Saral2013 Member


  • I like bone marrow, but I don't think I could eat organ meats and/or stomach contents. I guess I better stick to smoothies so I can get some vegetables into my diet.
  • I try to avoid the microwave as much as possible, but it can be difficult at work. I also avoid reheating anything in plastic containers, the smell is gross. I have a small grill and plan to start using it very soon, I love the taste of grilled meats and veggies. Thank you for the suggestions on protein vs fat. I am trying…
  • I do force myself to eat certain foods because I know they are good for me. Some foods, though, I can't. The gag reflex is too much. As I make progress in removing all unnecessary sugar from my diet, I hope the taste of some foods will improve. Can't do much about texture, though.
  • That's a great suggestion. I'll have to give that a try. Thanks!
  • I don't have an issue with Candida (thank God!), and I wasn't aware that it could have an effect on tastebuds. Interesting...
  • Thank you everyone for the suggestions. I've been working on some recipes and so far so good. I like smoothies and have been preparing them with frozen berries, spinach or kale, vegan protein powder, collagen peptides, as well as chia seeds. This way, I can have the vegetables, without them tasting bitter, and I get full…
  • I don't believe I'm allergic to latex, and don't know about ragweed. I've had terrible digestive reactions to mango since childhood, and pineapple came up on the results (but it's not something I eat often). I don't know if I'm developing new intolerances, but I guess it's possible.
  • Hi Twibbly, There are certain veggies I can eat when reheated (asparagus and broccoli). Proteins, tend to be the main problem. Chicken takes on a very unpleasant smell and taste, and even beef tastes off. I will look into the links you posted for ideas. Hi Akimajuktuq, I grew up in another country where we ate a lot of…
  • Thank you, Dragonwolf. I didn't know there was a name for my picky palate. ;) I have been concerned with the lack of vegetables in my diet but now feel better after reading that post. I tried ghee, but it probably had some leftover protein because it made me sick. I have increased my meat intake, while trying to stay…
  • Hi everyone, I'm Sara from Colorado and my goal is to lose 25 pounds. I have struggled with my weight since I hit puberty and have tried and failed at many, many diets. For the past two years I've lost and gained the same 10 pounds, over and over. I've tried low-carb diets in the past; most recently the Paleo Diet and I…