out my 20s. I usually do some sort of extreme diet/exercise combination to loose weight quickly and then put it all back on as soon I stop the program. I am looking to incorporate…
  • I pledge to do 1,000 minutes for the month of September. This is my first month of tracking my exercise. How is everyone keeping tack of the minutes?
  • These lunch ideas all sound amazing. I'm going to look up these recipes today and meal prep for next week. Your just putting them in freezer safe containers? Thanks