Jump rope HIIT 20 seconds work, 10 seconds rest. Repeat each group 2x with 60sec rest between groups. Followed by 10 minutes of abs and then yoga tonight
Everyone is so quick to be critical of something that is working for someone else. Whether it's The 21 Day Fix, Veganism, Whole 30, etc., it seems as if people don't want to give credit where credit is due. Before you jump me for that statement, I'm referring to giving credit to the person not the program. The program…
I loved the 30 Day Shred. It's what fot me into a consistent routine. The 21 Day fix has realllllly helped with my portion control and being more contentious about what I'm eating. I eat so many more veggies and lean proteins now
Thank you both for your open replies. Sometime it just takes relating to somone else and knowing you aren't alone to give you motivation.
I'm always looking for friends!! Hi, Im Erin. Im 24, I'm a mom, I work full time and I'm very passionate about health and fitness. I have a huge struggle with food and sweets however, but I am working to change my relationship with food. I am about 15 pounds from my goal weight and can't wait to see myself succeed.
I am about to start. I have done a couple workouts from Streaming the Program online through the Beachbody Membership. I haven't started the nutrition portion yet! I will be soon. The workouts are definitely beginner to intermediate but I love that they are 30 minutes