seejessiego Member


  • Thank you!! I've done the strict Paleo but I can't give up dairy due to some seizure medications I'm on so I just try to keep it good healthy dairy. And of course, never going to give up my wine and my cheese. I find that even though I still have 2-3 cheat meals a week (I love to cook and bake) it is still very effective.…
  • Let me clarify one thing, there was no "yo yo" and I'm a nurse I think I understand the idea of healthy nutrition and yo yo weight loss and gain. I had an initial weight loss in my 20's taking out the college diet of junk food and going to a more clean/paleo (though at that time paleo wasn't a thing) and using Isagenix or…
  • You are all welcome to your own opinion, however I am not here to sell you shakes or sell you ON to shakes. It has worked for me before and is already working for me again. Anyone else here working too much night shift in an ICU AND trying to farm 3 acres? What is the difference to you if I use Isagenix vs. Vega vs Sun…
  • Wow, nice to see such a supportive community out there. Do you guys laugh at the fat people on the treadmill too? Thanks for the two of the replies that were actually helpful.