

  • I can admit when I started slacking on eating myself out of being busy with my son and we'll keeping up with the house and well keeping others happy. ( I know I know but idk I'm a but of a people pleaser) anyway point is my milk supply dropped and it was hard to pump anything at all after breastfeeding. So I kinda started…
  • I'm still pregnant and trying to get back into the habit of keeping track to it feels natural again. I'm planning on breastfeeding and will be induced on Monday. I'd love to be friends, we can never have too much encouragement and support. In this case someone who'll be going throw the same thing.
  • Have you tried putting fruit in your water? It infuses the water with the flavor without the calories. Kinda tricking the mind into thinking it's had something more. However for a long turn fix, have you tried having green apples for snacks? Their have the fiber to keep you fuller longer. Also from my super dieting days I…
  • I've also maintained but I'm not really trying yet. I'm trying to get back into the swing of things a week early, make it part of my daily routine. To get encouragement and be supportive for others as well as look for a lil for myself. I'm being induced next Monday. Then I'll start trying to loss the extra baby weight we…
  • I also use it, Pure Protein brand. I usually make a shake, freeze it and take it to "snack" on through out the day. It helped me lose 60 lbs and has helped me get the extra calories/protein through out my pregnancy. I put a half a scoop in my cereal and I make cookies with it as well. I have a scheduled induction next…
  • @ctrewin5‌ no not my first child, we had a son 5 yrs ago and it was the reason I was looking for help losing the weight after he was born. I'd gained nearly 60 lbs during that pregnancy. Thinking "it's OK I'm pregnant". It took me almost 2 yrs to drop the extra weight.
  • Mine isn't here yet but their inducing Feb 2, 2015. I noticed your post started this yr on Jan 21st. Hopefully we can be supportive and encouraging to each other.
  • Still pregnant but planking on breastfeeding my son when he's born. Being induced on Feb 2nd. If there a group I can join?
  • Omg in a Nutshell that was perfect. Thank you
  • For my height I was at a good weight and size before I got pregnant. Actually the healthiest I've been my whole life. My Dr was the one who gave me the calorie goal and suggested I keep track. Our son is a week and 3 days further along in size then he needs be, however his father is 6' 2" 185 lbs. We had our first internal…
  • Yes, Have you ever gotten out of a ticket? How?
  • Ok lil question for you ... I'm pregnant should I change my calorie intake amount?
  • Thank you all for the wonderful information and advice.
  • Thank you, what you've described is pretty much how I eat. I had again 10 lbs by the 6 month mark but then this last month lost 4 of the 10. My work I'm not usually on my feet but I do have two dogs I walk everyday and lots off running around that I do. I'm currently at a 2050 calorie intake goal. Almost never reach it.…
  • I know and yes I eat more then carrots. I was using to show that I'm trying to eat healthy.
  • Yep cheese is part of my all day snacking, I usually have the Greek yogurt a few times a week, and same with the avocado mixed in our salads. Along with the peanut butter but in my family there is a very high risk of diabetes so we avoid processed sugars and carbs. It and heart disease was one of the reasons I decided to…