Need encouragement!

I am 5'9 175 pounds and I am having so much trouble losing weight. I haven't lost a single pound since September 2013. I gained 80 pounds with my daughter and since she was born in March 2013 I've lost 75 which I know is a major accomplishment but I just want to lose the last 5. I've been working my butt off harder than I did before I got pregnant and I was thinner then. I've tried switching it up, eating right.. Everything and nothing is working any encouragement would be great!!


  • StaciMarie1974
    StaciMarie1974 Posts: 4,138 Member
    Do you weigh all your solid food, log what you eat/drink accurately & honestly every day? What is your calorie intake goal?
  • I'm trying to stay at 1500 calories. I don't log everyday however my diet isnt bad during the week.. And it's pretty much the same everyday. It's the weekend that kills me. I've gotten much better with my portions. I've added running into my workout routine about a month ago, I try to run 2-3 miles 5 days a week on top of lifting and I haven't lost a single pound like I thought I would. I have noticed my stomach is slimming but I just expected a pound or two
  • I really focus on my macros during the week. Lots of chicken/fish, veggies. I only drink water during the week about 50-80 ounces of water a day
  • StaciMarie1974
    StaciMarie1974 Posts: 4,138 Member
    If you're not logging accurately/honestly - and not weighing all your food - you don't know how many calories you are eating. Assuming your BMR is ~1600 (I don't know your age, went with 30) then you likely use at least 2000 calories per day. Eating 1500-1600 per day should show results over time.

    Perhaps try this for 4-6 weeks:

    Mon-Fri aim for 1500-1600. Sat-Sun aim for 2000. Weigh everything solid. Measuring cups only for liquids. Accounting for cooking oils, condiments, beverages, etc. The higher calories on the weekend (maintenance level) will help if you feel you need more then.

    If you're only logging sometimes, and falling apart with what you consume on the weekends: there's the problem. The solution is consistency, and time/patience.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    this usually takes a couple years.
  • merrymary615
    merrymary615 Posts: 6 Member
    Something that has worked for me: On September 4, I started doing 5:2 and have lost 9-10 pounds. I eat regular five days and then eat only 500 calories on each of the other two days (600 for men). On the non-fast days, I do not gorge myself, but I also don't keep track of calories and have had pizza, cookies, ice cream, hamburger & fries... On the fast days (usually Monday and Thursday), I might have a crunchy taco and some raw veggies for lunch and a large Wendy's chili for dinner. Today I am having a Hormel Compleat dinner and fresh strawberries for lunch and a WW meal and small salad for dinner. I keep low-sodium, low-fat broth on hand for the times I need a little something between meals. I choose not to make my own meals on fast days because I know I would overeat and it's hard to get the calorie count exact. Weird, but I look forward to my "fast" days. If I crave something, it's okay because I know i can have it the very next day. I feel better, it's easy and flexible, and it's something I think I can do long term. Besides losing weight, the health benefits are supposed to be great.