Logging Exercise
So I stopped logging my exercise because it adds to my calorie intake and then my mind thinks it's ok to eat a lil more. Doesn't that defeat the purpose? Anyone else where I'm at with the app?
New Mummy
Well I guess I still have a lil time before I'm really back but I figured I'd get myself back into the swing of things. I'm currently 9 months pregnant being induced on Feb 2nd. I was part of the My Fitness Pal Community before. I'd been trying to lose weight so that I could get pregnant. Goal accomplished! I've only…
So I know some might get a lil peeved at me but read it all before you judge. I've been using "my fitness pal" for a few years now. Along with a heAlthier diet then I've ever had in my life. In that time I've gone from a size 24 to a size 8 and dropped and kept off almost 80 pounds. Well when I got pregnant I stopped using…