Isagenix/clean eating open diary friends!

Trying to get in track after a 25lb weight gain in nursing school. (Ugh I know...)
Looking for anyone willing to add me that may follow Isagenix (really need shake recipes) and a modified clean eating/Paleo with open diary for some inspiration and support. (Not getting a lot of help from the hubby) thanks!


  • Dayle1984
    Dayle1984 Posts: 70 Member
    I have an open diary, not doing isa or shake things etc but I eat pretty clean... feel free to add
  • Chieflrg
    Chieflrg Posts: 9,097 Member
    Isn't 'clean' eating with Isagenix shakes an oxymoron? The whole premise of 'clean' eating is to eat whole foods in their natural state and to stay away from anything processed. How do manufactured shakes created in a lab fit in with that?

    No, eating "clean" is eating anthing you want while staying within your macros and calorie structure.

    Everybody has a different definition of "clean"...
  • PaulaWallaDingDong
    PaulaWallaDingDong Posts: 4,641 Member
    Wow, nice to see such a supportive community out there. Do you guys laugh at the fat people on the treadmill too? Thanks for the two of the replies that were actually helpful.

    Really only one was maybe sort of sarcastic/abusive, but only if you're in on the joke to understand it, and if you were, you would have expected it.

  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    You are making things harder than they have to be. Eating clean - and Paleo too, for that matter - is so elusive - it means different things to different people. What you call your way of eating doesn't make any difference, many people probably live by many of the same principles as you do (or are trying to) anyway, without calling it clean or Paleo or anything. What you are doing is chasing your own tail. All you need to eat healthily, is to eat healthfully, and that can be done in a million different ways. Weight loss shakes really are scams - to lose weight, all you have to do is eat less, move more. Does that sound so boring that you instead want to drink artificial ingredients that you have to tweak to make go down?

    People are being supportive. We want everybody to succeed. We are not making fun of you. The snark is directed at the scam. You would have seen the consensus on weight loss shakes by a quick search of the forums.
  • Wynterbourne
    Wynterbourne Posts: 2,222 Member
    Jakep2323 wrote: »
    You are all welcome to your own opinion, however I am not here to sell you shakes or sell you ON to shakes. It has worked for me before and is already working for me again. Anyone else here working too much night shift in an ICU AND trying to farm 3 acres? What is the difference to you if I use Isagenix vs. Vega vs Sun Warrior? Nothing. I found what works for me and that is that. I work 3 sometimes 4 sometimes 5 night shifts a week and it is BUSY. Isagenix gives me a great option, in what would otherwise be a shift that I don't eat at all. On my off days I try to stick to a modified Paleo. Using this method I lost 30 pounds in the years before nursing school and kept it off until the stress of school led me down the path of Mac and Cheese and ramen. Since I have been back on track in a month I have already lost 10 pounds and I am still going. I like the shakes, I feel better having 1-2 a day. There is no yo-yo for me. In my off days sticking to a clean, low to no carb, high protein high fat diet fits my lifestyle which is why its pretty sustainable for me. Come on guys, I eat out of my garden and from meat we raise/kill ourselves most meals. Is it perfect? Not even close. But I'm getting results, feeling better, and I know this is a lifestyle I can keep, so... isn't that the point?

    If this method doesn't work for you, I'm not here to tell you you're wrong unlike how many of these replies are going. Not really sure how searching for some diary sharing friends turned into "Oh my god you use a shake system I don't agree with lets comment and change your ways".

    Losing, gaining, losing is the definition of yo-yoing. You do realize you just described it immediately beforing claiming you don't do it?

    You read the OPs whole passage and this was all you picked up on? Shows a desire for the OP to be in the wrong. Desperately making her out to be a hypocrite. Not a nice quality in a person at all.
    The OP has attributed the increase weight to stress and has a very busy life by all accounts. Im not in favour of Isogenix but with that lifestyle it is not the worst thing and cant hurt.

    No. It's not the only thing I picked up on. I didn't realize I wasn't allowed to point something out without commenting on absolutely everything else. I also don't 'desire for her to be wrong' and I was not trying to make her out to a hypocrite. Sometimes people just don't notice things for themselves and other things can't be improved on until a person sees the possible entirety of the situation.

    You want to tell me anything else you think you know about me based on your misinterpretation of my comment?
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    Jakep2323 wrote: »
    You are all welcome to your own opinion, however I am not here to sell you shakes or sell you ON to shakes. It has worked for me before and is already working for me again. Anyone else here working too much night shift in an ICU AND trying to farm 3 acres? What is the difference to you if I use Isagenix vs. Vega vs Sun Warrior? Nothing. I found what works for me and that is that. I work 3 sometimes 4 sometimes 5 night shifts a week and it is BUSY. Isagenix gives me a great option, in what would otherwise be a shift that I don't eat at all.
    I'm curious why the choice has to be between a commercial shake and nothing.

