b_rook3 Member


  • hmmm clearly I dont know how to do the back at you thing where it highlights my question to another user lol.....help?
  • rabbitjb wrote: We've got friends over for lunch tomorrow ...it is a rule in my house that we always offer 3 puddings ...I've put them in my recipe builder and one of them is 870 calories a portion...I have no plans on eating it but it was yummy licking my fingers (I logged it) Tell me more about this 3 puddings things.…
  • Greek Yogurt, the good Kind: Fage or Chobani both high in protien and no rSTB. Cheese the good kind with no dye or rSTB. If your on the go though may be hard to keep in a purse for more than a few hrs. In those cases Nuts, seeds (hemp seeds- my new fav I add them to smoothies for protein - because my belly and whey do not…
  • Welcome Missy, I wish you well on your journey to success! Feel free to drop me a line anytime you need some motivation or to talk it out. I too am working on my journey and having support is great. I answer back. Good luck and take care :) - Brooke
    in Hi Comment by b_rook3 March 2015
  • Hi, Morgan nice to meet you! You seem to have a great positive attitude and I wish you well on your journey! I too know how challenging it can be to meet people who are willing to be supportive and motivating at the same time. I have always been up and down with my weight and was a chunky little one as a kid. This year I…