Is this ok?

I consume 600-800 calories 4-5 days a week and then "splurge" and have my drinks on the weekend. My weekly calorie count averages 1100-1300 daily. My husband did this (and still is) and dropped 20 lbs in 2 months. I've been doing it 3 weeks and ave barely lost. Will it come if I keep eating this way? We are very social and usually have plans that are centered around dinner/bars multiple times a weekend. I try to make better choices there, but I don't want to give it up.


  • AskTracyAnnK28
    AskTracyAnnK28 Posts: 2,817 Member
    I just don't think that consuming that little amount of calories is healthy. The fact that you're not losing may indicate that you're eating more than you think you are? And when you say "barely lost"...what does that mean?
  • Maxematics
    Maxematics Posts: 2,287 Member
    The first thing; what does "barely lost" mean? I'd like to know what your expectations are and how much you've lost thus far.
  • deluxmary2000
    deluxmary2000 Posts: 981 Member
    I think you already know that this isn't a healthy way to eat. There's no way you are hitting your macros on any single day of the week. Also, I find it difficult to fathom that you are really only eating 600-800 calories during the week. Could you open your diary?
    If you two are really interested in getting healthier as a couple, you should find other ways to be social that don't center around dinner and bars. Not saying you have to drop it out completely, but if your lifestyle is focused on food and alcohol, then you need to evaluate a lifestyle change.
  • emmillyyyy
    emmillyyyy Posts: 7 Member
    I assume you know most people here will tell you that's very unhealthy. Maybe you and your husband together could have a sober-night-out or invite your friends for a dinner party where you cook healthier food.
    Also what is your size and how active are you? I am average height and around the top end of healthy BMI and if I don't exercise at all maintenance is about 1200 calories daily.
  • jaynee7283
    jaynee7283 Posts: 160 Member
    Clearly what works for your husband does not work for you. And how overweight was he compared to you? If he had 60 pounds to lose, then yes it would work. But if you only have 15, it most likely would not.

    What is your weigh-in day compared to the weekend? If it's Monday morning, then change it, because alcohol has negative effects on the body that can affect weight. Change it to Friday morning, so that after the weekend you have a few days for your body to get rid of the negative effects of the alcohol.

    Do you exercise? If you add that into the mix, then you won't need to starve yourself during the week - just apply half the burned calories towards your alcohol intake on the weekend.

    Having said that, I think you need to figure out a way to eat 1200 calories a day and have just 1-2 drinks when you go out. Or find other things to do as part of your social life that don't center around food/alcohol.
  • caroldavison332
    caroldavison332 Posts: 864 Member
    If you want to be healthy you need to eat for strength. That will include lots of veggies, protein and some carbs. It doesn't look like you are doing that. The alcohol calories you are consuming are pure carb which some believe it what puts the weight on. Also, if you are drinking so much that you can eat only 700 calories a day, you may have a drinking problem. I challenge you to stop drinking for the reminder of Lent, or until March 27th, and see how hard it is to do. If it is really hard, you may be an alcoholic.
  • AskTracyAnnK28
    AskTracyAnnK28 Posts: 2,817 Member
    I can understand 'banking' 50-100 calories a few days a week in order to enjoy a few weekend cocktails...but how much are you and hubby drinking?

    Also, I read somewhere (I need to find the link) that your body processing alcohol differently than other things - making it difficult to lose weight if you drink on a regular basis.

    Here's one article...but there are tons out there. Just Google "Alcohol and weight loss"
  • KrysGettinFit
    KrysGettinFit Posts: 131 Member
    I honestly don't think that's healthy, eating that few calories. :-/ I know I'd get a headache and not be a very happy camper. You can eat healthy and go out and be social. Just limit how much you're drinking and the fried foods etc you're eating. Maybe 1-2 drinks instead of 2-4 which I know can be hard when you're out with friends and having a good time but if you're committed to losing weight you can do it.
  • kd_mazur
    kd_mazur Posts: 569 Member
    It is not likely the most healthy way to eat, however, if you are truly eating at those calorie levels and not losing perhaps you are not accurately counting calories and may be eating more than you think.
  • ClosetBayesian
    ClosetBayesian Posts: 836 Member
    binabodu wrote: »
    I consume 600-800 calories 4-5 days a week and then "splurge" and have my drinks on the weekend. My weekly calorie count averages 1100-1300 daily. My husband did this (and still is) and dropped 20 lbs in 2 months. I've been doing it 3 weeks and ave barely lost. Will it come if I keep eating this way? We are very social and usually have plans that are centered around dinner/bars multiple times a weekend. I try to make better choices there, but I don't want to give it up.