    On my off days I try to stick to a modified Paleo. Using this method I lost 30 pounds in the years before nursing school and kept it off until the stress of school led me down the path of Mac and Cheese and ramen. Since I have been back on track in a month I have already lost 10 pounds and I am still going. I like the shakes, I feel better having 1-2 a day. There is no yo-yo for me. In my off days sticking to a clean, low to no carb, high protein high fat diet fits my lifestyle which is why its pretty sustainable for me.
    Could it be that a restrictive diet contributed to a longing for Mac and Cheese and ramen? The definition of sustainable would include being able to stick with it also through stressful periods. We can do anything as long as life doesn't come in our way, but it tends to do just that.

    Come on guys, I eat out of my garden and from meat we raise/kill ourselves most meals. Is it perfect? Not even close. But I'm getting results, feeling better, and I know this is a lifestyle I can keep, so... isn't that the point?
    Eating for optimal health has nothing to do with being perfect. Almost the opposite. It's about enjoying life and food and not worrying, eating what you want when you need it.

    Jakep2323 wrote: »
    Jakep2323 wrote: »
    You are all welcome to your own opinion, however I am not here to sell you shakes or sell you ON to shakes. It has worked for me before and is already working for me again. Anyone else here working too much night shift in an ICU AND trying to farm 3 acres? What is the difference to you if I use Isagenix vs. Vega vs Sun Warrior? Nothing. I found what works for me and that is that. I work 3 sometimes 4 sometimes 5 night shifts a week and it is BUSY. Isagenix gives me a great option, in what would otherwise be a shift that I don't eat at all. On my off days I try to stick to a modified Paleo. Using this method I lost 30 pounds in the years before nursing school and kept it off until the stress of school led me down the path of Mac and Cheese and ramen. Since I have been back on track in a month I have already lost 10 pounds and I am still going. I like the shakes, I feel better having 1-2 a day. There is no yo-yo for me. In my off days sticking to a clean, low to no carb, high protein high fat diet fits my lifestyle which is why its pretty sustainable for me. Come on guys, I eat out of my garden and from meat we raise/kill ourselves most meals. Is it perfect? Not even close. But I'm getting results, feeling better, and I know this is a lifestyle I can keep, so... isn't that the point?

    If this method doesn't work for you, I'm not here to tell you you're wrong unlike how many of these replies are going. Not really sure how searching for some diary sharing friends turned into "Oh my god you use a shake system I don't agree with lets comment and change your ways".

    Losing, gaining, losing is the definition of yo-yoing. You do realize you just described it immediately beforing claiming you don't do it?

    You read the OPs whole passage and this was all you picked up on? Shows a desire for the OP to be in the wrong. Desperately making her out to be a hypocrite. Not a nice quality in a person at all.
    The OP has attributed the increase weight to stress and has a very busy life by all accounts. Im not in favour of Isogenix but with that lifestyle it is not the worst thing and cant hurt.

    No. It's not the only thing I picked up on. I didn't realize I wasn't allowed to point something out without commenting on absolutely everything else. I also don't 'desire for her to be wrong' and I was not trying to make her out to a hypocrite. Sometimes people just don't notice things for themselves and other things can't be improved on until a person sees the possible entirety of the situation.

    You want to tell me anything else you think you know about me based on your misinterpretation of my comment?

    I didn't misinterpret it - it was negative and you just sought to find something negative despite the OP leading quite a commendable life. Do you have anything to contribute or assist this thread or the OP? Or did you just pop in to find a quick negative in the OP's defense of using shakes? Easier to dissect a point than to make one
    This is interesting. You are pinpointing why so many disagreements arise. What I (and Wynterbourne) would call "analysis", you call "dissect". The words have the same meaning, but different connotations. Finding something negative can be the same as locating the problem. The action of being negative can be the same as looking for a solution, depending on how you look at it.

    I like your response to my comment as you are right. Of course 'looking for a solution' is assuming there is a problem, but is there a problem ;) OP asking for similar friends, not for an issue to be resolved
    You are correct as to what is presented initially and on the surface (looking for friends and support) - but getting more details and digging deeper reveals something else (looking for an easier approach).

    I guess it's the lazy part of me that wants everybody to choose the path of less resistance :p
  • hollystephenson94
    OH MY GOD I can't even read all the comments above me but I love you and you're an awesome person! Nobody needs to prove anything