emmillyyyy Member


  • It sounds like you are doing great so far, congrats! As far as getting your heart rate up, try walking faster. Speed walk for a short period of time in the middle of your walk and gradually increase that. I am not overweight and am in relatively good shape, and I can get in a pretty good cardio workout upping the intensity…
  • As for exercise, the easiest exercise to convince yourself to do is walking. Go on short walks together, then eventually long walks, and then hikes. You can use a pedometer (or a smartphone) to keep track or compete with each other.
  • Don't cut out carbs completely. They are needed for life and a very low carb diet i difficult to stick with. Just try to switch out processed carbs (white bread,etc) for whole grains. Just track on MFP, take it's advice, and keep researching!
  • I assume you know most people here will tell you that's very unhealthy. Maybe you and your husband together could have a sober-night-out or invite your friends for a dinner party where you cook healthier food. Also what is your size and how active are you? I am average height and around the top end of healthy BMI and if I…
  • I'm sure your specialist knows more than me, but I thought there were ways to supplement iron more than 1/10th. Several studies found negative effects with large iron supplements, but they were following people taking more than 100mg a day (up to 400mg) which is clearly too much. If you can't get enough from meat ask if…
  • Protein-wise: I eat SO many beans. I add cannelini beans (lowest fat) to my salads and soups and stir frys, make black bean mexican salads, make my own hummus for sandwiches and dips, and I make roasted chick peas for a crunchy snack.
  • For those of us stuck with cheap blenders-- I blend the leafy greens and liquid together first for a while and then add fruit or ice. It doesn't work as well as a vitamix, but I almost never have to drink leaf chunks anymore.