New Mummy

Well I guess I still have a lil time before I'm really back but I figured I'd get myself back into the swing of things.

I'm currently 9 months pregnant being induced on Feb 2nd. I was part of the My Fitness Pal Community before. I'd been trying to lose weight so that I could get pregnant. Goal accomplished!

I've only gained 18 lbs and I'm hoping to lose every lil ounce I gained while I've been pregnant. I saved all my old jeans and I've been told that because of my age I'm not going to be able to lose the "baby weight". I go went down froma size 22 to a size 8 before getting pregnant. Having my brother-in-law tell me, I won't lose it. Is just motivation for me to get back into my size 8.

I've decided to breastfeed because it's said to help with weight lose.

Any other new mommies out there?


  • BabyWeight821
    BabyWeight821 Posts: 24 Member
    I have a 5 month old, I didn't BF but feel free to add me for support!