ChescasFeather Member


  • Thank you! Some of this seems so obvious and yet we all look over it so thank you for putting it out there and so simply :) x
  • Thanks for your replies! Seems everyone reacts differently - but deffo wannna work on will power somehing I never had an issue with before so shouldnt now! - x
  • Yh it's deffo been tough this term especially as i have been hating my modules so that is definitely a possibility - maybe I should work on finding something other than naught comfort foods in those situations. - Luckily Im really looking forward to next terms modules :)
  • Hey im 5"4 and looking to budge the last 10lbs and approx 2 inches form waist. Been doing well to log in daily but mainly need support and motivation to improve the quality of my diet! Always looking for new friends :) feel free to add x
  • I've been a vegetarian for nearly 10 years now and on/off vegan for 2-3 years :) feel free to add me and always love talking recipes xxx
  • I drink herbal teas as appetite surpressants they help with cravings and drinking enough fills me up :) Sometimes I add Splenda (2cal per tsp) which really helps with the sugar cravings x
  • I don't think you can spot-reduce weight/fat loss but cutting out processed carbs/wheat/gluten products will not only reduce your calorie intake but will reduce bloating. I think I read somewhere that carbs that aren't used up for energy basically store as fat and these cells swell up causing bloating. Whenever I feel/look…
  • Always looking for more supportive/motivational friends! - need to get out of this little slump I've slipped into! - Anyone feel free to add :) x
  • Hey Im new-ish to mfp and new to this group :) Would be great to have more supportive friends x
  • Hi :) I'm new and wanting to re-educate myself on healthy clean eating :) I started uni last year and the diet was awful, i worked hard and started eating really clean and lost an amazing amount of weight and reached my target. I relaxed a little over the holidays and have gained a little back and am now determined to lsoe…
  • Hey, Feel free to add me hun I'm a 2nd year uni student and did well to lose the awful freshers weight gain last year. Right now I'm focusing on hopefully losing the last 5-10lbs but mainly toning, and just improving my diet to be healthier :) Chesca
  • Hi :) what are you hoping to gain for MFP? Feel free to add me for support/motivation/a chat :) Chesca
  • Hey, Im a student on a very low budget and have actually found it easier to eat healthier on a lower budget thanks to ALDI and LIDL (uk)! Big bag of carrots - 89p Huge bag of frozen mixed veg (separates into 6 servings) - 89p yesterday I did a shop in ALDI and bough fresh tomato and basil soup (2 servings), Big bag of…
  • Thanks everyone! Deffo gonna keep at it. Making healthier choices and getting my but to that gym! My BF is really into weight training and so he's set me up a weight routine so I'll start adding that to my gym routine! Gonna start straight away Im in my gym gear and ready to go!
  • Wow thanks everyone for all the replies. I have been weighing everyday and measuring every other day for quite some time now and at the beginning of my weight loss journey seeing positive changes nearly every day-every other day was so motivating but recently I've hit such a plateau and actually some days seeing up to 4lbs…
  • Thanks a lot everyone for replies. I think I will have to focus on a calorie deficit and also work A LOT harder on avoiding temptations and making smarter choices as looking at my diary recently my intake has been sporadic and I can see I have not always been making healthy decisions. I will focus on weighing my food and…
  • I read up about increasing calorie intake for a while to try and break a plateau...unfortunately in my case it lead to this weight gain! It is getting increasingly frustrating and demotivating. My main problem areas are stomach and especially thighs and so from further reading I think I will try creating a calorie deficit…
  • I feel the same as a uni student my relationship with food and exercise has plummeted into an awful mess! Im deffo looking to improve my diet and lifestyle to get back the body I had and to start feeling more confident and enjoying life again! Add me and we can support each other! Peace and Love Chess
  • Yh add me too...always looking for supportive and motivational friends with the same end goal - healthier happier lifestyle :)
  • Hey Im a 19 year old uni student who lost a lot of weight last year but have gained it back since moving back to uni with my bf and mates. Im looking to improve my relationship with food, lose all the weight I have gained and maybe a little more, and to improve my fitness and fall back in love with the gym. I used to go…
  • Yeah definitely hun! Nice knowing other people are sort of in the same boat makes it easier to break old habits and enjoy new ones together :)