Need encouragement!

I am 5'9 175 pounds and I am having so much trouble losing weight. I haven't lost a single pound since September 2013. I gained 80 pounds with my daughter and since she was born in March 2013 I've lost 75 which I know is a major accomplishment but I just want to lose the last 5. I've been working my butt off harder than I did before I got pregnant and I was thinner then. I've tried switching it up, eating right.. Everything and nothing is working any encouragement would be great!!


  • daynerz
    daynerz Posts: 227 Member
    Congrats on the weight loss. You can do it again, you are the captain of your soul. Have you tried intermittent fasting, or fasting once or twice a week and given your bodily machine a break
  • joeysgirl10
    joeysgirl10 Posts: 106 Member
    Are you sure you are eating enough calories? Sometimes you need to eat more to jumpstart your metabolism... I try eating something small every few hours to keep metabolism going...
  • skullshank
    skullshank Posts: 4,323 Member
    Are you sure you are eating enough calories? Sometimes you need to eat more to jumpstart your metabolism... I try eating something small every few hours to keep metabolism going...


    before we suggest more food, lets see if we can find out from the OP what she's currently doing.

    OP, are you tracking everything you eat? with a food scale?

    if not, i suggest you start there. we are notoriously bad at estimating measurements.

    what is your target intake for the day? where did you get that number?
    how are you calculating your burn estimates?

    what do you mean by "eating right"?

  • shrodas22
    shrodas22 Posts: 7
    edited October 2014
    I don't track regularly.. For today I had a

    Small iced coffee black 1 sugar
    Muscle milk
    1.5 cups protein cheerios with organic milk
    Tuna with light mayo on 100 calorie fiber one bread(2 pieces)
    Half bag of steam fresh mixed veggies(corn, green beans, carrots)

    I don't have a food scale, I will buy one this weekend. My intake for the day is 1500 I got it via My fitness pal. And according to my fitbit I burn anywhere from 250-350 calories in an hour. My exercises include spin, running, TRX, kickboxing, lifting, rowing,walking, and interval training.
  • What is intermittent fasting?
  • I also drink 50-80 ounces of water a day.
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    Unless you are weighing and measuring everything, you have no clue how much you're really eating. Start there.