    If you ate 800 calories 5 days a week, you'd need two days at 2500 to make an average of 1285 calories per day. I like alcohol, too, but... good gosh. That's a lot of booze.

    Anyway. If you're not losing, something is off with your logging somewhere. Do you use a food scale when you do eat?
  • CaptainJoy
    CaptainJoy Posts: 257 Member
    I think you already know that this isn't a healthy way to eat. There's no way you are hitting your macros on any single day of the week. Also, I find it difficult to fathom that you are really only eating 600-800 calories during the week. Could you open your diary?
    If you two are really interested in getting healthier as a couple, you should find other ways to be social that don't center around dinner and bars. Not saying you have to drop it out completely, but if your lifestyle is focused on food and alcohol, then you need to evaluate a lifestyle change.

    I do not think the OP is aiming for healthy eating, only weight loss where she can still party on the weekends. By keeping her calories between 600 and 800 per day during the week, her weekend splurging of 2,000-4,000 calories per day on Friday and Saturday night would still be a deficit and she should lose weight.

    I know someone years ago that did this and she developed anorexia and became very ill. It is certainly not healthy even though it could lead to short term weight loss. The problem is the calories consumed on the weekend are estimates. They are usually calorie dense, like salty nuts and pizza, and not easy to keep track of while drinking. Alcohol also contains a lot of calories and most people have a hard time keeping exact tabs on their alcoholic beverages. What seems like 2500 calories easily becomes 4500 or more. It's nearly impossible to log, weigh, and carefully track all food eaten during the week to make allowances for the extra calories from alcohol and eating out. It ends up being a guesstimate and causes a lot of people to fail in their weight loss journeys.
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    binabodu wrote: »
    I consume 600-800 calories 4-5 days a week and then "splurge" and have my drinks on the weekend. My weekly calorie count averages 1100-1300 daily. My husband did this (and still is) and dropped 20 lbs in 2 months. I've been doing it 3 weeks and ave barely lost. Will it come if I keep eating this way? We are very social and usually have plans that are centered around dinner/bars multiple times a weekend. I try to make better choices there, but I don't want to give it up.

    If you ate 800 calories 5 days a week, you'd need two days at 2500 to make an average of 1285 calories per day. I like alcohol, too, but... good gosh. That's a lot of booze.

    Anyway. If you're not losing, something is off with your logging somewhere. Do you use a food scale when you do eat?

    To be fair, I can easily drink 3-4 beers, and some of them can get up to 300 calories (although if they're that high alcohol content, it's likely only 2-3). My biggest issue is that once I start drinking, I start making bad food choices. Surely I'm not the only one...

    OP, I save up calories for the weekends too, but I find it much easier to set a reasonable calorie goal, and then set aside 1-200 calories per day for the weekend. I don't think that eating 600ish calories all week is a good idea. It is very doubtful that you're getting the nutrition your body needs, especially since I doubt the food you are splurging on over the weekend is micronutrient dense.
  • binabodu
    binabodu Posts: 120 Member
    Well that escalated quickly, I am now an anorexic unhealthy alcoholic. Thanks guys.

    I run 3-5 days a week, I have way more weight to lose than my hubby. I'm not comfortable sharing my weight, but I want to lose 60-70 lbs and I've lost 3.8 in 3 weeks.

    If I can figure out how to open my diary, I will. I really am eating that amount and use a food scale/measuring.
  • jayjay_90
    jayjay_90 Posts: 83 Member
    Pardon me if its been suggested already but are there healthier alcoholic drink alternatives you could choose to lower how many calories you're consuming on the weekend (which then in turn means you can up your daily calories to something more substantial).
    I.e: vodka with a diet mixer vs a Guinness.

