

  • http://mudderella.com/events/toronto-2015/ Check this site out for training tips, too. I think there is a weekly segment!
  • Congratulations on your decision to do this event! This is the first time I will be doing it as well in Toronto, ON. I have a team already started and were basically there to keep each other focused and motivated! Biggest tips I can offer at this point is get a support system; find friends that will do it with you and…
  • Toronto area! It's getting cold here already!
  • I have a number of Jillian DVDs as well as some Biggest Loser ones. I can honestly say that in all my years of trying DVDs and other at-home exercise regimes, The 30 Day Shred and TaiBo are the ONLY 2 that have worked for me. When I started I couldn't get through the first level, but I stuck it out. At my best I was doing…
  • Awesome comments everyone! Thank you so much! It's my first day on MyFitnessPal and it has been supportive, informative and inspiring!