Vegetarian of 6 years returning to meat?



  • PearlAng
    PearlAng Posts: 681 Member
    dbmata wrote: »
    Take it slow. Good luck, and welcome back to being an omnivore.

    :blush::heart: thank you
  • girldownsouth
    girldownsouth Posts: 920 Member
    I was vegetarian for 10 years, no meat or fish, reintroduced chicken/turkey and fish, then red meat 2 or 3 years later. There's a history of aneamia in my family and I was starting to get low iron, and I was less bothered about vegetarianism than I was as a teen so started eating meat again. No I'll effects, and I didn't do anything special in the way I started having it. I probably did increase it fairly gradually, though not deliberately, just lived alone then, so stuck with quorn, or even just tins of vegetable soup for dinner quite a lot, but now I have meat more often because of my boyfriend.
    The problem with most vegetarians (myself included) is that we eat a lot of junk, just b/c it's not meat! I was a vegetarian, sometimes vegan, sometimes raw for 12 years and just recently started incorporating meat again. I started with eggs and fish (we caught and stored halibut from Alaska - yum!) - it's still hard for me to prepare meat and even eggs - even though they come from my own chickens! But, I can eat them. I'm doing some free range chicken now as well and beef if it comes from our farm. The biggest differences that I've found are when doing all raw or at least super clean vegan (no bread, pasta, added sugar, etc) I have a ton of energy all the time. When I eat meat it slows me down, so I choose it for my evening meal only.
    - I would highly suggest this if you're converting back. Try to keep your meals clean with mostly fruits a.m. and veggies/salad/avocado during the day and include a lean protein at night when your body is ready to slow down. :)