
  • not an issue for me!! haha (we all trade one problem for another. lol be happy for your bouncy boobs!!) :wink: D
  • The biggest thing for me is schedule. I DON'T like rolling out of bed for a workout, but I also know that if I don't do it first thing it will never get done. So, I plan my clothes the night before and put everything right beside my bed. Once I'm dressed to workout it's much easier to go and do it. Even if you go outside…
  • 45 5'5" and want to lose about 12-15 more lbs. Same story - was thin and tone through my 20's and early 30's. When I turned 35 was when I started gaining a couple of lbs a year and it didn't budge as quickly. 10 years later... I've held onto an extra 10 - 15 lbs for many years and this year (recently) hit my all-time high…
  • The problem with most vegetarians (myself included) is that we eat a lot of junk, just b/c it's not meat! I was a vegetarian, sometimes vegan, sometimes raw for 12 years and just recently started incorporating meat again. I started with eggs and fish (we caught and stored halibut from Alaska - yum!) - it's still hard for…