

  • I also drink 50-80 ounces of water a day.
  • What is intermittent fasting?
  • I don't track regularly.. For today I had a Small iced coffee black 1 sugar Muscle milk 1.5 cups protein cheerios with organic milk Tuna with light mayo on 100 calorie fiber one bread(2 pieces) Half bag of steam fresh mixed veggies(corn, green beans, carrots) I don't have a food scale, I will buy one this weekend. My…
  • I really focus on my macros during the week. Lots of chicken/fish, veggies. I only drink water during the week about 50-80 ounces of water a day
  • I'm trying to stay at 1500 calories. I don't log everyday however my diet isnt bad during the week.. And it's pretty much the same everyday. It's the weekend that kills me. I've gotten much better with my portions. I've added running into my workout routine about a month ago, I try to run 2-3 miles 5 days a week on top of…