klkc2005 Member


  • August 2016 vs. now
  • Hi, i've been doing this for about a month and I've lost 6.8 pounds. I generally do 17/7 and count calories. This group is not very active. If you want a group to ask questions to, get advice, and share successes with, join the facebook group: intermittent fasting for women 16:8. This group is very active and supportive.
  • I know you posted this a while ago but just now seeing it. I wouldn't put too much stock into what the scale says about fat or muscle loss. Those scales haven't been found to be the most accurate indicators of how much fat and muscle we actually have. That being said, if you want more muscle, i think you need to focus on…
  • Hi everyone, I'm Lisa and 50. I have lost over 50 pounds so far but have been stuck for about a month in a plateau so I decided to try IF to shake things up a bit. I'm about 10 pounds from my goal weight. I started IF last night and thought i would start with 14 hours but i made it the whole 16 hours. The last hour was…
  • I’ve been planking every day. I don’t really know how many minutes I do every day but it’s anywhere from 2 min to 6 Mina day. Not at once. I’m now also doing extreme planks. We have a new puppy who tries to bite my ears, nose, hair, or whatever he can get ahold of. Makes planking a lot more interesting. Lol
  • I've been going to pf since about Thanksgiving and I love it. I started out doing just the elliptical and the 30 minute workout cause i was a little intimidated by the weight machines. Now I'm doing the elliptical, the arc trainer, and most of the equipment. I have stayed away from the free weights and the weight things…
  • Newbie here-not to planks but to any challenges on here. I'm starting late but i'll still do at least 60 min. My core definitely needs it.
  • Steroids can make you gain weight. I was on them for a short time and had a hard time losing. That being said, it's not impossible. Sometimes you do have to just shake things up a bit. Maybe try a new workout routine, eat more protein and fiber (filling but not a ton of calories). Don't beat yourself up over this. Take…
  • Hi, I'm Lisa from Pennsylvania. I just turned 50, married with 2 kids both in college (my son is going for game design and development). I have 1 dog. i'm 2.8 pounds away from 50 pounds lost. I will send you a friend request if i can figure it out. lol
  • I started at about 218 and am stalled around172. I work out and log everything here. I like the accountability and support. Please feel free to add me if you want.
  • I feel your pain. I’ve been stuck for over a month and getting frustrated but not giving up! Feel free to add me if you want.
  • I'm 50 and have lost almost 50 pounds. I've lost it rather slowly and i try to use a good moisturizer all over most days. I am pleased to say that i have very little sagging. Good luck and remember that moisturizing and plenty of water are your best friends.
  • I am so sorry that you are going through this. My faith is very important to me and is essential to who i am and is essential to my overall health-spiritual, emotional, physical. You are in my thoughts and prayers. If you would like to add me as a friend, please feel free to do so.
  • You can add me. I could use the support also.
  • Thank you everyone. I know I've come a long way and i see it in pictures but sometimes when i look in the mirror, the old me creeps in. I need to start taking pictures again.
  • how about use if to get something nice for yourself as a reward or new workout clothes.
  • I'm in. I have 10 stubborn pounds I want to lose before my 50th birthday next month. I can use all the support I can get. Starting weight - 218 Current weight - 179.8 November Goal - 173 Ultimate goal- 169 by 12/28/17 (my 50th birthday) I haven't seen the 160's since before my first pregnancy 22 years ago. 3rd- 10th - 17th…
  • Hi, i sent you a request. Friends who are in this journey together are the best support. You're doing amazing!
  • Asparagus. I love, love, love asparagus!
  • I recently started to do more hiit type workouts with dumbells and body weight exercises. I thought that the extra protein would help my muscles repair post workout and would help me to not to overeat after my workouts. I have about 10 pounds of stubborn weight so as i try to lose this weight, I want to get rid of some of…
  • Thanks everyone for the advice and suggestions. I am now feeling more overwhelmed and frustrated-thinking how hard I've been working to lose this weight and to think that I may be eating way more than I think I am. UGH! Very disheartening. I never wanted to be tied down to a scale but I think i'm going to bite the bullet…
    in HELP Comment by klkc2005 October 2017
  • i go by what a serving size is. if a serving is a cup, that's what I count it as. If i have a slice of bread or fruit or whatever I see what a serving size is and that's what I enter the number of servings I have.
    in HELP Comment by klkc2005 October 2017
  • Any suggestions on a food scale? I've never used one and i'm not even really sure how to incorporate it?
    in HELP Comment by klkc2005 October 2017
  • I log everything i eat. When i do go over on my eating, i never completely lose control and I know I'm at a deficit for the week every week. I know i'm eating a lot less than I was eating 4 weeks ago. I was eating a lot and not even getting in my steps. I'm going to keep at it because i do feel good at least and I'm going…
    in HELP Comment by klkc2005 October 2017
  • I don't weigh my food. I've never done that but I do watch my portions and I have all but given up snacking. I do occasionally have cake and/or ice cream but I always make up for it by either eating less during the day or exercising more. I've never had this problem before.
    in HELP Comment by klkc2005 October 2017
  • I started at 218 on May 26th so it took a little less than 3 months. I am now at 198.6. I was so excited to get to wonderland. I'm hoping to never see the terrible 2's again.
  • Mine is pretty simple but it has really helped me to take care of myself. "I deserve to be happy."
  • You didn't give very much information so not sure what is going on but remember this-things will get better and you are probably much stronger than what you believe. Do something today that you enjoy and take care of yourself. Dark days are inevitable for all of us. Don't give up!
  • I wish I had easy access to a pool. If I have to go somewhere to work out, i'm not going to do it. It's sad but true. I am going to look into the arm and upper body exercises.