    I often have social obligations that enter around drinks as well but I've just started to change my order, like I'm more likely to choose a light beer and sip it slower.

    Also, if you are running 3-5 days a week on such little calories you are going to burn out quick. I'm a runner too and I couldn't imagine eating so little.
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    binabodu wrote: »
    Well that escalated quickly, I am now an anorexic unhealthy alcoholic. Thanks guys.

    I run 3-5 days a week, I have way more weight to lose than my hubby. I'm not comfortable sharing my weight, but I want to lose 60-70 lbs and I've lost 3.8 in 3 weeks.

    If I can figure out how to open my diary, I will. I really am eating that amount and use a food scale/measuring.

    Are you eating back the calories from when you run or are you eating a gross 600 calories during the week days?

    I could see you crashing hard trying to do that.

    And you're losing a pound a week, which is a decent rate, so you are losing.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,996 Member
    binabodu wrote: »
    Well that escalated quickly, I am now an anorexic unhealthy alcoholic. Thanks guys.

    I run 3-5 days a week, I have way more weight to lose than my hubby. I'm not comfortable sharing my weight, but I want to lose 60-70 lbs and I've lost 3.8 in 3 weeks.

    If I can figure out how to open my diary, I will. I really am eating that amount and use a food scale/measuring.

    Change your Diary Sharing settings to Public here:
  • singingflutelady
    singingflutelady Posts: 8,736 Member
    binabodu wrote: »
    Well that escalated quickly, I am now an anorexic unhealthy alcoholic. Thanks guys.

    I run 3-5 days a week, I have way more weight to lose than my hubby. I'm not comfortable sharing my weight, but I want to lose 60-70 lbs and I've lost 3.8 in 3 weeks.

    If I can figure out how to open my diary, I will. I really am eating that amount and use a food scale/measuring.

    I can see how people might think you are anorexic if you only eat 600 calories 5 days a week and exercise on top of that.
  • I_Will_End_You
    I_Will_End_You Posts: 4,397 Member
    edited February 2016
    Nearly 4lbs in three weeks is a good loss. You may have unrealistic expectations if you think otherwise. As far as your eating plan....I do something similar, but I don't use all of my weekend calories on alcohol, I use it on mostly food (and a little bit of alcohol). I have it planned to maintain my weight perfectly. I don't think your plan is nutritionally sound if you're eating 700 calories a day, and then filling the rest in with just booze.

    ETA: You probably are averaging more than you think. If you spend a lot of time at bars and restaurants, your weekend logging is probably way off. You may be hitting 600-800 during the week, but probably far more than you think on the weekends.
  • emmycantbemeeko
    emmycantbemeeko Posts: 303 Member
    edited February 2016
    This is a sketchy approach for both weigh loss and health for many reasons that other people have illustrated above, but 3.8 lbs in 3 weeks is a very good rate of loss, more than one pound a week. It is definitely not "barely losing."

    Your expectations for weight loss need adjusting to reality. And even if you don't enjoy hearing that this is a pretty disordered way to eat (you can't possibly be hitting micro and macro nutrient requirements during the week, and if any significant portion of your calories on the weekend are alcohol, you're not hitting them then, either), it's still true.

    Eating at that level of restriction plus working out = nutritional deficits and lean muscle loss. You body still needs those calories you're not eating during the week to function on those days, and it won't just take them from your fat stores, it will take them from your muscles as well. Over time this will slow your metabolism, weaken you, raise your body fat percentage, and create a softer, saggier body.
  • candiejayne
    candiejayne Posts: 37 Member
    I haven't researched it, but I heard once (in weight watchers) that a lack of food can have the same affect as eating too many. It was something about the body goes into a "shock" and starts to store up what it's getting for fear of not getting enough to "survive". If I'm wrong on this, I'm sorry for bad information, but to me it makes sense.

    Also, wtg on the 3.8. 1-2 lbs a week is amazing and the best rate for it to stay off in the future! :)